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Terrorist attack against IMC Athens

the IMC Athens collective | 01.10.2002 18:24

[Please read the links too- they are all in english!]

Terror is spread on a daily basis through TV and the rest of the mass media. Newspapers and electronic media, faithful to their role - which includes the spread of misinformation and the creation of social consent- pervert the truth, abuse reputations, falsify ideas and facts...

After the attacks against people belonging to the wider movement and against the Network for Political and Social Rights, it was the turn of Athens.Indymedia. The tele-judges and the rest of the tele-cannibals managed to reach a verdict, before their TV shows' end: «This site is supporting the terrorists; therefore it must be shut down and those responsible for it must be arrested».

The executive power lost no time. The head of the Department of Cyber Crime of the Greek Police begun an attempt to collect information and infiltrate the editorial group of IMC-Athens!

IMC-Athens is not going to give way to this new reality. Contrarily- facing it is its cause of existence. Indymedia is an international network of independent and participative information "centers" on the internet - and it is not the only one of its kind.

Its aim is that we all take information in our hands. The first step towards this is already done, as the majority of us have switched off our TV's a long, long time ago!

Today a demonstration against state and media terrorism is being held in Athens.

the IMC Athens collective
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