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Message of thanks to Indymedia UK

M | 30.09.2002 21:46

Great coverage of demo and build up of resistance to Iraq war

I would like to thank IMC UK and users posting up pics etc. for their efforts in reporting the biggest event since it's Indy's creation. The editorial coverage is very in-depth, reflecting the importance of the occasion. I noticed that the content was used as headline news on Indy International and quickly spread round the Indy network. Job well done.

From a Sept 28th marcher.



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...and they don't even draw salaries...

30.09.2002 23:01

...whatever did we do in the old days?

Harry Hangdog
mail e-mail: harryhangdog@loggerheads

Don't Hate The Media, Be The Media!

30.09.2002 23:48

Check out some of the other imc sites as well with reports of the 100,000 anti-war demo in Rome, the 700 or so arrests at the anti IMF and World Bank protests in Washington DC, and the press release from the NSW Police Minister in Australia calling for Indymedia Melbourne to be shut down along with 2 other websites in advance of Novembers anti-WTO protests.

Do Indymedia...

i agree

01.10.2002 11:03

i endorse M's comments, indymedia makes some mistakes etc, but when it comes to the big events it does a brialliant job,

but one point, now there are mass struggles in the uk again, indymedia need to broaden its viewer base, a good idea would be to have given out flyers, stickers etc with www addresss on on the demo, maybe next time?



Indymedia is a DIY disorganisation

01.10.2002 11:43

that means if you have a good idea DO IT YOURSELF (:

Head along to one of the monthly meetings if you need to know more.

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