John Pilger calls for direct action
Undercurrents | 29.09.2002 12:57
Pilger and others interviewed about Direct Action by Undercurrents at the Stop the War demonstration , London Sept 28 2002
Video interview
John Pilger Interview
All dissent has to go through a process and i think this is getting to a point of direct action and civil disobedience on a number of issues on war and peace in this country. This demonstration represents the majority, there is no doubt that the opinon polls show that the majority are against attacking iraq. The 350,000 who are here represent them
Scott Ritter, former UN weapns inspector
This demonstration sends a clear message to the Blair and Washington DC about the power of democracy so i think there is a role for demonstrations like this. If the government ignore it then i think it is time for more radical forms of civil disobedience but i would prefer to see peaceful demonstrations before you head down the path of civil disobedince
Ritters speech
I am an Amercian and i stand for what america stands for. america has laws which are set forth in the constituion which founded my great country and i reject the policies which Bush is pushing whoelheartedly. i would like to send 2 messages. First to PM Blaiir about his dossier on weapons of mass destruction. Mr Blair, i too share your concerns about weapons of mass destruction beacuse i know more about what iraq has than you, and i know what has been acheived in the field of disarnament
i know that while we did not account for every weapon in iraq and there are still things to be done in terms of disanment but i know that weapons inspections do work will work and can work if allowed to go back into iraq if allowed to go back in without the manipulation of Britain and the United States.
Two Muslims men interview with March in Background
Man on right- We are asking our MPs in parliment to stop this war becasue if we start this war, we will be klilling innocent people everywhere and the people of britain dont want to kill so who does Tony Blair represent? does he represent George Bush or does he represent the people of Britain?
man on left-I dont know who is saying these marches are ineffectrive. They are brining the nation and communities together which show the solidarity that people are agains the war. Perhaps what we can do is raise these issues with our local MPs in parliment
Ken Livingstone Mayor of London Speech
This as ten years ago is a war about oil, it is not a war about human rights, its not a war about weapons of mass destruction because there is only one regime in the middle east that has nuclear weapons and that is israel who has had nuclear weapons for 30 years and there is no one trying nto take those nuclear weapons away from Sharon. So it is once again hypocrisy and double standards as the US retains its imperial strangle hold on the oil producing regions of the world
Movie director, Ken Loach interview
There is no reason to kill 100,00 Iraqis again like we did last time. The problems start with the Palestinian injustice and that the country who is ignoring UN resolutions and that is armed to the teeth is Israel and bush and blair have a bad record on human rights. The US changed a democracy in chile to a murderous dictatorship so we shouldn't listen to them, we should listen to the people for justice in palestine
John Pilger Interview
All dissent has to go through a process and i think this is getting to a point of direct action and civil disobedience on a number of issues on war and peace in this country. This demonstration represents the majority, there is no doubt that the opinon polls show that the majority are against attacking iraq. The 350,000 who are here represent them
Scott Ritter, former UN weapns inspector
This demonstration sends a clear message to the Blair and Washington DC about the power of democracy so i think there is a role for demonstrations like this. If the government ignore it then i think it is time for more radical forms of civil disobedience but i would prefer to see peaceful demonstrations before you head down the path of civil disobedince
Ritters speech
I am an Amercian and i stand for what america stands for. america has laws which are set forth in the constituion which founded my great country and i reject the policies which Bush is pushing whoelheartedly. i would like to send 2 messages. First to PM Blaiir about his dossier on weapons of mass destruction. Mr Blair, i too share your concerns about weapons of mass destruction beacuse i know more about what iraq has than you, and i know what has been acheived in the field of disarnament
i know that while we did not account for every weapon in iraq and there are still things to be done in terms of disanment but i know that weapons inspections do work will work and can work if allowed to go back into iraq if allowed to go back in without the manipulation of Britain and the United States.
Two Muslims men interview with March in Background
Man on right- We are asking our MPs in parliment to stop this war becasue if we start this war, we will be klilling innocent people everywhere and the people of britain dont want to kill so who does Tony Blair represent? does he represent George Bush or does he represent the people of Britain?
man on left-I dont know who is saying these marches are ineffectrive. They are brining the nation and communities together which show the solidarity that people are agains the war. Perhaps what we can do is raise these issues with our local MPs in parliment
Ken Livingstone Mayor of London Speech
This as ten years ago is a war about oil, it is not a war about human rights, its not a war about weapons of mass destruction because there is only one regime in the middle east that has nuclear weapons and that is israel who has had nuclear weapons for 30 years and there is no one trying nto take those nuclear weapons away from Sharon. So it is once again hypocrisy and double standards as the US retains its imperial strangle hold on the oil producing regions of the world
Movie director, Ken Loach interview
There is no reason to kill 100,00 Iraqis again like we did last time. The problems start with the Palestinian injustice and that the country who is ignoring UN resolutions and that is armed to the teeth is Israel and bush and blair have a bad record on human rights. The US changed a democracy in chile to a murderous dictatorship so we shouldn't listen to them, we should listen to the people for justice in palestine
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Picture hyde park crowd.
29.09.2002 13:31
Picture hyde park crowd.
pic showing huge crowd
peace coalition
29.09.2002 19:54