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Uranium Is From Cold War West Germany, Probably made For The U.S. or U.K.!!!

Jesse | 29.09.2002 11:54

The uranium seized in Turkey is from cold war West Germany, Probably made For The U.S. or U.K.!!! Tell everyone, and kill this war monger propaganda in the bud!

According to this Reuters article, "Authorities believe the uranium came from an eastern European country".
But look at their own picture, and you'll see that the uranium case says, "Made in W. Germany"!
Not only was it made in west Germany, but it is written in english, implying it was made for the U.S. or U.K.! Don't let George Bush and Tony Blair get away with using this as an excuse to push the world into their bloody war for oil!



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Could it be that...

29.09.2002 17:52

It's not the Uranium, but the lead cylinder, that was made in Germany? And the fact that the lettering is in English doesn't mean it was destined for the UK or the US. It simply means that it was for export, English being the international language of commerce.


That's stretching it a bit

30.09.2002 06:14

Why would uranium from eastern Europe be removed from it's original cylinder (endangering the handler), and placed in a decrepit W. German cylinder?
