The U.S.-led world economy is in the tank, American corporate fraud scandals are threatening to explode, and the oil-soaked Bush League illegal regime needed a "trump card" to get itself out of this self-inflicted jam.
Voila, the W Warhawks team thus came up with a convenient but vicious "War on/of Terror" to silence both overseas & domestic critics. But, after all, what do you expect from the HQ of the Axis of Evil? And look who's in charge of this Imperialist War:
(A)shcroft, a GENERAL that couldn't beat a stiff John,
(B)ush, the illegally-selected Commander-in-Thief,
(C)heney, the slimy Halliburton Dick, and
(D)on Rumps-felt, the Warlord who never met a carpet-bomber he didn't like.
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Bush is just another Gangster for Capitalism
29.09.2002 02:11
Voila, the W Warhawks team thus came up with a convenient but vicious "War on/of Terror" to silence both overseas & domestic critics. But, after all, what do you expect from the HQ of the Axis of Evil? And look who's in charge of this Imperialist War:
(A)shcroft, a GENERAL that couldn't beat a stiff John,
(B)ush, the illegally-selected Commander-in-Thief,
(C)heney, the slimy Halliburton Dick, and
(D)on Rumps-felt, the Warlord who never met a carpet-bomber he didn't like.
29.09.2002 10:02