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Stop the War demonstration: Quotes of the day

london-x | 28.09.2002 19:11

The anti-war demo organised by Stop The War Coalition and supported by CND attracted over 450,000 demonstrations completely overshadowing the Countryside & Alliance march a week earlier. A policeman is on record saying that 50,000 were expected and 200,000 more had turned up in the early afternoon.


The Fox family said: 'We are here to protest against the killing of innocent people'

Ms Burgess, 20 said: 'I do not want innocent people to die because of oil, money and power'

Ms Hardy, 21 said: 'All this is a bit full on and unnecessary - it is like George Bush wants to avenge and my brother is in the RAF and I do not want him to go into war'

Mr Smith, 62 said: 'I have come here to represent the silent majority. I am now an apolitical but use to be a socialist. I disagree violently with the prime minister {tony Blair} not making it clear whether he would enter into taking pre-emptive action with only the US and no regard to international law and other countries'

Mr Ahmed, 23 said: 'I am against the war in the whole world because a lot of people are suffering and it seems to avoid killing some we are killing others'

Mr Kayani, 68 said: 'I am against the war for injustice and cruelty and the madness of Tony Blair‚s subservience to George Bush'

RH Shah and Family, Park Road, Wembley said: 'Innocent lives are being taken for materialistic causes like oil. Bush and Blair are murderers - free Palestine'



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Love from P-town

28.09.2002 19:29

From Portland, Oregon
Just wanted to say that over here, we're all so happy to see the news today. We all need a little inspiration now and again, and you guys just gave us SO MUCH!!!!


Lessons have been learned

28.09.2002 20:14

We've already learned that Israel's government and Mossad have been extra busy of late provoking and setting the stage for Middle East war, a historic war which will leave them alone in the Middle East with a huge arsenal of weapons of mass destruction including a new nuclear bomb armed submarine force and a vast secret arsenal of chemical and biological weapons (not to mention total American backing).

We've already learned from this week's unprecedented public warning and plea from Israeli academics that the Israeli government is preparing for 'ethnic cleansing' of at least some of the Palestinian population; another horrendous historic war crime may be looming; on top of all those already perpetrated.

We've already learned that the Bush Administration had focused on a crusade of 'regime-change', economic imperialism, and essentially world control much before the events now known as 9/11. And we've already learned that the most hard-line organizations and operatives which comprise the many elements of the powerful Israeli-Jewish lobby in Washington have essentially taken control of the Empire's key military and foreign policy institutions and policies.

It's time for dissent

We were marching with you

28.09.2002 20:38

We were with you in spirit all day long. Thank you, thank you for saying ALOUD what we've been vainly trying to get through to our Congress. Inspiring job!



29.09.2002 12:21


I missed all the speeches in Hyde Park, any chances of extracts being put up.


great to hear

29.09.2002 14:57

It is so great to see how huge this demo was. It was even perceived well on US tv which has failed to have any good anti-war coverage.

At the same time it saddens me that the US doesn't have this big of anti-war protests. Americans are so apathetic. We'll be having a peace vigil and some people will drive by and honk, wave, or give the peace sign. But why aren't those people in the streets, why aren't they at least calling their congressman.

US peace activist


30.09.2002 05:46

why don't we have a demonstation here in protest of starting war with iraq? pick a day, and go to d.c. and let the republicans know that there are still citizens out here that disagree with these corrupt decisions. i know there must be many of us so it seems a good time to stand united and have our voices heard.


war on war

30.09.2002 05:48

why don't we have a demonstation here in protest of starting war with iraq? pick a day, and go to d.c. and let the republicans know that there are still citizens out here that disagree with these corrupt decisions. i know there must be many of us so it seems a good time to stand united and have our voices heard.


Speeches and Washington demo

03.10.2002 18:34

Just a reply to those asking about putting the speeches online, and about a demo in America.
You can listen to the speeches given at, and I believe there's a demonstration coming up in Washington on the 26th October. More information about that one can be found at
All the best

PeaceNot War