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Solidarity from the US

Joe Hill | 28.09.2002 18:46

Way to go UK

If the people speak loud enough and speak in unison our voices will drown out the sounds of the war drums our "leaders" a banging, rage on comrades!

Joe Hill


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I'll second that ...

28.09.2002 19:30

Though I was stunned to see that CNN headline news didn't even mention the protest an hour or so ago. The folks that control our media REALLY don't want us to know about you guys.

Jody Paulson
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28.09.2002 19:34

More love from the belly of the beast. Thanks for the big moral boost!


Thanks Joe

28.09.2002 19:41

And we send support back to you, especially those "pre-emptively" arrested in Washington.

We had a good speaker from across the pond today - Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector. To be sure he's no peacenik and he has impeccable establishment credentials - ex-marine, member of the GOP and voted for Twatboy Shrub in the Presidential election.

But he happens to strongly disagree with them on this one and was prepared to say so in front of, in my honest estimation, about 300,000 people for which he deserves credit.

Auntie Beeb

No war against Iraq.

29.09.2002 00:55

OK brits hurra x you. Do not stop the pressure, they are about to give up

