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Fwd: City of London Security email about the demonstration

withheld | 28.09.2002 18:38

Fwd of an email received Friday 27th.

Please respond to  Contingency.Planning@CORPOFLONDON.GOV.UK

Subject: Demonstration on Saturday September 28th

The following information has been received from the City of London Police.

On Saturday 28th September 2002 between 30-40,000 people will demonstrate about the proposed war with Iraq.

Demonstrators will assemble on Victoria Embankment near to Embankment station and march via Victoria Embankment, Northumberland Avenue, Parliament Street, Whitehall, Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall, Piccadilly, Hyde Park Corner and South Carriage Drive in Hyde Park.

From 11.00am, due to the numbers involved, it will become necessary to implement a road closure of Upper Thames Street and Victoria Embankment with Westbound traffic being diverted over Southwark Bridge. No vehicular traffic will be able to gain access to Upper Thames Street or Victoria Embankment. Streets should reopen during the afternoon.

You have been sent this message as a member of the Corporation of London's Security E-mail List. (for more information on this list see the Corporation of London's web site, details can be found in the Security section)



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Sack these intelligence fools...

28.09.2002 20:10

They estimated 30-40,000 for todays demo... how far off could they be! I mean really these people are just simply useless!

get real!