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London NO WAR Demo 28th Sep 2002

David Edmond | 28.09.2002 15:58

The opening part of the London NO WAR Demonstration on 28th September 2002 ... showing the demonstration progressing up Whitehall towards Trafalgar Square .... at 2pm

David Edmond
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Where are the files????

28.09.2002 16:06

what is going on? how can we see the video and listen to the sounds?? Where are the files?


Details on viewing video

28.09.2002 17:11

The video appears to be clickable from the very top of the UK IMC website, labelled reports 1 and 2 ...

See item marked: Update 5:50 GMT First video reports [report 1 | [report 2] ... they are the same item ... the system was reporting that the file had failed to upload, so I uploaded it twice.


something wrong with video

29.09.2002 16:07

unable to get video. The link 1 and 2 on the other site just takes us here. Maybe use something other than realplayer
