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Joel | 27.09.2002 18:02

over 40 nationalities are going to be making the trip from a college on the sleepy coast of the vale of glamorgen.


Students from five continents and over 40 countries will be traveling to London tomorrow for what organizers hope will be the largest peace demonstration for a generation. The 150 students, who are all studying at Atlantic College near Llantwit Major in South Wales, will be joining tens of thousands of people from across Britain protesting against the prospect of war in Iraq.

The students will be marching under the banners ‘Unite for Peace’ and ‘Don’t Attack Iraq’. Three coaches will be traveling from the college, amoung over 400 from around Britain. For further information or interviews with Atlantic College students email or call him on 07901692296.

Atlantic College is one of ten United World Colleges around the world. More than 300 students from over 70 countries study for the two year IB exam. More info from The colleges were set up to 'enable young people to become responsible citizens, politically and environmentally aware, committed to the ideals of peace, justice, understanding and co-operation, and to the implementation of these ideals through action and personal example.'
