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Evidence that anti-war coverage is aleady being censored

Little Tommy T | 26.09.2002 14:51

Independent website article on Stop the War march removed

Scouring the [internet] media today for coverage of the Stop the War march on Saturday I came accross something the IMC croud might find interesting.
After reading the IMC article about the NUJ and BBC journalists regarding anti-war coverage, I found an interesting link On the Independent newspaper website. This link titled "March will be biggest anti-war gathering" brings up a blank page . . . I wonder what's going on!

Try the link for yourself:-
Click the link for "March will be biggest anti-war gathering" on this page

or try directly

Little Tommy T


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Worked for me

26.09.2002 15:14

An anti-war demonstration in central London this weekend will be bigger than any previous protests against military intervention by Britain, its organisers said yesterday.

Leaders of the Stop the War Coalition said the turn-out on Saturday would reflect deep public unease at government backing for President George Bush's war plan.

It will be the second mass protest this month against government policy. It follows Sunday's Liberty and Livelihood march, which attracted more than 400,000 protesters to the capital.

The anti-war demonstration is backed by both Muslim and Christian groups.

Hundreds of coaches have been booked to bring activists to the march, which will start at Embankment at 12.30pm and go to Hyde Park via Whitehall, passing Downing Street.

Speakers in Hyde Park will include Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, Labour MPs, trade union leaders and the Right Rev Peter Price, the Bishop of Bath and Wells.

The Labour backbencher Jeremy Corbyn, one of 56 rebels who expressed their opposition in a Commons vote on Tuesday, said:"Opposition to this war in this country is the most incredible coalition I have ever seen. You will see Christians, you will see Muslims, you will see the young and the old, trade unionists and peace campaigners ... We speak for the peace-loving people of this country."


Link prob

26.09.2002 17:13

The link works fine, what's the prob ?



26.09.2002 22:59

Not to be blunt, but people might take our (totally justified) claims that the mainstream media is biased more seriously if people didn't jump on every broken link as evidence of some vast conspiracy. Surely a more effective censorship tactic on the Independent's part would have been not to have written the story in the first place, rather than wiping the link...don't you think?

Lets not get _too_ paranoid, there's enough to be worried about already....

Matt S