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its oil thats why they want to attack iraq but we can stop them

awl | 25.09.2002 19:55

Oil. That is why the USA wants to attack Iraq. US
policy-makers reckon that their easy victories in
the Gulf (1991), Kosova (1999), and Afghanistan
(2001) show they have the ability, and give them
a window of opportunity, to tidy up the Gulf.

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your spelling of KosovA caught my eye

26.09.2002 08:26

and of course, when we look closely we see its "Workers Liberty" again. Didnt you support the pro-NATO elements in 1999 in the hope it would spark some kind of socialist response in the region ? Whoops . Wrong. At least now you realise the error. Still, what can you expect from a group whose very name seems antiquated, something from the Chartist era perhaps ? Things have moved on since then; the working class has manifestly not lived up to the hopes placed in it by Marx; all successful revolutions have had a decisive agrarian element; the proletariat cannot do it by itself.
