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Yasser Arafat and Garibaldi Street,

Ed | 25.09.2002 17:44

Good article below

Garibaldi Street, Ramallah BY MICHAEL FREUND

Sep. 24, 2002

After two years of relentless Palestinian terror, there is something refreshingly ironic about Yasser Arafat's current plight.Holed up in what remains of his Ramallah compound known as the Mukata, Arafat now finds himself surrounded by Jews in uniform, members of the very same people he has devoted his career to mercilessly killing and destroying.
With their rifles at the ready, these proud young defenders of the Jewish people stand prepared to bring the Palestinian leader to justice, if only Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will give the order.

This is a moment we should all be relishing.Indeed, not since May 1960, when Israeli agents apprehended German mastermind Adolf Eichmann outside his Buenos Aires home on Garibaldi Street, has a mass murderer of Jews been so close to being captured.

In his account of the operation, The House on Garibaldi Street, Mossad chief Isser Harel explained the reason behind his determination to bring Eichmann to justice: "In everything pertaining to the Jews, he was the paramount authority and his were the hands that pulled the strings controlling manhunt and massacre this man was pointed to as the head butcher."
By now, it should be clear to all that those words offer an apt description of Arafat, as well.

It is Arafat's hand that signed the checks to fund Palestinian terror attacks against Israel. And it is Arafat's voice that gave the green light to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and his own Fatah movement to launch suicide-bombing attacks against innocent men, women and children. And it is Arafat's mind that plotted and oversaw the present wave of Palestinian terror.

"His were the hands that pulled the strings..." As a result, more than 600 innocent Israelis have been murdered in the past two years by Palestinian terrorists. That is 600 compelling reasons to bring Arafat to justice.

Which is not to mention the Munich Olympics massacre, Damour Lebanon massacre, trying to overthrow King Hussein's goverment, the Achille Lauro hijacking or other various atrocities perpetrated over the years by the PLO.

The French are said to be "appalled," and the rest of Europe is hopping mad, that Israel now dares to turn up the heat on the leader of the Palestinian revolution.

LET THEM fume all they wish. They stood by silently as Eichmann's henchmen murdered Jews half a century ago, and they spoke out in protest only when Israel hunted him down and brought him to trial.
Then, as now, they do nothing to stop the killing of Jews, but everything to stop the State of Israel from seeking justice.
But, with Arafat in its crosshairs, Israel now has an opportunity to remind the world, and many Israelis too, about the meaning of Zionism and Jewish sovereignty: namely, that those who kill Jews can no longer do so with impunity.

It was a lesson that guided the state in its early years, giving rise to the daring operation that brought Eichmann to a courthouse in Jerusalem.

But that lesson was largely brushed aside over much of the past decade, when the government chose to court Arafat rather than haul him before a court.

The Palestinian leader, of course, is no Eichmann, and it would be wrong to compare the Palestinians to the Nazis. The point here, quite simply, is this: anyone who murders Jews, as Arafat has done, must be made to pay for his actions.

In his last address to his men before the end of the Second World War, Eichmann is reported by one of his close associates to have said these chilling words: "I shall leap into my grave laughing, because the feeling that I have the deaths of Six million people on my conscience will be for me a source of extraordinary satisfaction." Israel's task now is to ensure that Arafat knows no similar sense of contentment.

After pursuing him on and off over the past four decades for his lethal anti-Jewish terror, Israel now has Arafat in its sights, in the modern-day equivalent of the house on Garibaldi Street, in the heart of Ramallah.
Now is the time to bring Arafat to justice once and for all.



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Israel rogue state

25.09.2002 18:28

Well, well we heard of lot of crap again. Israel is the good guy and Palestinians with Arafat are bud guys.
Sometimes it is useless to reply to certain crap as above. Dialogue is much better.
If you look at the history of Palestinian people you'll find out that these people are the victims of very systematic brutality from a criminal state: 'Israel'.
Imagine yourself that someone is invading your house; your family slaughtered; you are imposed a corfew in your own home, tell me what are you going to do about it. Palestinians do not have any army forces to defend its people not to invade other countries nor do they have financial or military support from another rogue state USA.
I do agrre that Arafat is a kind of demented guy corropted from the wealth that goes to his trunk from the criminal states like Saudia Arabia, Iraq and so on.
The plague of the soffering of Palestinian people are still in there after 60years, this is not enough for parasite governments who support Israel in any crime against humanity Isarel does.
The solution is the complete distruction any form of states ang their governments. Humanity never needed it in the first place, they were impose to the rest of from social nonentities of the past and still pursuing until now.
Sharon should be hanged from crime against humanity, we will be in peace when that will happen.


You would be ...

25.09.2002 18:34

You would be amusing if you were not so offensive.
Fuck off ed and all who sail in you, you are a sad fool who can not hear the sound of the winds of change, can not read the writting on the wall ...
No body believes Y.A. is a saint, and yet you would have us believe that he is a monster and the israelis achieved sainthood by dint of their god given right to protect ... er protect umm ... protect the profits of a few over the needs of the many.
Those who kill jews can no longer do it with impunity ... unless it is another jew for example? The constant bias on your part towards those whose religion you claim you share is very revealing, you don't mention once any other peoples and their right not to be killed, exploited, robbed, oppressed and humiliated.
You are a racist, historically misinformed, deluded by a 'fear of god' mentality and have no idea how to go about achieving a just peace - in short perfect for an israeli government job, if you haven't already got one.
Leave us alone with your pathetic analysis.
No justice, no peace

mail e-mail:

Takes the Biscuit Tin

25.09.2002 21:07

your not talking garibaldi biscuits are you as sold by marks and sparks and your clearly marked fruit cakes wheel fell off yer trolley or are you some sort of net limbo dancer trying to get under the bog door and show us all how low you can go or have you been mixin your toasties come on mate summits must be trubbling you's to make you come out with the above load of old cobblers ...


Israeli government newswire?

25.09.2002 22:25

The author of the original post, Michael Freund, served as deputy director of communications and policy planning in the Israeli prime minister's office from 1996 to 1999.

So he's clearly an unbiased source.


Auntie Beeb

Freund the liar

26.09.2002 10:06

The Jerusalem Post May. 28, 2002 t is time for Israel and its supporters to finally muster up the courage to acknowledge the cold, hard truth the West Bank and Gaza are "occupied territories."
These areas are administered by a cruel and heartless regime, one that has no mercy on its perceived foes, targeting them with derision, humiliation, and even military force.
Little concern is shown for the lives of the innocent, as ruthless measures are employed with the aim of driving the residents from their homes, making them so miserable that they will have no choice but to leave.
This occupation is a menace to the entire region, destabilizing it and undermining any chances for a lasting peace between Arabs and Jews. There is no choice but to bring about an end to this colonialist enterprise, and to dismantle the occupation once for and all.
Or, put more simply: Yasser Arafat and his Palestinian Authority have got to go.

- Michael Freund

— Michael Freund served as deputy director of communications and policy planning in the Israeli prime minister's office from 1996 to 1999. He is currently an editorial writer and syndicated columnist for the Jerusalem Post

Michael Freund is obviously a deluded zionazi fuckwit.

Aussie Joe Bugner