U.S. Citizens Hold Anti-War Rally at Gateway Arch
Byron Clemens | 25.09.2002 15:36
Anti-War Rally
Downtown St. Louis
/Arch Grounds
September 28, 2002
2-4 pm
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For Immediate Release:
Midwesterners Protest Against War with Iraq
ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI September 25, 2002 -.
Hundreds of Midwesterners are expected to gather Saturday near the Arch in St. Louis to protest against President Bush’s push to attack Iraq. Citizens from all walks of life are joining with the Heartland Coalition Against War with Iraq in a protest at the old St. Louis Courthouse, across the street from the Arch, on Saturday, September 28, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The Heartland Coalition’s members believe President Bush has unwisely set the nation on a course for war, ignoring the possibilities for a peaceful solution with Iraq. They also believe the White House has failed to present any evidence linking Iraq to Al-Qaida, any tangible proof that Iraq is constructing weapons or that Iraq presents an immediate threat to the United States. While the record is clear that Saddam Hussein is a bully and a ruthless dictator America must strive for a solution that will not result in the deaths of innocent Iraqi citizens or further destabilize international relations.
“President Bush must take off the blinders that are steering him toward starting a war and Congress has a duty not to rubber-stamp his plans,” said Byron Clemens, a spokesperson for the Coalition. The speakers at the event are expected to include representatives of citizen groups from the St. Louis area, student organizations from universities in the region, veterans groups and members of the religious community.
“Make no mistake,” Mr. Clemens said. “Most of us feel that pursuing terrorists is justified. This is a far different situation. Unfortunately, President Bush is failing to distinguish between the two missions, and he is attempting to begin a new American policy of preemptive invasions that could earn us the hatred of other countries. Finesse, wisdom and peace are what we need now."
Clemens is a human rights activist and a teacher at Gateway Institute of Technology.
To reach the Heartland Coalition Against War with Iraq, contact (314) 497-1509. Or Bill Ramsey at the Human Rights Action Network (314) 725- 5303. Email to
Downtown St. Louis
/Arch Grounds
September 28, 2002
2-4 pm
Page 1 of 1
For Immediate Release:
Midwesterners Protest Against War with Iraq
ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI September 25, 2002 -.
Hundreds of Midwesterners are expected to gather Saturday near the Arch in St. Louis to protest against President Bush’s push to attack Iraq. Citizens from all walks of life are joining with the Heartland Coalition Against War with Iraq in a protest at the old St. Louis Courthouse, across the street from the Arch, on Saturday, September 28, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The Heartland Coalition’s members believe President Bush has unwisely set the nation on a course for war, ignoring the possibilities for a peaceful solution with Iraq. They also believe the White House has failed to present any evidence linking Iraq to Al-Qaida, any tangible proof that Iraq is constructing weapons or that Iraq presents an immediate threat to the United States. While the record is clear that Saddam Hussein is a bully and a ruthless dictator America must strive for a solution that will not result in the deaths of innocent Iraqi citizens or further destabilize international relations.
“President Bush must take off the blinders that are steering him toward starting a war and Congress has a duty not to rubber-stamp his plans,” said Byron Clemens, a spokesperson for the Coalition. The speakers at the event are expected to include representatives of citizen groups from the St. Louis area, student organizations from universities in the region, veterans groups and members of the religious community.
“Make no mistake,” Mr. Clemens said. “Most of us feel that pursuing terrorists is justified. This is a far different situation. Unfortunately, President Bush is failing to distinguish between the two missions, and he is attempting to begin a new American policy of preemptive invasions that could earn us the hatred of other countries. Finesse, wisdom and peace are what we need now."
Clemens is a human rights activist and a teacher at Gateway Institute of Technology.
To reach the Heartland Coalition Against War with Iraq, contact (314) 497-1509. Or Bill Ramsey at the Human Rights Action Network (314) 725- 5303. Email to

Byron Clemens