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Leaflet for Radicals at the "Anti-War Demo" 28th Sep

Radical Action Now Coalition (temporary) | 25.09.2002 10:26

This leaflet has been produced by a coalition of anarchists who see the need to move beyond being "moral witnesses" to genocide and abiding the rules laid down by those resposnible for the genocide. We argue for direct assults on the institutions and personalities who wage this unending war against all life, to sustain this society.

Message from “The Organisers” of
Don’t Attack Iraq Demonstration

 Stay peaceful.
 Don’t think, just follow.
 Don’t do anything that might upset the plans to obliterate Iraq.
 Don’t upset our good relationship with the Government. Let us have a nice day out, go home and wring our hands and moan when the bombs start raining down on defenceless women and children. We will lobby our mass murderers/liberal politicians.
 Don’t damage property, property is worth more than life. If someone breaks this Commandment then we must all repeat in mantra “we oppose violence”. Then we’ll turn them over to the State.
 Don’t acknowledge that property feels no pain. As damaging property means our friends’ profits will be effected. We wouldn’t like that and our friends in the press will criticise us for not controlling you properly.
 Don’t recognise that our role has always been to sap the energy and anger of people and push them in more pointless, fruitless ways. Like walking around shouting slogans, waving placards, selling papers, writing letters, signing petitions and donating money to our coffers (I mean our charities/causes). While the slaughter and devastation goes on unabated.
 Do remember that people must not be allowed to take direct action to stop the devastation of the planet and the murder of its inhabitants. (proviso: unless the “direct action” is a pointless media stunt to bring more money into our bulging bank accounts).
 Don’t do anything that might give you empowerment and self-worth and might actually achieve something. Allow us to continue talking and making a living out of the catastrophe which is modern society.
 Allow us to do our role of prolonging the system. Which we achieve through manipulation, false promises, fake rhetoric and promises of an afterlife (i.e. wait, wait, wait, tomorrow, tomorrow). Through these ways we spread dis-empowerment by claiming to be “representatives”, taking people up dead ends of becoming “recruiters for the cause” (party/organisation), selling papers and following orders (political/religious doctrines). We remove hope that people can actually change things themselves. All our manoeuvring, compromising, sell-outs and elitist snobbery and moral self-righteousness means that the majority of people withdraw from any attempt to fight-back. Leaving the field open to us, to do nothing.
 Follow us, We will march you up the hill and back down again! Trust Us, we have had more than Two Hundred Years of doing this. We have been running this society (if not literally, then with our ideas). We are adept at destroying the chances for revolutionary change (e.g. 1800’s England & 1968, France), as well as actually killing them off, i.e. Russia, Spain, Cuba etc.
 Stick with us, our ideologies/religions, our worship of “Progress”, Industry & Technology and we guarantee to keep you in your work-consume-die existence. We promise that you will get monthly updates on our campaigns, allowed to come to meetings to receive orders, moulded into a cog in our organisational machine and given a sense that you are “doing something” while the planet is devastated and life destroyed.
 Mass murder? Genocide? Planetary devastation? We’ll discuss it in the next meeting. “Next Cause, anyone?”


“The Organisers” of Don’t Attack Iraq (not yet anyway, just kill a few more million silently, so we won’t have to hear about it)

Endorsed and supported by:
Parliament, the Police, the Windsor Family, the Business Community, All Religious Bodies, the TUC and All Political Parties (including the governments/bosses in waiting, SWP, SLP, Green Party, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace etc etc…).

Radical Action Now Coalition (temporary)


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Two Options

25.09.2002 10:40

Obey the state, or smash the state?

Two Jags

hurray, perfect timing!

25.09.2002 11:01

I was just starting to worry that Saturday's Stop the War demo would be one of these tedious displays of unity. You know the score, a huge and diverse assortment of groups and individuals united to express the massive opposition to this insane murderous war, yawn yawn boring.

But just in time, here's a leaflet slagging off half the demo, for having the temerity not to be as radical or cool as the other half. Excellent! Keep it up! Remember; unity is bourgeois; division is strength; all bourgeois sell-out elements and anyone who doesn't recognise the revolutionary purity of violence must be ruthlessly purged.

Eventually we'll slim the anti-war movement down to a tiny but ideologically pure core; then we'll win!

Hey, and why not have a pop at the Muslims too?

a nonny mouse

Will this leaflet achieve its intended aim?

25.09.2002 12:43

I think the more SWP-free, direct action-inspiring information passed out on Saturday the better. But I fear that this text has a heavy negativity that might be more likely to deflate people's up-for-it-ness. There will be people out on Saturday who have never been on a demonstration of any kind before, and for whom this text will be confusing at the very least.

Wouldn't positive examples of the joys and more-than-occasional successes of confrontational direct action be the best way to get people to question the current mainstream methods of protest?

Nice one all the same for getting something together...


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