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Correct meeting point for anti-war demo - Embankment 1pm

re-poster | 25.09.2002 09:33

Don't attack Iraq - Justice for Palestine March
Saturday 28th September
1pm Embankment, London - to Hyde Park

Don't attack Iraq - Justice for Palestine March
Saturday 28th September
1pm Embankment, London - to Hyde Park

Anti-capitalists, meet at Cleopatra's Needle, which is a big old (1500bc) pointy thing stolen by us from Egypt, (or a gift from the Viceroy, if you prefer) and now sticking out like a sore thumb at Embankment on the North bank of the Thames.



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Please support 911Skepticism Movement

28.09.2002 17:43

Please support the 911Skepticism-movement.
Hold "911-Bush Knew"-signs! Thanks.


911Skeptics worldwide unite!
Supporter of the 911-Skepticism Movement NYC, Washington, San Francisco, Connecticut, Ohio, Portland etc...
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Martin Luther King III, Nina Hagen, Spooky, Patti Smith got our files!

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Ed Asner, Harry Belafonte, Howard Zinn etc...

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How the 911-Lie started: Bush at Booker Elementary

Nico Haupt
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