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The Shadow Reich

Operation X | 25.09.2002 00:56

Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Khalilzad, Bush. . . The Shadow Reich, rears its bloody head

Full spectrum propaganda

Triumphant, sure of its power, the secret Reich hiding in the belly of the U.S. beast has now brazenly declared open warfare against the world.

Only truth has a chance to rein in its rabid violence. Only light shined into its bloodstained lair can reveal the real agenda behind its veil of secrecy, can put the lie to its counterfeit reason d'etre -- the "communist threat" and lately, the "war on terror."

Always, the murderous regime of the underground American Reich has stood for one thing: the profits of the corporate bloodsuckers whose bidding these butchers do.

The U.S. shadow government also does violence to their subjugated dupes -- the conscripts whose lives they destroy in the process of perpetrating their evil and who suffer the agonies of conscience, should they regain contact with their humanity.

The following video presentations will help those whose minds have glimpsed a light through the cracks that are opening in decades of full spectrum dominance by saturation propaganda of the Fourth Reich.

Secrets of the CIA

PART 1 The Secrets of the CIA Part 1 MS Media Player

PART 2The Secrets of the CIA Part 2 MS Media Player

PART 3 The Secrets of the CIA Part 3 MS Media Player

The Secret Government

PART 1 To download 12 minute video clip, (2.9MB) MS Media Player

PART 2 To download 10 minute video clip, (2.6MB) MS Media Player

To the sceptics: You have nothing to loose but the steel shackles that chain your mind. You have everything to gain, not the least -- your moral compass.

Operation X


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what video

25.09.2002 02:10

Not everyone has bought into the Micro Sloth Empire. Do you have alternate formats?

apart from that, you seem to be onto something,


Ol' Red

How Long?

25.09.2002 10:17

The videos speak for themselves but with one ommission. All of this terror and horror for "freedom" has been fomented and funded by the same oil and banking cartel who are now igniting the Middle East. The blood of millions are on their hands, how much longer are we going to support it?

I. Cried