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Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers) Slices Through US Lies On Iraq

A Patriot | 24.09.2002 22:21

Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, and now, he's speaking out strongly against the lies and half-truths within the Bush administration's policy on Iraq. This is a mind-changing interview - POWERFUL REASONING. 55 minutes (Real Audio Stream click "full story" link // Also, MP3 Format) (article 1)

Audio Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers) Slices Through US Lies On Iraq - mp3

Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers) Slices Through US Lies On Iraq
Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers) Slices Through US Lies On Iraq

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Daniel Ellsberg is among the most important and heroic Americans of the last few decades, "arguably the greatest whistle-blower in American history" according to  Placing principle and truth above his career, he leaked what became know as the "Pentagon Papers," documents that clearly showed that every single US President involved with the Vietnam war lied about US involvement.

Now, he's speaking out about the Bush administration's myths we hear about Iraq.

He was interviewed by Dennis Bernstein for Flashpoints radio on September 20, 2002.  Few other authoritative commentators have been able to slice through the propaganda as clearly as Ellsberg.  The program runs for 55 minutes and it's time well spent.

You can listen to a Real Audio stream of the program by clicking on the following:  Start Audio  Also, attached, you will find an MP3 file that you can download in the event that you'd like to have a full copy of the program on your computer (burn CD-ROMs and give them to friends and family -- it's the kind of interview that can change people).  


The Flashpoints radio program website: 

Ellsberg Bios:

A Patriot


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In the House

24.09.2002 22:40

What I fail to understand is how anyone in the international community can think that Saddam is anything other than a US-made dictator, who would launch his scud missile, at the drop of a hint.

We gave Iran chemical weapons and they didn’t hesitate to use them on Iraqi Kurds and blame Saddam, now we have provided the fissile material the Ayatollah will need to develop his weapons program, so soon we must bomb Iran too, for obtaining uranium, from us, before they enrich it.

UN resolutions must be adhered to, unless you are in the Israeli Unit and terrorising Palestinians. The rule of international law must be flouted if our allies are going drag us into WWIII for global domination.

Make no mistake, Saddam was Poppy Bush’s business partner, like Bin Laden was to his son George and he will hunt them down and smoke ‘em out of their holes like rats, with weapons of mass destruction, and they will not be caught, dead or alive.

The sacrifice of innocent life we must make is immense, but it is in keeping with our foreign policy since the Great War and we must stick to our principles, or the people will think we have gone soft, and no longer seek their enslavement.

The UN is as useless as the League of Nations and the Congress of Vienna before that. There is no-one who can reign in these rogue superpowers, the US, UK and Israel and it will spell disaster for any country who even dares to try.

We will make the world a safer place for Corporations. Nothing will deter us from this single-minded objective, there is too much oil, arms and drugs at stake. I know the British people will support our cause because they always do, after the opinion polls have been rigged in our favour.
