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Sharon says fuk the UN

Q Disk | 24.09.2002 17:42

Nine Palestinians died in Israel's Gaza raids

Israel has dismissed a United Nations resolution calling for it to end its military operations around Ramallah, where it is besieging Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
The resolution, passed by the UN Security Council early on Tuesday, also called for Israeli forces to withdraw from all other Palestinian towns.

Sharon says fuk the UN
Sharon says fuk the UN

It came as a new military incursion into Gaza City left nine Palestinians dead.

But Israeli officials described the resolution as "unbalanced", and appears set to ignore the withdrawal calls.

America abstained from the Security Council vote

Foreign ministry spokesman Mark Sofer said what was needed first was an end to terror.

And political sources quoted by Israeli state radio said that military operations, including the Ramallah siege, would continue and "gradually intensify" in the Gaza Strip specifically.

The chorus of international criticism directed at Israel has continued to grow louder.

Pope John Paul's spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, said the pope was worried by the "grave situation", and urged an end to the Ramallah siege.

I am dismayed at the way the situation in the Middle East is developing

Jacques Chirac
French President
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon should "suspend such actions that compromise the already faint hopes of peace in the region", said Mr Navarro-Valls.

And President Jacques Chirac of France said he was "dismayed" at the way the crisis was developing.

"I believe these methods will achieve nothing," he said.

Israel's main ally, the US, failed to follow its usual policy of vetoing or voting against Security Council resolutions criticising Israel, choosing instead to abstain.

We need to see such resolutions implemented

Saeb Erekat
Palestinian negotiator
The BBC's Jim Fish in Jerusalem says Palestinians take heart from what they see as a shift in the American position, following its rare criticism on Monday of the Ramallah siege.

The UN resolution has been welcomed by the Palestinian leadership as a "step in the right direction". A spokesman said the US abstention was a "clear criticism of Israel".

However, senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said resolutions alone were not enough.

"We need to see such resolutions implemented," he said.

The resolution, brokered by European states, calls for:

Israel to "immediately cease measures in and around Ramallah, including the destruction of Palestinian civilian and security infrastructure"
For the "expeditious withdrawal of Israeli occupying forces" from Palestinian cities toward positions held prior to September 2000
For "the complete cessation of all acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement and destruction".
The BBC's Greg Barrow says the 14-hour debate, which covered four different draft resolutions, reflected the disunity among members.

Deputy US Ambassador James Cunningham said his country had abstained because the resolution failed also to explicitly condemn Palestinian suicide bombings.

'Double standards'

Our correspondent says that Arab states have raised what they regard as a double standards in the Security Council's dealings.

Israel, they argue, is allowed to flout successive UN resolutions while other nations like Iraq are being held to account for their non-compliance.

Israel says the destroyed Gaza workshops were making weapons

Israel justified its incursion into Gaza as a response to recent attacks on Jewish settlements.

Bulldozers backed by tanks advanced into a number of areas of Gaza at midnight, meeting heavy resistance, the army said.

"Explosive devices were targeted at the soldiers. Army forces returned fire and hit a number of armed men," the army said, adding that it had suffered no casualties of its own.

The Israelis say they destroyed 13 workshops used for making weapons.

Gaza hospital staff said nine Palestinians were killed and 24 injured.

At least two of the dead were identified as members of militant groups - Yassin Nasser, 53, of Hamas and 20-year-old Jaber al-Kharazi of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

Protesters against the siege of Mr Arafat's compound demonstrated in Ramallah on Monday night.

Q Disk


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24.09.2002 17:55

All seems quite unreal when you think of Iraq.
I guess theres them that ZAP and them that gets ZAPPED.


Funny pic

24.09.2002 19:16

Love the new pic of Sharon. Looks like he's just woken up from a night's glue sniffing (hence red eyes) only to find that his tits are drooping (great disaster). To cheer himself up, he munches on the jelly babies given to him by his friend, Ben Netanyahu.


Fait Accompli

24.09.2002 22:29

Many injured and killed in biggest strike on Gaza recently, justified because one of the victims was from Hamas.

Oh! That's okay then.

the Unit
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such a sweat world

24.09.2002 23:21

more of a concern is the BBC reporting on the UN resolution against israel on this evenings news. none what so ever, yet over half the 10 o'clock news devoted on iraq.If israel continues to defy UN resolutions, and iraq at the same time has so few against it, then we have major problems as a democracy. If the people are to decide fates of nations on evidence yet no evidence is produced againt the worst agressors, then democracy and freedom of people has no chance.perhaps someone should write a dossier of eviedence against the occupiers of palestine, and email it to all MP's and so called news agencies nationwide.

eric not tony blair


25.09.2002 00:43

What I find interesting. In 2 years of Palestinian terrorism against Israel, where Palestinians are trying to kill as many Israeli woman and children as possible, 2000 Palestinians have been killed in those 2 years. Israel has never once used massive force. On the other hand, when the Palestinians tried terrorism to overthrow King Hussein's goverment in 1970. Hussein in one week killed 20,000 Palestinians. Interesting, how no one is bothered by that. Just imagine, if Sharon responded to Palestinian terrorism the way King Hussein did. Holy, can you imagine all these leftists in England posting on here.



25.09.2002 08:54

Jack is becoming less lucid, he wants to tell joel that he is full of crap
1. Get your facts right. Palestinians tried to overthrow King Hussain of Jordan, who responded by killing 20 000? Your facts are not facts, which makes what you say crap.
2. Palestinians trying to kill as many babies and women as possible? YEAH. Normally they would be trying to liberate their land and lives, but you know, they got bored with that (perhaps it was to easy?) so decided to indulge in a bit of mindless violence. Baby killers, has such a nice ring to it, denotes the true meaning of Palestinian aspirations - to blindly kill babies for no reason - makes it easy for us dismiss their voices, no reasoning with baby killers is there?
I believe you joel, what do you want me to believe now?
Say it slowly though, I am just through being born 11.59pm last night!!!

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