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Blairs X-File

Anti-Bush | 24.09.2002 13:12

One war after another...

Every imperialist war in history has NEVER been voted upon or had public scrutiny. Just like when the old bill fit people up on the basis of evidence they have planted, Blair as the running dog of US imperialism sees glory in latching on to Bush's coatails.

'Evidence' in todays political climate is as surely biased as evidence was in Stalins and Hitlers time. What we have is opinion that one nation with thousands of nuclear bombs (USA) should disarm, bomb and main millions of people. the judicial process of misnamed 'international law' died with the NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia. National law died with the 'Anti-Terrorist Acts'

Blair will get his war. The issue at stake will be how long before he is overthrown.



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the true source of the dossier

24.09.2002 13:29

what else could that dossier really be but this?

- Homepage:

I agree

24.09.2002 13:36

the almost forgotten Kosovo war was the catalyst for all this current belligerence. Without it, Blair could not have proclaimed his National Moral Purpose or begun to co-opt the left of the Labour party into his neo-imperialist quest. Many of the 'peace' campaigners just now finding their voices were vociferous supporters of the NATO onslaught in 1999.


No Surprise there

24.09.2002 14:39

Why should we believe anything Tory Blair says? He is a liar, deceiver and cheat who only found resounding support for this unjust Imperialist war, in the Conservative party.


self anointed king blair

24.09.2002 17:51

self anointed king blair
self anointed king blair

shut up and send your kids to die for me and shrubs cronies...our profits are more importaint than you all ....and if you dont know that yet... youll soon die under the corporate jack boot ..
