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Unbearable Likeness

Clinton Fein / | 23.09.2002 16:53

Germany's Justice Minister Herta Daeubler-Gmelin resigned September 23, 2002 following an international furor that arose after she compared President Bush to Hitler for threatening war to distract from domestic problems. Can't think why. Hitler was shorter.

Unbearable Likeness
Unbearable Likeness

Clinton Fein /
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Nicolae Ceaucescu v Bush

24.09.2002 12:36

Bush neither looks or acts like Nicolae Ceaucescu.

Nicolae Ceaucescu was communist filth.


absolute powrer

24.09.2002 21:09

nicoleau watisname, romanian dictator, was also an extreme captalist wanker, only the best of everything, diamonds, luxury villas, jets etc for himself and his family, close friends etc, Nicolei like Adolf and bush, believed in hierarchy and totalitarian authoritarianisms, or absolute power for the leader at the top of the pile, 'let the peasants eat cake', nicoleau would say, totalitarian authortarian hierarchy has brought me many perks, privileges and benefits, and i also love stalin and hitler, they were so alike and so close too. Adolf's main goal, was to steal the wealth, property and possesions of Gobal Jews, Hitler at heart was motivated by greed and the desire for absolute power and wealth for himself and his close associates, probably the same motivation behind Bush & co, but in order to do this, Adolf had to also fool/blind the ordinary german peasants, into doing his dirty work for him, he first distracted them by focussing their attention on Jews and libertarians etc, blaming these racial groups for the ills of their society, so whilst the mass german populace's attention was distracted and focussed on targeting Jews, libertarians, anarchists, trade unionists etc, Hitler and his elite cohorts could ransack the belongings, property and wealth of these targeted victims. Like cousteceau,stalin and other powermad warmongering dictators, Hitlers ambition was to command absolute power and control over all his subjects. of whom he reckoned were spellbound and in awe of his authority and social status and leadership.

pym unfortunate

worse than may you exepct

24.09.2002 21:15

Communist filth? Who was communist?
The only thing visible is Bush is worse than anybody else. He likes his father is coward, do not worry he is not going to tell us why invaded a poor country like Afghanistan nor why he want to finish his father job, nor why he is not in there with his rifle. He is an excrement of demented source. I think he doesn't give a damn to kill americans if his power is taken away from him. Yes he is more worse than Ceaucescu. Right wing mentality is the problem with the world today, they do not a damn about people but to exalt excrements (Thatcher, Reagan, Bushes, Clinton, Blair and so on).
