Anticapitalist Bloc threat forces Army event postponement?
antiwar | 23.09.2002 15:30
Elements within the Anticapitalist Bloc for the September 28th antiwar demonstration had planned to disrupt the "Operation: London Soldier" Army recruitment event in Central London on the 28th and 29th.
It has now been rescheduled to the 27th and 29th.
It has now been rescheduled to the 27th and 29th.
Although the event website (see below) and some posters have been updated the tube ads are still advertising the date of the 28th.
We can only speculate as to whether police intelligence or simple guesswork caused the Saturday cancellation, but the Anticapitalist Bloc is still going ahead.
So meet up at 1pm at Cleopatra's Needle under the Anticapitalist Bloc banner and bring along flags, props, creativity and ideas, and let's stick together on the day!
Please note that the samba band will NOT be part of the bloc.
Only Direct Action can stop this war!
We can only speculate as to whether police intelligence or simple guesswork caused the Saturday cancellation, but the Anticapitalist Bloc is still going ahead.
So meet up at 1pm at Cleopatra's Needle under the Anticapitalist Bloc banner and bring along flags, props, creativity and ideas, and let's stick together on the day!
Please note that the samba band will NOT be part of the bloc.
Only Direct Action can stop this war!
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Here's what the website says
24.09.2002 10:30
>And you'll be able to chat to soldiers and officers about >why the Army could be a great full time career or spare >time activity.
Do we get to ask them how many people they've killed, and how many they intend to kill in Bush & Blair's infinite war...?
Give them copies of this leaflet
27.09.2002 16:08
By Jeff Patterson.
In August 1990 I was an active duty US Marine Corps Corporal. I was ordered to the Middle East, the Gulf War was about to come. Four years prior-thinking I had nothing better to do with my life-I had walked into the Salinas, California recruiting station and told them to "put me where I was most needed".
And if I hadn't spent those four years in the Marine Corps, I might be inclined to fall into line now. Most of the time my unit trained to fight a war against peasants who dared to struggle against "American interests" in their homelands-specifically Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. I saw dire poverty in the Philippines, US government-sanctioned prostitution rings to service servicemen in South Korea, and unbridled racism towards the peoples of Okinawa and Japan-the standard response to a child waving a "peace sign" at us with his fingers was "yeaa, ha ha, two bombs little gook." I began to understand why billions of people around the world really do hate the United States-specifically it's war machine, covert contra wars, and an increasing system of economic globalization that replaces hope with 12-hour days locked in sweatshops producing "Designed in the USA" exports.
Faced with this reality, I began the process of becoming un-American-meaning that the interests of the people of the world began to weigh heavier than my self-interest. I realized that the world did not need or want another U.S. troop. Although they did not look much like me, I found I had more in common with the common peoples of the Middle East than I did with those who were ordering me to kill them. My Battalion Commander's reassurance that "if anything goes wrong we'll nuke the rag heads until they all glow" was not reassuring. Up against that, I publicly stated I would not be a pawn in America's power plays for profits, oil, and domination of the Middle East. I pledged to resist, and if dragged out into the Saudi desert, I would refuse to fight. A few weeks later, I sat on the airstrip as hundreds of Marines-many of whom I had lived with for years-filed past me and boarded the plane. I fought the Gulf War from a military brig, and after worldwide anti-war protesters helped spring me, we fought the war in the streets.
But back then we failed to stop the war. Since 1990 over 1.5 million Iraqi people have died-not mainly from the massive US bombing from the sky, but from a decade of economic sanctions. All the while the US government has coldly declared that these Iraqi deaths are "worth it" in order to achieve strategic regional objectives.
Every time the war machine is kicked into high gear, acknowledgements are made about past "mistakes": Gulf War Sickness, Agent Orange and napalm in Viet Nam, massacres of refugees in Korea, U.S. troops used as nuclear exposure guinea pigs after World War II. And always: "Trust us, this time it will be different". But it never is.
One need not be a pacifist, a Communist, a Quaker, or a humanist to oppose this war. However, it certainly helps to be an Internationalist-realizing that our collective future is bound with the majority of humanity. For those woman and men now in uniform, you have a choice to make. Silence is what your "superiors" expect of you, but the interests of humanity require more. Think. Speak out. Resist. And if you refuse to fight, there are hundreds of thousands who will support you-many of whom have already taken to the streets to oppose this war.
On August 30, 1990, 22-year-old Marine Corporal Jeff Paterson refused to board a military plane in Hawaii heading to Saudi Arabia. He was the first active-duty military resister in the U.S.-led attack on Iraq. The photo of Jeff Paterson sitting on the airstrip, defying orders to go fight in the Gulf War, appeared on TV and in newspapers around the world. Later Jeff edited the Anti-WARrior newsletter of military resistance to the Gulf War.