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CRIME OF THE CENTURY: 'Compelling evidence' 'Compelling evidence' | 23.09.2002 12:56

Tony Blair will brief ministers on the dossier of evidence against Saddam during a two hour cabinet meeting later on Monday afternoon.

One senior politician who claims to have seen it says it is a compelling document and contains horrific pictures of the suffering the Iraqi dictator has inflicted on his own people using chemical and biological weapons
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Depleted Uranium

23.09.2002 13:32

Some time ago, articles together with photographic evidence demonstrating the horrific effect of depleted uranium on
new born babies in Iraq was posted here.

If anyone can repost the link it would serve as a counter
to this particular piece of state propaganda.



The Dossier of Dr Faustus

23.09.2002 13:41

Thats what somebody here termed it yesterday, and that pretty well sums it up ! Yes, and it proves the Faustian theme is far -reaching and as relevant now as in the medieval era. Blair's grinning face makes a perfect Mephistopheles (or M P Stopheles in this case !), surrounded by a Cabinet of ghouls from Ball of the Vampires. One can almost hear the organ thundering and the smoke rising.

Mann's "Mephisto" (filmed starring Brandauer) is perhaps the most relevant version here, as a radical politician actor becomes ensnared in his own evil compromises with the NSDAP.

G Gee

The thing that worries me

23.09.2002 14:14

is that theres a lot of credulous people in the government, actually wanting an excuse to believe. As I recall, the Iraqi regime used chemical weapons in the late 1980s, and its NEVER been a secret, which makes it a bit odd why its being wheeled out again now. Perhaps we should start reminding everyone about the USA's Napalm attacks on Vietnam, or as you suggest, the effects of 'depleted' Uranium...

G Gee

War Crimes

23.09.2002 14:16

So the government is presenting a 'picture book' to substantiate these fabricated claims against Iraq?

I say indict, Blair, Brown, Straw and Cook, today, for complicity to invade a sovereign nation with the US to commit genocide for oil.

Depleted uranium babies are compelling evidence for the Hague.


The Iran Iraq War was a hey day for them

23.09.2002 15:52

During the Iran Iraq War the Iranians consistantly accused Saddam of repeatedly used gas against the Iranian forces.
The yankkkees were advising and helping them with satelite info on where the Iranians were.
It was a great time to be an arms dealer, as they could sell to both sides. Iran was the demon and Saddam the heroe.
I remember the pro iraq propaganda, if someone were to dig a few of the newspaper headlines out, scan them and bosch em up on indymedia. It would certainly show the great leaders of our wonderfull western civilisation in their true light, barbarous gun running scum bags !!!!

remember the hundreds of thousands of soldiers from both sides who died in the swamp lands ....


Axis of Feeble

23.09.2002 22:25

...And while Blair claims Saddam must be stopped from acquiring WMD, by regime change, (i.e. by scalar weapons of MASSIVE destruction) our government is GIVING Iran a gift of the fissile material they can use when they get their nuclear program off the ground. We can bomb them next year for trying to develop weapons of mass destruction.


gulf war syndrome birth defects in iraq....

24.09.2002 11:29


"Unborn children of the region [are]
being asked to pay the highest price, the integrity of their
- Ross B. Mirkarimi, The Arms Control Research Centre, from his report:
‘The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf Region with Special
Reference to Iraq.’ May 1992

--------------------------------------------------------HOMEPAGE More
I have recently received large numbers of photographs
of  horrendous birth deformities that are being experienced in Iraq. I have
not, quite frankly, ever seen anything like them. I urge you to copy this page /
these pictures and circulate them as widely as possible.
In an act of stark cruelty, the US dominated Sanctions
Committee refuses to permit Iraq to import the clean-up equipment that they
desperately need to decontaminate their country of the Depleted Uranium
ammunition that the US fired at them. Approximately 315 tons of DU dust was left
by the use of this ammunition.The Sanctions Committee also refuses to allow the
mass importation of anti-cancer treatments, which contain trace amounts of
radio-isotopes, on the grounds that these constitute '...nuclear
The majority of the pictures were supplied to me by a
source who prefers to remain anonymous at the current time. I was unable to
acquire either original negatives, or prints from negatives. They arrived in the
form of colour A4 copies. I scanned them into Photoshop and attempted to clean
and sharpen them as best I could. There has not, and I repeat not,
been any digital alteration other than the cleaning and sharpening process. No
text documentation arrived with the pictures, so I have described them as
accurately as I can. It is my understanding that the photographs were taken from
1998 onwards. I would be grateful to anyone who could potentially supply me with
further information about these types of deformities; medical terms for them,
Additional pictures were taken by Dr. Siegwart Horst-Gunther,
President of the International Yellow Cross. Most appeared in his 1996
DYING CHILDREN" (Published by AHRIMAN - Verlag, ISBN: 3-89484-805-7). The book
is a documentary record of DU ammunition after-effects, and they were taken
between 1993 and 1995. Dr. Gunther also supplied me with additional photographs
from his unpublished collection, some of which feature the birth deformities
being experienced by Western Gulf war veterans' children. I have asked Dr.
Gunther's permission for his pictures to be treated as 'Public Domain' and
copyright free. He has agreed and you may reproduce them as you see fit.
Both the Pentagon and the British Ministry of Defence
officially deny that there is any significant danger from exposure to DU
ammunition. And whilst it is conceivable that the US led attacks on Iraq's
nuclear power stations could be a contributory factor, most reseachers point to
DU as the most likely source of both deformities and cancers. The rising number
of cases in Iraq, particularly in the South where the greatest concentration of
DU was fired, is simply staggering. Iraqi physicians have never encountered
anything like it, and have made the perfectly reasonable point that similar
increases in cancer and deformities were experienced in Japan after the two US
atomic bomb attacks. Cancer has increased between 7 and 10 fold; deformities
between 4 and 6 fold.
Yet the US was well aware of the potential effects on
civilians and military personnel of the chemical toxicity and radiological
properties of DU ammunition long before the Gulf war began, as the following
excerpts of a US Army document categorically state:
"Aerosol DU (Depleted Uranium) exposures
to soldiers on the battlefield could be significant with potential radiological
and toxicological effects. [...] Under combat conditions, the most exposed
individuals are probably ground troops that re-enter a battlefield following the
exchange of armour-piercing munitions. [...] We are simply highlighting the
potential for levels of DU exposure to military personnel during combat that
would be unacceptable during peacetime operations. [...DU is..]... a low level
alpha radiation emitter which is linked to cancer when exposures are internal,
[and] chemical toxicity causing kidney damage. [...] Short term effects of high
doses can result in death, while long term effects of low doses have been linked
to cancer. [...] Our conclusion regarding the health and environmental
acceptability of DU penetrators assume both controlled use and the presence of
excellent health physics management practices. Combat conditions will lead to
the uncontrolled release of DU. [...] The conditions of the battlefield, and the
long term health risks to natives and combat veterans may become issues in the
acceptability of the continued use of DU kinetic penetrators for military
- Excerpts from the July 1990 Science and
Applications International Corporation report: ' Kinetic Energy Penetrator
Environment and Health Considerations', as included in Appenix D - US Army
Armaments, Munitions and Chemical Command report: 'Kinetic Energy Penetrator
Long Term Strategy Study, July 1990'
The US was also well aware of the
long-term dangers of DU contamination, and played it down, as the following memo
and document make clear:
"There has been and continues to be a
concern regarding the impact of DU on the environment. Therefore, if no-one
makes a case for the effectiveness of DU on the battlefield, DU rounds may
become politically unacceptable and thus be deleted from the arsenal. I believe
we should keep this sensitive issue in mind when action reports are
- Lt. Col. M.V. Ziehmn, Los Alamos National
Laboratory memorandum, March 1st 1991
"Soldiers may be incidentally exposed to
DU from dust and smoke on the battlefield. The Army Surgeon General has
determined that it is unlikely that these soldiers will receive a significant
internal DU exposure. Medical follow-up is not warranted for soldiers who
experience incidental exposure from dust or smoke. [...] Since DU weapons are
openly available on the world arms market, DU weapons will be used in future
conflicts. The number of DU patients on future battlefields probably will be
significantly higher because other countries will use systems containing DU.
[...] DU is a low-level radioactive waste, and, therefore, must be disposed of
in a licensed repository. [...] No international law, treaty, regulation, or
custom requires the United States to remediate the Persian Gulf war
- Report by the US Army Environmental Policy
Institute: 'Health and Consequences of Depleted Uranium use in the US army',
June 1995
DU ammunition is now possessed by more than 12 countries,
and was used during the NATO led bombing of the former Yugoslavia. Western
forces stationed in the region have recently been advised not to drink the local
water or eat locally produced food. Yet the British MoD continues to deny any
potential risks, stating: "We have not seen any peer-reviewed epidemiological
research data to support these claims [that DU is dangerous.] [...] There are no
plans to remove DU-based ammunition from service." (Source: Two letters to me
from Simon Wren, Overseas Secretariat, Ministry of Defence, Whitehall, London -
20th May 1999, and 22nd March 2000)
On a more personal level, I have heard stories of
visitors to Iraq who spoke with mid-wives there. These mid-wives are purported
to have said they no longer look forward to births as.... "We don't know what's
going to come out."
The pictures below, which are extremely
disturbing, show exactly what does.



Child with almost total deformity of the
face; no recognisable features at all, and what appears to be one eye
situated in the middle of the forehead.

Child with


Extreme hydrocephalus; deformity of face,
body and ear. The line running down the right hand side of the head would
appear to show that potentially two heads were


Deformity of ear; possible deformation of
lower body.


Born without eyes. 
I can offer no explanation as to the translucent
quality of the skin other than it is possibly a result of flash
photography at close range.


Huge hole in child's back, which is, I
believe, an extreme form of Spina Bifida.


Possibly taken shortly after birth, this
picture appears to show ambiguous genitalia, sometimes referred to as
'Non-Viable Children'.


This child is completely covered in a white
susbstance of unknown properties. Obvious deformation of face and eyes.
Flash photography at close range obscures


Two children with similar deformities of
the face. 
Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as


Child with unknown white substance covering
almost the whole body.


Front view of same child. Severe
deformities of mouth and eyes. The welts appear to indicate open wounds,
or unformed skin tissue.


Severe body deformity, with head formed at
90 degree angle to upper torso.


Severe hydrocephalus; again, almost as
though two heads were being formed.


Flash at close range obscures detail, but
this appears to show malformation of the mouth and one eye missing, with
the eye socket deformed.


It isn't clear what has happened to this
child, and I have no explanation for the dark nature and condition of the


Lack of focus obscures detail, but missing
eyes are clearly visible, as is deformity of the


This picture would appear to show another
'Non Viable' child, possible male, with penis and scrotum


Horrendous deformity of entire body and
head. Note lack of eyes and malformation of the hands and


Child with unknown defomity of the mouth,
possibly a large tumour grown during foetal


Malformation of hands, with almost total
merging of all digits.


Severe malformation of
Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as


Severe deformity of arms.
This child was born to a US Gulf


Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus, and
defects of cerebral nerves.


Child with previously unknown renal
disease, first diagnosed in Iraq by Dr. Gunther. The speculation is that
the child had played with DU ammunition casings.

Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus, and
defects of cerebral nerves.HOMEPAGE  


depleted uranium babies

24.09.2002 11:35


"Unborn children of the region [are]
being asked to pay the highest price, the integrity of their
- Ross B. Mirkarimi, The Arms Control Research Centre, from his report:
‘The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf Region with Special
Reference to Iraq.’ May 1992

--------------------------------------------------------HOMEPAGE More
I have recently received large numbers of photographs
of  horrendous birth deformities that are being experienced in Iraq. I have
not, quite frankly, ever seen anything like them. I urge you to copy this page /
these pictures and circulate them as widely as possible.
In an act of stark cruelty, the US dominated Sanctions
Committee refuses to permit Iraq to import the clean-up equipment that they
desperately need to decontaminate their country of the Depleted Uranium
ammunition that the US fired at them. Approximately 315 tons of DU dust was left
by the use of this ammunition.The Sanctions Committee also refuses to allow the
mass importation of anti-cancer treatments, which contain trace amounts of
radio-isotopes, on the grounds that these constitute '...nuclear
The majority of the pictures were supplied to me by a
source who prefers to remain anonymous at the current time. I was unable to
acquire either original negatives, or prints from negatives. They arrived in the
form of colour A4 copies. I scanned them into Photoshop and attempted to clean
and sharpen them as best I could. There has not, and I repeat not,
been any digital alteration other than the cleaning and sharpening process. No
text documentation arrived with the pictures, so I have described them as
accurately as I can. It is my understanding that the photographs were taken from
1998 onwards. I would be grateful to anyone who could potentially supply me with
further information about these types of deformities; medical terms for them,
Additional pictures were taken by Dr. Siegwart Horst-Gunther,
President of the International Yellow Cross. Most appeared in his 1996
DYING CHILDREN" (Published by AHRIMAN - Verlag, ISBN: 3-89484-805-7). The book
is a documentary record of DU ammunition after-effects, and they were taken
between 1993 and 1995. Dr. Gunther also supplied me with additional photographs
from his unpublished collection, some of which feature the birth deformities
being experienced by Western Gulf war veterans' children. I have asked Dr.
Gunther's permission for his pictures to be treated as 'Public Domain' and
copyright free. He has agreed and you may reproduce them as you see fit.
Both the Pentagon and the British Ministry of Defence
officially deny that there is any significant danger from exposure to DU
ammunition. And whilst it is conceivable that the US led attacks on Iraq's
nuclear power stations could be a contributory factor, most reseachers point to
DU as the most likely source of both deformities and cancers. The rising number
of cases in Iraq, particularly in the South where the greatest concentration of
DU was fired, is simply staggering. Iraqi physicians have never encountered
anything like it, and have made the perfectly reasonable point that similar
increases in cancer and deformities were experienced in Japan after the two US
atomic bomb attacks. Cancer has increased between 7 and 10 fold; deformities
between 4 and 6 fold.
Yet the US was well aware of the potential effects on
civilians and military personnel of the chemical toxicity and radiological
properties of DU ammunition long before the Gulf war began, as the following
excerpts of a US Army document categorically state:
"Aerosol DU (Depleted Uranium) exposures
to soldiers on the battlefield could be significant with potential radiological
and toxicological effects. [...] Under combat conditions, the most exposed
individuals are probably ground troops that re-enter a battlefield following the
exchange of armour-piercing munitions. [...] We are simply highlighting the
potential for levels of DU exposure to military personnel during combat that
would be unacceptable during peacetime operations. [...DU is..]... a low level
alpha radiation emitter which is linked to cancer when exposures are internal,
[and] chemical toxicity causing kidney damage. [...] Short term effects of high
doses can result in death, while long term effects of low doses have been linked
to cancer. [...] Our conclusion regarding the health and environmental
acceptability of DU penetrators assume both controlled use and the presence of
excellent health physics management practices. Combat conditions will lead to
the uncontrolled release of DU. [...] The conditions of the battlefield, and the
long term health risks to natives and combat veterans may become issues in the
acceptability of the continued use of DU kinetic penetrators for military
- Excerpts from the July 1990 Science and
Applications International Corporation report: ' Kinetic Energy Penetrator
Environment and Health Considerations', as included in Appenix D - US Army
Armaments, Munitions and Chemical Command report: 'Kinetic Energy Penetrator
Long Term Strategy Study, July 1990'
The US was also well aware of the
long-term dangers of DU contamination, and played it down, as the following memo
and document make clear:
"There has been and continues to be a
concern regarding the impact of DU on the environment. Therefore, if no-one
makes a case for the effectiveness of DU on the battlefield, DU rounds may
become politically unacceptable and thus be deleted from the arsenal. I believe
we should keep this sensitive issue in mind when action reports are
- Lt. Col. M.V. Ziehmn, Los Alamos National
Laboratory memorandum, March 1st 1991
"Soldiers may be incidentally exposed to
DU from dust and smoke on the battlefield. The Army Surgeon General has
determined that it is unlikely that these soldiers will receive a significant
internal DU exposure. Medical follow-up is not warranted for soldiers who
experience incidental exposure from dust or smoke. [...] Since DU weapons are
openly available on the world arms market, DU weapons will be used in future
conflicts. The number of DU patients on future battlefields probably will be
significantly higher because other countries will use systems containing DU.
[...] DU is a low-level radioactive waste, and, therefore, must be disposed of
in a licensed repository. [...] No international law, treaty, regulation, or
custom requires the United States to remediate the Persian Gulf war
- Report by the US Army Environmental Policy
Institute: 'Health and Consequences of Depleted Uranium use in the US army',
June 1995
DU ammunition is now possessed by more than 12 countries,
and was used during the NATO led bombing of the former Yugoslavia. Western
forces stationed in the region have recently been advised not to drink the local
water or eat locally produced food. Yet the British MoD continues to deny any
potential risks, stating: "We have not seen any peer-reviewed epidemiological
research data to support these claims [that DU is dangerous.] [...] There are no
plans to remove DU-based ammunition from service." (Source: Two letters to me
from Simon Wren, Overseas Secretariat, Ministry of Defence, Whitehall, London -
20th May 1999, and 22nd March 2000)
On a more personal level, I have heard stories of
visitors to Iraq who spoke with mid-wives there. These mid-wives are purported
to have said they no longer look forward to births as.... "We don't know what's
going to come out."
The pictures below, which are extremely
disturbing, show exactly what does.



Child with almost total deformity of the
face; no recognisable features at all, and what appears to be one eye
situated in the middle of the forehead.

Child with


Extreme hydrocephalus; deformity of face,
body and ear. The line running down the right hand side of the head would
appear to show that potentially two heads were


Deformity of ear; possible deformation of
lower body.


Born without eyes. 
I can offer no explanation as to the translucent
quality of the skin other than it is possibly a result of flash
photography at close range.


Huge hole in child's back, which is, I
believe, an extreme form of Spina Bifida.


Possibly taken shortly after birth, this
picture appears to show ambiguous genitalia, sometimes referred to as
'Non-Viable Children'.


This child is completely covered in a white
susbstance of unknown properties. Obvious deformation of face and eyes.
Flash photography at close range obscures


Two children with similar deformities of
the face. 
Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as


Child with unknown white substance covering
almost the whole body.


Front view of same child. Severe
deformities of mouth and eyes. The welts appear to indicate open wounds,
or unformed skin tissue.


Severe body deformity, with head formed at
90 degree angle to upper torso.


Severe hydrocephalus; again, almost as
though two heads were being formed.


Flash at close range obscures detail, but
this appears to show malformation of the mouth and one eye missing, with
the eye socket deformed.


It isn't clear what has happened to this
child, and I have no explanation for the dark nature and condition of the


Lack of focus obscures detail, but missing
eyes are clearly visible, as is deformity of the


This picture would appear to show another
'Non Viable' child, possible male, with penis and scrotum


Horrendous deformity of entire body and
head. Note lack of eyes and malformation of the hands and


Child with unknown defomity of the mouth,
possibly a large tumour grown during foetal


Malformation of hands, with almost total
merging of all digits.


Severe malformation of
Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as


Severe deformity of arms.
This child was born to a US Gulf


Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus, and
defects of cerebral nerves.


Child with previously unknown renal
disease, first diagnosed in Iraq by Dr. Gunther. The speculation is that
the child had played with DU ammunition casings.

Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus, and
defects of cerebral nerves.HOMEPAGE  


link to depleted uranium effects

24.09.2002 11:53

after trying a few times to get the link into this reply i have ended up writing it down....why didnt i go to puter classes????''stgvisie/VISIE/extremedeformities.html
