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Sharon's unending savagery

Kiel | 23.09.2002 08:10

The hatred that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon bears towards President Yasser Arafat has been known for decades.

In recent years Sharon was able to disguise much of his animosity by making himself out to be the amiable, accessible, avuncular politician, caring only for a peaceful solution of the conflict between his country and the Palestinians. His butchery against Palestinians was forgotten by his own people -but not by Arabs - and he managed to convince enough of the electorate to vote him into power. A power which he gleefully harbours, to wreak a bloody vengeance against Palestinians in general and Arafat in particular.

What is so disgusting in Israel's savagery against the Palestinians is that the world stands idly by, turning their attention instead to the imagined threat of devastation from Iraq. Yet, daily there is devastation being perpetrated by Israel upon the people of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Were it not for the support of America and, to some extent, Britain, Israel would rank high as being a country that should be brought before the International Criminal Court or even to have a UN force present to act as a buffer force between the warring parties. But no, there is no likelihood of that ever happening while America controls the UN so avidly.

So with impunity, on Friday, the day of prayer for all Muslims, Israel attacked Arafat right up to his doorstep. Every building or construction around and above Arafat has been demolished, trenches surrounding the "compound" have been dug and Palestinians wait to see what further havoc Sharon has in mind. Israel has totally isolated the Palestinian leader from his people - and left his office standing alone in a sea of rubble - yet still expects Arafat to supply security to the occupying force. A disgraceful demand that Sharon knows the helpless Arafat cannot fulfill.



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post above is lies

23.09.2002 15:02

Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist
By Micheal Glazov, July 8, 2002

When being an Arafat apologist. Your overall objective of your life, should be facilitating the killing of Jews and destroying the state of Israel. The last thing you should be doing is worrying about the Palestinians. At the same time, however, in terms of what you actually say in public, you must always discuss the Middle East "problem" on the assumption that you are agonizing over the Palestinians’ plight and how their entire "homeland" somehow lies in tiny little Israel.

The reason why Arafat had no intention of signing a peace agreement with Barak two years ago. Arafat rejected the proposal, demanding, instead, the flooding of Israel with millions of Palestinians. He knew, as Israelis did, that such a development would destroy Israel as a Jewish state.

Arafat shrewdly understood that Israel could not, and would not, engage in self-destruction and this is how he succeeded in his main objective: to avoid the creation of a new Arab state and to annihilate the only Jewish one. That’s what the "Palestinian uprising," after all, is really all about.

It is obvious, therefore, why Arafat has consistently stifled all Israeli efforts to make peace with him. Arafat wants his people to bleed in misery and des#####ution. That way their suffering can be exploited in the Arabs’ suicide wars against Israel.

You know that the "Palestinian problem" is far more useful to Arafat than its solution will ever be. Arafat knows that peace with Jews is his own political suicide at best –- and his own death warrant at worst. Arafat could never rule without inciting his people to kill Jews. Arafat needs a scapegoat, so people dont look at his corrupt rule.

You must always ignore that Arafat has provided sanctuary and support to Palestinian suicide bombers and terrorists of all stripes. Be very open-minded about how he has personally endorsed suicide bombings rhetorically and celebrated the cult of "martyrdom" and other forms of homicide.

And always make sure to announce things like, "Arafat has imprisoned militants." When you say this, don’t worry that the Palestinian "jails" that Arafat places "militants" in are notorious for their bars in the front and revolving doors at the back. Just tell people that Arafat is really trying to get terrorism under control.

It has something to do with the great honor and respect that is bestowed in the Middle East upon anyone who succeeds in killing Jews. For instance, if you blow yourself up along with some innocent Jewish mothers and babies, your picture will be plastered on posters throughout your hometown. Your family will acquire a revered place in society and will also receive $25,000 in American currency from Saddam Hussein. You, meanwhile, will get to fulfill all of your wildest and repressed sexual fantasies with 72 virgins in heaven.

When you make your arguments for the Palestinian right to a homeland, always make sure to emphasize that the Palestinians acknowledge the right of Israel to exist. To make sure this works effectively, never mention, or ever even think about, what the Palestinians actually say themselves.

Never mention, before 1967, when the Arabs controlled the West Bank and Gaza, not one time did they talk about peace. During those 19 years, Arab terror was unleashed against Israel, the same reason it is now, to anihilate the Jews.

Never talk about Arafat's phase by phase plan in 1974, because it embodies the philosophical principles of the Palestinians themselves and says things that would shatter the foundation to all of your arguments.

For instance, Arafat states "The par#####ion of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of Israel is fundamentally null and void, whatever time has elapsed, because it is contrary to the wish of the people of Palestine and its natural right to its homeland."
Arafat states, The liberation of Palestine, from the Arab viewpoint, is a national duty to repulse the Zionist, Imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine."

You also shouldn’t worry that Arafat has never repudiated his phase by phase plan. This explains why, when speaking English to Western audiences, he always talks about how he acknowledges the right of Israel to exist. But when he speaks Arabic to Arab audiences, he does little else but boast about his successes in working toward the Palestinians’ most ambitious goal: to destroy the state of Israel.

One only has to briefly listen to the Arab media, mosque sermons, and classroom and cafe conversations to gauge that this disposition represents a wide consensus in Arab society in general and in Palestinian society in particular.

Don’t lose any sleep over the fact that explosives of the specific type used by Palestinian suicide bombers have been found in Palestinian police stations all over the West Bank. Also don’t concern yourself with the fact that 500 Palestinians were just recently arrested in and around Arafat's compound and that dozens of them were on Israel's lists of most-wanted terrorists. Arafat was obviously still trying his best to track these people down. The reason he couldn’t find them, was that they were cleverly hiding in his office while he was desperately patrolling the West Bank looking for them.

Each new atrocity against Israelis since 1993, meanwhile, has been hailed by the Palestinian media and the Palestinian Authority that controls it.

In order for you to practice the previous tips successfully, you need to make sure that you rid yourself of any personal dignity that might ever have been a part of your character and personality. Shed yourself of any integrity you might have ever had. You have to be absolutely shameless and live by absolutely no ethical or moral standard of any kind. Otherwise you will not be able to lie to others, and to yourself, the way I instruct you to. Arafat supporters have done it effectively before you. But now you can do it the best. Be the best liar you can be. That way, you might yet become the best Arafat apologist on earth. You can do it!
