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Exposing Nike and Ourselves Too at "Run London" with

No Sweat | 22.09.2002 22:09

A group of naked No Sweaters made it over the finish line in London’s Richmond Park
with a “No to Nike Naked Greed” banner on Sunday, as Nike Corporation branded the famous deer
park with thousands of bright yellow Nike T-shirts.

Braving the elements, burly security and frightening pubic wiggery, our intrepid protestors
made it back to meet our fully clothed comrades and made sure that something other than
the official line was offered to the runners and crowds and were on hand to offer ethically
produced No Sweat T-shirts.

Nike organise the Run London event to raise money for London schools – a shame then that school-age
kids in unsafe factories are denied that chance because they and their families are stuck in low paid jobs
making shoes for – erm – Nike. This year’s event posed as serious running competition, with plucky Paula
Radclife winning the women’s race against a field containing at least one other athlete any of us had heard
of. BBC’s Grandstand swallowed this corporate bullshit and gave it a report like it was comparable to the
World Championships. And we thought advertising wasn’t allowed on the Beeb?

If you think your stomach can handle it we can send you video / still pictures – email mailto:

And thanks for everyone who turned up and joined in....

There are now No Sweat groups and contacts in the following areas:
Bournemouth; Huddersfield; Kettering; Leeds; Leicester; all over London (Inner London AND the suburbs); Manchester; Newcastel-upon-Tyne; Norwich and Norfolk; Northampton; Nottingham and Notts; Oxford; Sheffield; Somerset and North Dorset; Southampton; North Wales; York.

Contact details (emails and phone numbers) are on our website at
Or we can be contacted at our central post address: No Sweat, PO Box 36707, London SW9 8YA. Tel 07904 431959.

If theres nobody listed for your local area and you'd like to become a contact, get in touch! mailto:

No Sweat
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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25.09.2002 15:33


picture again

25.09.2002 15:38

picture again
picture again
