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Launch of Out Against the War

James | 22.09.2002 20:10

Over fifty people attended the first meeting of Out Against The War, which was held in St Anne's Church, Soho on Tuesday 17th September.

Over fifty people attended the first meeting of Out Against The War, which was held in St Anne's Church, Soho on Tuesday 17th September.

The group is open to all lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people who are opposed to the coming war on Iraq.

At the meeting it was agreed to organise a LGBT delegation on the Stop The War march in London on Saturday September 28th - marching with an Out Against the War banner.

On the day of the demo, Out Against the War will be meeting at 11.30 at the Villiers Street entrance to Victoria Embankment Gardens, for anyone who wants to join us.

It was also agreed to leaflet the scene to publicise the demo. We will be leafleting Old Compton Street at 6pm on friday 27th September.

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23.09.2002 13:56

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but while I'm glad youre opposing the war- drive, it is really necessary to form a 'gay' section ? Whats the point ? 'Inclusivity?' But by definition, the movement will be inclusive, and usually is anyway. Its not as if you would be trying to join a hostile gathering.

G Gee