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Founder of Tinkers Bubble is a BNP activist

steelgate | 22.09.2002 17:25

Newbury bypass protest veteran and founder of the Tinkers Bubble eco village Robert Baehr is a BNP activist!

Robert Baehr hit national heasdlines during the Newbury bypass protest when he broke a court injunction and was sent to Pentonville Prison for campaigning against the road. He is also the founder of Tinkers Bubble Britain's best known alternative community. His involvement in the BNP came to light after an interview he did for Countrysider paper the paper the BNP produced for the countryside march. Other people in the environmental movement like Earth Firth should be aware of fasicsts like him in the movement!



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Oh shit, what can be said!

22.09.2002 19:06

Part of bigger article,

'After a sour 90 minutes, there is a break, during which I speak to an organic farmer and longtime road protester from Somerset called Robert Baehr. He left the Greens, he says, because they were multiculturalist and feminist. He is worried that the orchard that he plans to bequeath to his sons will be seized by the Islamic republic he believes Britain is set to become. They will do to us what the grey squirrel did to the red squirrel in this country,' he says. This kind of thinking has long played around the fringes of the ecology movement. Back in the 30s, Henry Williamson, the author of Tarka the Otter, was a vocal advocate of Mosely.

- Homepage:,11660,784076,00.html

For the record

22.09.2002 19:36

This is old news and it is worth making clear that after a meeting it was mutually decided that Robert is no longer a member of Tinkers Bubble.


by heck

22.09.2002 19:51

I used to know that bloke. I always thought he was a bit nutty but never imagined this.

The green movement may well be feminist, but he may just be bitter.

Multicultural? possibly, but still fairly mono-ethnic in places I've been.



23.09.2002 11:07

And what is he up to nowadays? Presumably he has been evicted from the Bubble, so (apart from being on the Cuntrysude march) what is he up to?


BNP activist

30.09.2002 20:44

Robert Baehr is a BNP activist - so what, I have known him from Twyford & Newbury and he is a very pleasant man. I have also been on Solsbury Hill, M65 + M11. The later two having more than one or two "fascists" as active campaigners - people probably didn't notice them as they were probably looking for the hate crazed boneheaded media stereotype, these people were neither.
Although not a BNP member or activist I am warming to a lot of their policies - I don't hate coloured people but I realise that this is a beautiful country (I must think that - I was arrested trying to stop many damaging road schemes). If immigation is not checked we can say goodbye to more of this beautiful country.
If inner city crime isn't tackled - more land will be lost to commuters moving into quieter rual locations.
I also believe in freedom. I want to live in a country where women are treat with respect and don't have to cover up, where people can be who they want to be sexually and you can drink alcohol if you want to without the fear of being stoned to death. If people are thinking that RB has become a goosestepping idiot they are sadly wrong, I think he has made a brave and noble stand for what he believes is right without the vanity of worrying what he knows people will call him. Well done Robert Baehr for your courage of your convictions.


oh please

05.09.2003 13:57

Robert Baehr has every right to say what he thinks. You lot at the Bubble are nothing but usless hippies making no difference to this world so who the hell are you to evict the man who founded your lifeslyle? To the men, clean your boots, get your hair cut and get out there and get a job! To the women, Put a bra on darling, it's really not a pretty sight. Pactice what you preach, your a joke of a 21st century movement of meat eating, supermarket shopping dolites.


part of being 'human'

06.08.2005 14:59

Aye Hitler was a nice guy too and so am I. He was vegetarian and I'm called a vegan amongst other names like, asshole, hippie, jesus etc. Being determined to be less abusive makes me a bit paranoid and self incriminating. I may seem a fascist as I don't get along with anyone - I just don't agree - I'm an argumentative legitimate child of the earth. I'm not asking anyone to be my slave and the only person I want to master is myself. But I'm a slacker often so who am I to critise. Enjoy your apples and let the kids plant their own damn orchards, if the white christain heirachy will let them have any land. Bastards all are we.

Roger Lovejoy
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