The Dossier of Faustus
L.A. | 22.09.2002 15:23
Last night I watched some corny old film about a rock star who signed his soul to Satan, a sort of Rocky Horror Faustus, titled "Phantom of the Paradise"
When it ended, up popped the equally old "Ceefax" teletext (we're talking very late night here), calmly stating that Blair was about to present to the Commons his "Dossier" on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction, (a term applied to no other country, incidentally).
The co-incidence struck me; here was another corny old, failed-would-be rock star about to presnt a document of treachery to the good, honest but simple parliamentary folk of the Labour party.
Will they be taken in by the Ugly Rumours ? Will the MPs join the constituency of Beyelzebub ?
The co-incidence struck me; here was another corny old, failed-would-be rock star about to presnt a document of treachery to the good, honest but simple parliamentary folk of the Labour party.
Will they be taken in by the Ugly Rumours ? Will the MPs join the constituency of Beyelzebub ?
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seem like a lamb speak like a dragon
22.09.2002 16:11
did you ever read my story about Fa Su tu?
she was born in Hong Kong city of the seven mountains.
underwhich dragons sleep.
worked in Vauxhall.
the contract is always called in by the clown who steps out from behind the wardrobe.
Reclaim the Genome!
Reclaim the Streets!
iosaf = O AS IF