Sudan's Top Woman Writer Backs ISRAEL!
Hans Vollokerk | 22.09.2002 11:12
Sudan's least favorite daughter, the outspoken bestselling author Kola Boof is praying for Israel to be victorious in the Middle East.
Just days after London's top Arabic daily newspaper, "Al-Sharq Al-awsat" used an article by a Sudanese diplomat to formally disown and degrade Sudan's most infamous woman writer, Kola Boof...the bickering back and forth between America (where Kola Boof lives) and Sudan has only gotten more intense.
In a press statement this morning, Kola Boof, who is currently on the bestseller list at the prestigious let it be known once again that she (who is half-Arab and was born Muslim) would like to see the Arab Muslim government of her country abolished and driven out of Sudan. Ms. Boof said:
"It doesn't matter that I was born to a Muslim-Egyptian father in the North. It doesn't matter that I am a brown Arab woman. What matters is the fact that Sudan has become Satan's throne in Africa. The Khartoum government is the not only financing and carrying out the biggest holocaust since Nazi Germany, but they are also killing the true essence of what makes Sudan African--the Blue Black people of the South. I suppose this legendary racism, this colorism of yellow and brown against Blue Black is a holdover from the colonial days of England, but I would like to see Israel kick the Arab world's ass for what they are doing to African children. I would like to see the Arab world fall on its own sword and be driven into justice once and for all. This evil against Black people and against women has no place in a world that claims peace, love and harmony. These people have attempted to kill me at least once and threatened my life many times, just for simply speaking my mind, and yet no one in the press sees fit to make an issue of it. To show how dastardly and unfair these Arab Muslim regimes are. How holy unhuman they are. The whole world, and especially England, just wallows in silence. Truly, it's cowardly. For if we are Black people from anywhere on this planet, then we must support Israel against the Arabs. Neither is our brother, mind you. But one is our executioner and bully as we live and breathe. Let us send our prayers to Israel."
Kola Boof is the author of "Long Train to the Redeeming Sin: Stories of African Women", "Diary of a Lost Girl" and "Every Little Bit Hurts". In May of 2003, she is set to star in the film "SINS OF A LIVING WOMAN", the story of a Nigerian Muslim woman stoned to death for an adulterous love affair. The film's Ethiopian producer, Russom Damba, is casting "Amistad's" Djimon Hansou as Boof's lover--the film is also to feature Alfre Woodard, Akosua Busia and be directed by acclaimed filmmaker Raoul Peck, who made "LUMUMBA". For more on Kola Boof, search the web.
In a press statement this morning, Kola Boof, who is currently on the bestseller list at the prestigious let it be known once again that she (who is half-Arab and was born Muslim) would like to see the Arab Muslim government of her country abolished and driven out of Sudan. Ms. Boof said:
"It doesn't matter that I was born to a Muslim-Egyptian father in the North. It doesn't matter that I am a brown Arab woman. What matters is the fact that Sudan has become Satan's throne in Africa. The Khartoum government is the not only financing and carrying out the biggest holocaust since Nazi Germany, but they are also killing the true essence of what makes Sudan African--the Blue Black people of the South. I suppose this legendary racism, this colorism of yellow and brown against Blue Black is a holdover from the colonial days of England, but I would like to see Israel kick the Arab world's ass for what they are doing to African children. I would like to see the Arab world fall on its own sword and be driven into justice once and for all. This evil against Black people and against women has no place in a world that claims peace, love and harmony. These people have attempted to kill me at least once and threatened my life many times, just for simply speaking my mind, and yet no one in the press sees fit to make an issue of it. To show how dastardly and unfair these Arab Muslim regimes are. How holy unhuman they are. The whole world, and especially England, just wallows in silence. Truly, it's cowardly. For if we are Black people from anywhere on this planet, then we must support Israel against the Arabs. Neither is our brother, mind you. But one is our executioner and bully as we live and breathe. Let us send our prayers to Israel."
Kola Boof is the author of "Long Train to the Redeeming Sin: Stories of African Women", "Diary of a Lost Girl" and "Every Little Bit Hurts". In May of 2003, she is set to star in the film "SINS OF A LIVING WOMAN", the story of a Nigerian Muslim woman stoned to death for an adulterous love affair. The film's Ethiopian producer, Russom Damba, is casting "Amistad's" Djimon Hansou as Boof's lover--the film is also to feature Alfre Woodard, Akosua Busia and be directed by acclaimed filmmaker Raoul Peck, who made "LUMUMBA". For more on Kola Boof, search the web.
Hans Vollokerk
Hide the following 9 comments
22.09.2002 14:29
Politics and advertising
22.09.2002 15:12
Im not impressed by the article at all, but more photos would be appreciated !
L. A.
More Crap from Joe and Co.
22.09.2002 16:30
Sadly Zionists seem to think that the issue is Arabs vs. Jews, hence the endless comparison between the corrupt Arab regimes with appalling human rights records and Israel (which incidentally has an appalling human rights record as well - see the websites of such Israeli organisations as B'Tselem, Rabbis for Human Rights, Israeli Committee against Torture, Israeli Committee against House Demolitions).
In fact the issue is the Zionist colonial movement that has made Palestinians foreigners in the land where they lived for generations (Israel) and imposed apartheid-like conditions on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Our friends Joe and co. forget that the corrupt Arab regimes have often been unfriendly to the Palestinians (remember Black September in Jordan, 1970) or the way Lebanese Christian militia and the Syrian Army collaborated with the Zionists in Lebanon.
Even today the Arab regimes pay lipservice to the Palestinian cause while secretly making their peace with the colonial Zionist state.
The majority of Arab people have always supported the Palestinian human rights struggle, but their (unelected) leaders are part of the same system as Blair, Berlusconi, Bush and all other members of the world ruling class).
When the PLO called for a secular, democratic state of Palestine it was a threat to all the corrupt Arab regimes, because none of them were democratic and many of them weren't secular.
As George Galloway MP remarked at a Palestinian Rights rally: "The only solution to the problem of Palestine is revolution from one end of the middle East to the other".
Antonius and Jordan
22.09.2002 18:31
The day Arafat was offered power
By Joseph Farah,, May 20, 2002
Does Yasser Arafat really want a "Palestinian homeland"? Or, as many have suggested, is this 35-year-old demand merely a ploy to conduct asymmetrical warfare against the Jewish state of Israel?
While there is no doubt in my own mind that Arafat has no interest in governing a new Arab state neighboring Israel and living at peace with it, many in the West - even in Israel - remain convinced pursuing such a plan still represents the best hope for the region.
I just read a 1998 book, "Arafat," by Said K. Aburish, an author quite sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, which should dispel any such fanciful notions by those still daydreaming about any peace brokered by this man.
The most enlightening section of the book deals with the 1970 civil war in Jordan between Arafat's forces and those of the late King Hussein's.
Israel and the West could learn quite a lesson from this history.
"Between mid-1968 and the end of 1969, there were no fewer than 500 violent clashes between members of the various Palestinian guerrilla groups and the Jordanian army and security forces," Aburish writes. "Serious incidents included the kidnapping of Arab diplomats and unfriendly Jordanian journalists, unprovoked attacks on government offices, rape and the humiliation of army and security officers. The Palestinians, who were legally en#####led to set up road blocks, molested women, levied illegal taxes and insulted the Jordanian flag in the presence of loyal Jordanians."
Just like today's conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, there were debates as to whether Arafat controlled the violence or whether he was unable to impose discipline on his followers or challenge groups behind the attacks.
Repeatedly, shows Aburish, Hussein and Arafat hammered out extensive and specific agreements to bring the chaos under control. Repeatedly, Arafat ignored the treaties and personally violated them.
Aburish documents in detail the many steps Hussein took in trying to defuse the conflict between his regime and the Palestine Liberation Organization, which had established a nation within a nation in Jordan. Even while members of Arafat's coalition were actively working on behalf of Hussein's overthrow, the king made the unprecedented and astonishing gesture of offering to form a government with Arafat - one in which the PLO leader would serve as prime minister.
"An amazed, almost speechless Arafat turned him down because he had no plan for Jordan, or for incorporating the PLO into a functioning nation state with or without Hussein," writes Aburish. "With this refusal Arafat, who survives on improvisation and constantly turns turmoil to personal advantage, was left with no option but to continue to contribute to the existing untenable chaotic state of affairs. Unable to control his followers or assume power, he was cornered into trying to maintain the status quo. As if to underscore the absurdity of the situation, immediately afterwards, in June, there was yet another failed attempt by renegade guerrillas to assassinate Hussein by ambushing his motorcade."
How far did Hussein bend to accommodate Arafat? So far as to offer him a partnership in the Jordanian government - one in which Arafat would serve as prime minister.
If Arafat was even tempted to govern a Palestinian state, this opportunity represented the best chance. Jordan's population is 80 percent Palestinian. There are far more Palestinians in Jordan than there are in Arafat's Palestinian Authority today.
Arafat would have none of it. Why? Because he knew that such a deal would come with a string attached. He would have to curtail his terrorist operations against Israel. That price tag was too high for Arafat - and it always will be.
Instead, following more terrorist operations against Jordan - including what was until Sept. 11 the most dramatic series of airline hijackings in history on Sept. 6, 1970 - Hussein declared war on Arafat's forces. As many as 15,000 people died in the fighting that lasted nearly a year. So ferocious was the final Jordanian attack on Arafat's forces that many of his fighters chose to surrender to Israelis rather than face the terror from their own Arab brethren.
Arafat fled with about 2,000 of his fighters first into Syria and later into Lebanon - where they were eventually responsible for launching yet another bloody Arab civil war.
What's the lesson here?
It is one that has been overlooked by history. Arafat will settle for nothing less than all of Israel. There is little point in negotiating with him. Other Arab leaders have learned this first hand - which is why he will never again be allowed to operate on their turf.
This Woman is Right!
23.09.2002 08:58
If any of you (who I am assuming are supposed to be reporters) took the time to know anything at all about Ms. Kola Boof, then you would know that she is far more than just a pair of great tits on an attractive woman. She is one of Africa's most talented and promising new literary writers. Truly an authentic voice for a change.
I applaud her comments and only feel bad that so many in the press are ignoring her quite valiant and impressive opinions. After all, how many of us can say that we visited Dr. John Garang's house when we were just nine?
There is much you could learn from Kola Boof.
bare breasts, why?
23.09.2002 12:10
"TOPLESS" in America!
Ms. Boof states that her decision to be topless on the back of her books has been the most painful source of criticism in her life, both professionally and personally...IN HER OWN WORDS: "I am topless to honor my mother and my grandmother. I am topless to pay homage to all the centuries upon centuries of AUTHENTIC African women who revered the bare breast just as Christians revere the crucifix. It's no different than that, to me. I am proud to be from those BLACK, topless spirit women who created and sustained the natural world. But then there's another reason."
"I prefer my own African image to a Eurocentric one, so being topless is also a rebuke against the tragic image of Micheal Jackson's white flesh--and it's my rejection of the image of Lil' Kim's blond, blue-eyed insult. It hurts me that Black American women have not supported me in my decision--I feel BETRAYED that they haven't. But, ofcourse, they are Americans and I notice that most of the opinions that they have are the ones that Europeans gave them. So I try to be understanding."
So it's her choice - and our luck.
On her comments about Israel, I think shew's wrong but you can see whare she's coming from. Islamist regimes, like Sudan, are committing atrocities against their black, non-muslim peoples, and women of all races and religions and there is no outcry. Israeli state violence and the continuing occupation should not mean giving support to racist, woman-hating jihadi-fundamentalists. Her mistake is believing my enemy's enemy is my friend. it's wrong whichever way you look.
gerry B
you back israel?
23.09.2002 14:06
How do they treat the ethiopian jews?
How would they treat you? You an animal according to the talmud. They are as bad in their treatment of women as any state or religion.....check out the article about jewish many arab girls are getting raped 20 or more times a day?
THINK SHAME OF YOURSELF...You only live in are not and they will never let you be an "American" matter how much you dis your own kind.
Go live in Israel...see how you get on
Israel and South Africa
24.09.2002 17:59
my thoughts
03.02.2004 00:31