Photo-Op: Blair & Bush use ‘UN fig leaves’ to hide their ‘naked’ aggression agai
ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War) | 22.09.2002 10:22
Press Release
Active Resistance to the Roots of War (ARROW)
22 September 2002
Contact: 0845 456 0282
0794 783 9992 (on the day)
Photo-Op: Blair & Bush
use ‘UN fig leaves’ to hide their
‘naked’ aggression against Iraq
Tuesday, September 24, 11.30am, outside Parliament: As MPs gather to debate Iraq, an apparently nude Tony Blair and George Bush will appear outside the House of Commons, their hands dripping with blood, attempting to hide their ‘naked’ aggression against Iraq behind giant blue ‘fig leaves’ bearing the letters ‘UN’. Members of the anti-war group ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War) will also be present with a banner reading ‘No UN fig leaf for naked aggression’.
The US and British governments are currently pushing for a new UN resolution that would authorise military action in the event of Iraqi noncompliance with UN weapons inspectors. US Secretary of State Colin Powell has even stated that America will block the return of weapons inspectors to Iraq unless such a resolution is passed [1].
ARROW spokesperson Andrea Needham said ‘Save the Children predict that bombing Iraq will lead to a humanitarian disaster for ordinary Iraqis [2]. There is no evidence that Iraq currently possesses weapons of mass destruction, or that it has links with al-Qa’ida. The UN - an organisation supposedly established ‘to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war’ [3] - must not allow itself to be used as the fig leaf for a criminal act of aggression that will kill thousands of civilians’.
Contact 0845 456 0282/ 0794 783 9992
Photographers should meet ARROW members outside the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, at 11am.
[1] See eg. ‘Bush fails to win Russian support for tough stance’, Independent, 21 September.
[2] According to Save the Children Fund UK ‘Bombing Iraq would lead to a humanitarian disaster for which the international community would bear a heavy responsibility.’ (Iraq Advocacy Strategy, March 2002). A new statement regarding the potential humanitarian repercucssions of military action against Iraq signed by several major NGOs, including SCF, will be released tomorrow, Monday 23rd September. For more information contact SCF on Monday on 07976 374 146 (Carolyne Culver).
[3] Charter of the United Nations, first sentence.
Active Resistance to the Roots of War (ARROW)
22 September 2002
Contact: 0845 456 0282
0794 783 9992 (on the day)
Photo-Op: Blair & Bush
use ‘UN fig leaves’ to hide their
‘naked’ aggression against Iraq
Tuesday, September 24, 11.30am, outside Parliament: As MPs gather to debate Iraq, an apparently nude Tony Blair and George Bush will appear outside the House of Commons, their hands dripping with blood, attempting to hide their ‘naked’ aggression against Iraq behind giant blue ‘fig leaves’ bearing the letters ‘UN’. Members of the anti-war group ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War) will also be present with a banner reading ‘No UN fig leaf for naked aggression’.
The US and British governments are currently pushing for a new UN resolution that would authorise military action in the event of Iraqi noncompliance with UN weapons inspectors. US Secretary of State Colin Powell has even stated that America will block the return of weapons inspectors to Iraq unless such a resolution is passed [1].
ARROW spokesperson Andrea Needham said ‘Save the Children predict that bombing Iraq will lead to a humanitarian disaster for ordinary Iraqis [2]. There is no evidence that Iraq currently possesses weapons of mass destruction, or that it has links with al-Qa’ida. The UN - an organisation supposedly established ‘to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war’ [3] - must not allow itself to be used as the fig leaf for a criminal act of aggression that will kill thousands of civilians’.
Contact 0845 456 0282/ 0794 783 9992
Photographers should meet ARROW members outside the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, at 11am.
[1] See eg. ‘Bush fails to win Russian support for tough stance’, Independent, 21 September.
[2] According to Save the Children Fund UK ‘Bombing Iraq would lead to a humanitarian disaster for which the international community would bear a heavy responsibility.’ (Iraq Advocacy Strategy, March 2002). A new statement regarding the potential humanitarian repercucssions of military action against Iraq signed by several major NGOs, including SCF, will be released tomorrow, Monday 23rd September. For more information contact SCF on Monday on 07976 374 146 (Carolyne Culver).
[3] Charter of the United Nations, first sentence.
ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War)