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Please Email Andrews Now!

Dillard | 21.09.2002 22:44

U.S. Representative Andrews of the state of New Jersey was justifying the attack on the Palestinian populace on Fox News Channel today. Email him with your opinions!

Today, at 4:30, Democratic Representative Andrews from New Jersey was on Fox News, calmly watching the destruction of Arafat's compound and justifying it. He compared Arafta, who is no saint, to Saddaam Hussein, and made a number of misrepresntations about the so-called Peace Process. Here is the link . Please send him your opinions of Democratic cowardice.



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Racism is racism

22.09.2002 00:17

Presidents, Premiers and Prime Ministers have parliaments or presidential palaces, Arafat, had a compound.

If we condoned the Palestinian attacks on Israel, the way politicians approve of the assault on Palestine by Israel, we would be Anti-Semitic, therefore are the US not Anti-Islam?

Supposing the British bombed and bulldozed Ireland to root out the IRA, would that be acceptable tactics to pre-empt terror attacks? Or is Israel a law unto itself?
