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Why people on here are stupid on the Mideast and are deceived by the Arabs

Larry | 21.09.2002 15:10

Read below

jackslucid said yesterday

The BBC article also mentions that it has been six weeks since the last suicide bomb, it doesn't mention how many Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army in that time, most of them in their homes.

Stupid, the last suicide bomber that murdered Israeli civilians was 6 weeks ago. But Israel in this 6 week period has caught 20 suicide bombers who were prevented from murderering Israeli children. Israel also captured a car, that Palestinian terrorists placed a 1350 pound car bomb in. It was the largest Car bomb anyone had ever seen. These 2 Palestinian homicide bombers were going blow up a shopping mall with the bomb and murder hundreds of Israeli woman and children. You only hear about the Palestinian terrorist acts that get through. You've not heard about the 90 percent of Palestinian terrorist attacks there were stopped by Israel. If all these Palestinian terrorist acts would have gotten through, the Jews would have been slaughtered worse then Iraq butchering the Kurds.

Whose the instigators of terror.
The "cycle" in practice works like this: Palestinian terrorists conduct random, murderous attacks targeting Israeli civilians. Palestinian terrorists attack Israeli woman and children in buses, shopping malls, cafe's, restaurants, disco's, sbarro's pizzeria's, Bar Mitzvah's, shoe stores and schools. The Israeli military pursues strikes against military or terrorist targets in response, attempting to disable terrorist networks that Arafat won't stop himself, since he is no different from them.

In the one case, Palestinian terrorists set out to murder as many Israeli civilians as possible. Israel responds to these terrorists acts, by targeting Palestinian terrorists who sponsor these murderous acts against Israeli civilians. The Palestinians then hide these terrorists in civilian areas, wanting Israel to fire back, so civilians are killed, so this looks good on TV.

The attempt to draw a moral equivalence between the Palestinians' deliberate attempts to kill innocents and inspire terror and Israel's military responses to these attacks is not far different from describing the U.S. airstrikes on Afghanistan as "perpetuating the cycle of violence between al Qaeda and the United States." There is no equivalence between terrorist attacks designed to maximize the deaths of innocents and military strikes designed to limit the ability of terrorists to carry out future strikes.

Terrorism is the DELIBERATE targeting of innocent civilians and noncombatants for political or religious purposes.
Pretty simple!

The Palestinians are terrorists because they deliberately target innocent Israeli men, women and children going about their daily lifes.

The Israelis do not deliberately target Palestinian civilians/non combatants. Israelis Defence Forces only target Palestinian terrorists who are engaged in the execution and commissioning of terrorist acts. The IDF goes to amazing lengths to reduce Palestinian "collateral damage" but this is often hampered by the terrorists usage of civilian human shields.

The poverty of such comparisons was made painfully clear last week by a statement from Ahmed Abdel Rahman, secretary of the Palestinian cabinet, who blamed a recent Israeli raid on a Palestinian bomb factory in Nablus for the current spate of attacks. If one side is making the bombs destined to be strapped to suicidal terrorists to massacre Israeli civilians) and the other side conducting raids to prevent their manufacture, there is little room to question who is in the right. Is it any wonder, why Palestinians find moral equivalence, between Palestinian terrorists who blow up Sbarros pizzeria's and discos filled with teenagers and Israeli commandos, who preemptively kill terrorist ringleaders, before they send their suicide bombers into Israel on a mission to kill Jewish civilians.

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1 good point, let down by subsequent bollox

21.09.2002 15:28

Actually, that's a very good point: no bombings in 6 weeks partly because Israel security has prevented some attempted bombings.

IndyMedia readers are not so stupid as you imagine and are unlikely to take the rest of your essay seriously.

Shall we have the usual debate about the 'civillain' status of the armed inhabitants of israel's illegal settlements?

Shall we speculate about what went on in Jenin?

May we assume that PA forces are not the people firing on PRCS ambulances?



21.09.2002 15:58

for the sake of clarity, it should be noted that during this 'period of calm', 71 Palestinians were killed, 2/3 of which were clearly civilians. we should all be offended by the media terminoligy that acts as though this were a peaceful period. it was peaceful for the occupiers. now that the counter-attacks have begun again, mourning the effects on the so-called 'peace process' is at best naive.

and for the previous respondant who thought that the past 6 weeks were just a lucky streak for the israeli offensive forces - give me a fucking break. this was calculated by both sides - the islamists stopped for a bit to see if the oppressors would calm down as well. surprise, surprise, the scumbags didn't relent for a minute.


IDF as terroristic organisation

21.09.2002 18:01

"Israelis do not deliberately target Palestinian civilian" is it a joke?
IDF deliberately killed civilians. Because Palestinians do not have any military forces at their disposal any kind of actions that Palestians do is considered terroristic from the point of view of criminal Sharon.
Do not pretend to be blind, you very well that Israel is a rogue state.


Zionist propaganda

21.09.2002 18:50

The Zionists desperate attempt at pulling the Left back from the Palestine issue by flood posting Indymedia is not working...calling users stupid is not working either...



21.09.2002 18:53

This week we mourn the twentieth aniversary of Shatilla and Sabra, and still no justice for the victims. . .

In 1982 the evil war criminal Ariel Sharon and the Israeli Army sealed up the refugee camps of Shatilla and Sabra, while Lebanese fascist militia butchered in cold blood 2,000 civilians (men, women and children).

The claim above that the Israeli Army does not deliberately target civilians is plainly false, as has been testified in numerous reports by human rights groups such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B'Tselem (Israeli Centre for Human Rights on the Occupied Territories) etc.
Also Israeli newspapers such as Ha'aretz have contained interviews with soldiers that confirms this.



Fooled You

21.09.2002 19:09

Israel also captured a car, that the 'counter-terrorism' Israeli Unit had placed a 1350 pound car bomb in and exploded on TV in a publicity stunt and then went off to round up innocent Palestinians for fun.



21.09.2002 19:48

Well Larry you certainly had to put that one bed.
Intersting your references to "The Arabs" I guess you are talking about the demonised version as promoted by western propaganda and historians for yonks.
But I don't see it like that, the Arabs are long term victims. From the Crusaders right up to G W Bush, a large part of WW2 was staged in their countries and Iran, which has come in for same treatment, BP and the shah ect ect .
What is happening in Palestine is a small part of the repression against the peoples of the middle east.
Arabs have been fucked over by Europe and America for centuries and at the same time they have been made out to some sort of sub human demon, being sub human they obviously deserve the horrors served up to them by our wonderfull western civiliastion . I guess you grew up on the official version Larry ? It's was cowboys and indians in my day of course it took a while to work out who the "goodies" were
seems as though the same baddies are still runnin'tings today .

Anyone criticising Israel or jews in general gets called a racist from the off and is very soon associatted with hordes of right wing ultra extreme bogey men...
who the fuck do you think your kiddin ?

Of course you could be right things could go wrong .
Just as they did for Saddam he was once a big buddy of
the yankees, remember the pro Irag propaganda during the
Iraq Iran war, it's all part of the same game.
Noriega was also another assett who went out of fashion. Perhaps Israel and Sharon will suffer the same fate,
either way "every one lived happily ever after", is very unlikely to be the footnote .....



An end to capitalsim is the only solution!

22.09.2002 18:17

None of us support Arab attacks on Israeli civilians either or the aims of Islamic fundamentalists like Hamas and Hezbollah. Our aim is an end to all war in the Middle East by creating a socialist federation in the Middle East. We realise that neither side has anything to gain by following their nationalist leaders. The Palestinians have suffered by far the most in this conflict though and mainly because of western imperialist support for Israel which is being used a weapon against the arab world by western capitalist imperials who arm Irael to the teeth.

The end to the conflict will only be brought about when the Israeli working class reject the nationalism of their rulers and when the Palestinians do the same and fight for a socialist Palestine and a socialist Israel which will eventually lead to a socialist federation in the Middle East. We only defend the right of Palestinians to resist oppresion from Israeli imperialsm and occupation of their land but don't see this in itself as a solution. The ultimate solution must be the end of capitalism as well which creates wars through economic competition for the earth's resources and for things control of markets and trade routes.


Listen larry

23.09.2002 10:14

OK, stupid jack here ...
listen larry, you may share sensiblities with israelis' no doubt you are one yourself, you may share the pain of your 'fellow' jews, if as I suspect, you are one yourself, I don't even mind if you call me stupid, you don't know me.
However, I draw the line at misrepresenting the facts.
Hide your head in the sand for as long as you like, scream out your warped perceptions for the world to hear ... only the world is not as stupid [as me?] as you imagine.
israel is a fascist nation, its agenda is fascist, always has been. You, the ordinary jew are being used again to bolster plans that do not include your comfort, or even neccesarily your survival. I suggest that you pay attention to the infomation that other people are trying to communicate to you, and to kept your own shrill responses to a minimum, and maybe over the next few weeks you might begin to realise that your interests lie squarely with those that you now abuse and not with those that see you as an [emotional] resource to squeeze out and then cruely discard.
A short reading of history will show you that it is often more reliable to shoot the officers not the enemy.

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