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Reclaim the future event needs help now!

rts | 21.09.2002 12:25

The Reclaim the Future event in tottenham needs urgent support now!

Police have come to the venue which is situated at 604
Tottenham High Road, N17 with the entrance at the back of the venue through the ALDI supermarket car park. There are
only two policemen who are standing at the entrance of the
car park on the High Road. They are not stopping people
entering the car park or the venue itself. This event has taken months to organise with a lot of help from volunteers who have completing renovated a disused night club, the pleasure rooms, a testament to capitalism waste and misuse of space in working class communties. We are confident that this event which includes 20 workshops from different community, ecological and direct action backgrounds will go ahead but it is dependent on the support of EVERYONE who is coming to the event. Please spread this message to all mailing lists, friends and family. As tommorrow sees the rich and powerfull landowners march through our city lets make sure that this event, our event succeeds and carries on the fine traditions of the anti-capitalist/direct action/
social justice movement in finding new ways to create a better future for the worlds people. Only when we ALL work together can we achieve this.

Love + Rage

Reclaim the Future!

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Hide the following 7 comments

support rts but dont be a biggot

21.09.2002 13:11

but not if they are biggots like the above writer
they say
"As tommorrow sees the rich and powerfull landowners march through our city"
what a load of bollocks most of the people who are marching are as poor as the rts members unless they are the rts
trustfund kidies
the hunting lobby are a really insignificant part of the countryside thing
most people in the country will support most of the anti capitalist/anti corporatision
ideas just go out and talk to ordenary people out there
there are as many rich and powerful assholes living in the citys as in the country

RTS and the rest of the movement dont need idiots like the above writer
this world is for everyone



21.09.2002 13:45

Well,actually it is more or less the rich landowners who will be decending on london.
The countryside alliance maybe articulating a lot of the concerns of poor country folk, but the core issue is still hunting - ie access to land; the rich landowners numbering around 189 000 families own a little more than the rest [50 million] - and the core personnel still rich landowners.
So as you can deduce from these figures it will be entirely possible to have a march of 250 000 (the estimate of the organisers) made up exclusively of the rich and their pathetic lackeys.
As soon as the hunting thing is sorted out - and who's to expect anything less from the spineless blair - the countryside alliance will morph into a toothless social event and fundraiser for dodgy meaningless charities.
Begging yer pardon sir ...

mail e-mail:


21.09.2002 13:53

True the CA protest has only a minority of pro-fox hunting wankers but they are the ones organising the protest and this is what the demo is for, but i think u will find that the majority of the people there will be facists and racists because that is what most of the older generations in the country are and also the younger rich folk. because of their isolation these idiots (Supporters of CA) gain their perspective of the world from the delightful Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Times and the BBC and not from a eclectic mix of experiences which are availible to the people of large cities.

remember on various election nights Jon Snows diagrams of the political map of the country. These clearly show where the Tory strongholds are: THE COUNTRY..


oh dear

21.09.2002 14:20

(A) - dont be an ignorant moron, research what you are talking about and then say it. You are sayign exactly what the CA prop wants you to say, stop being such a sucker and open your mind.


This will be the largest RIGHT-WING march

21.09.2002 15:08

Let's cut the crap and not see things in terms put across by the media ('the countryside' etc.).

The fact is, tomorrow will see the largest RIGHT-WING MARCH that has ever been held in Britain.

None of the newspapers has described it in those terms, but that's precisely what it is. Instead they've compared it with previous big marches, and if you look carefully, you'll see that the Peterloo march, the anti-poll tax marches, etc. etc. were all left wing.

Very probably the figures for marchers going under the arches tomorrow (they'll be erecting 'counting arches' in Whitehall) will be fiddled, and doubtless many marchers will go through twice. It ain't like left-wing marches where the cops cut the organisers' figures by half or three-quarters. But that's not the point. It will still be the biggest RIGHT-WING march ever to be held in the UK, and the threat of violence organised by the same scum who ran networks against the striking miners, and who activated their networks during the 2000 'fuel crisis' is obvious. This stuff ain't a joke.

To hell with these arguments about whether the CA reflects what 'ordinary people' want in 'the countryside'. Of course it doesn't. Oh and anyway most proletarians living in the countryside don't even work in farming.

This is the organised right-wing putting several hundred thousands of people on the streets. OK the following was not exactly similar, but think May 1968 in France where the bourgeoisie practically disappeared for a couple of weeks, and then BANG all of a sudden they put a million people on a march through central Paris.

My reason for calling this march what it is? Here it is:

it is supported by

the Tory Party,

the National Farmers' Union,

the British National Party,

the gentleman's clubs (they will even be serving lunch to women marchers tomorrow),

the top public schools (including Eton),

the royal family ('giving' their staff 'paid leave', i.e. telling them 'that's your job today - go on this march'), the big landowners,

and very probably army generals such as General De La Billiere who went on one of the previous marches.

(There are close connections between the most prestigious hunts and the Army - in some regiments the senior officers more or less automatically become members of the prestigious hunts. When the Beaufort started up again after 'foot and mouth', it started from Highgrove, one of 'Prince' Charles's estates. And while I'm at it, army regiments also stable senior officers' polo horses).

I haven't checked but I should imagine that the Church of England administration is also 'encouraging' its junior officials to go on the march, and it wouldn't surprise me if quite a few bishops go on it too.

There's a word for this 'alliance'.

It's called the QUEEN AND COUNTRY set.


oh yeah

21.09.2002 15:18

do you really beleive the rich landowners give a fuck about the people in the country?
research what you are talking about and then say it. i just did when was the last time you were in the country when did you last live out of a city?
dont relegate people cause of where they come from thats what the bnp do
sure ther are going to be arsoles like bnp (who need exterminating) and corperate farmers but i recon most people there tomorrow want jobs (some are the lowest paid in the country) services, local hospitals local buses and the same facilities as we get in the citys
i know lots of peeps living out of town who will be there and who have defeated the likes of tescos and sainsburys and not let them monopolise in their neibougherhoods which is more than can be said for london one on every corner
and this is one chance they get to show the shit goverment their dislike of current policies
not that it will make any difference demo's in england like pissing in the wind
but we still do
hey do you support warmongering blair and duncan smith




21.09.2002 17:14

(A)- wtf is wrong with u? I hope u arent implying your an anarchist with that screen name?

OF course we dont support blair or duncan smith, of course there is probelms in teh countryise but supoorting a rural Fash march isnt the way to sovle it..


you stupid fucker.
