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Silicone Death Merchants 9part2)

ted. (CFUV radio) victoriaBC,Canada | 21.09.2002 07:15

Is covering up a MASS-MURDER,

a "Crime Agaianst Humanity".?

In Part 2, we hear more about how Dow used it's power, MONEY, and influance to avoid court.

We hear more about that.

But isn't covering a MASS-MURDER a "Crime Against Humanity"..?

Or does there have to be a war before it's a crime...?

With the 137 wars on our planet since 1945, Dow can't help but profit from all of that...!

Sadly, Dow got a lot of help from IG-FARBIN.


------- More to come.... but first, lets listen to how Dow plays games with it's money. ---------

Fries or hospitals....?

Where do you want your silicone...


ted. (CFUV radio) victoriaBC,Canada
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