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8 Israelis killed yesterday and today

Haaretz | 19.09.2002 10:48

Four Palestinian attacks, at least eight dead. Dozens injured.


Three separate Palestinian attacks yesterday killed three Israelis, including a policeman, and wounded five others.

The earliest attack took place on Tuesday night when David Buhbut, 67, of Ma'aleh Adumim, was in Azzariyeh east of Jerusalem to buy building materials. He was apparently kidnapped, beaten and burned to death. His body was discovered early yesterday morning.

The second incident took place at 3 P.M. yesterday when Yossi Ajami, 36, of Jerusalem, was shot dead as he drove past the village of Ya'abed, west of Jenin. He was a contractor working on a bypass road in the area, and a Romanian worker traveling with him was lightly wounded in the shooting.

The third incident was the most serious, the first suicide bombing in Israel since August 4. Around 5 P.M., a police car carrying three policemen from the Iron Valley police station spotted two suspicious figures at a bus stop on the road outside the Umm al-Fahm junction. When the police approached to question tghem, one man blew himself up, killing 21-year-old policeman Moshe Hizkiyahu. A resident of Moshav Alyachin, Hizkiyahu is survived by his parents and two sisters.

The bomber, believed to be from the Jenin area where the army had lifted its curfew yesterday for a few hours, was killed instantly along with the Hizkiyahu. Four others were wounded, including a second policeman, from Beit Jann.


At least five people were killed and 40 injured, including 10 seriously, when an explosion went off on a bus travelling on Tel Aviv's Allenby Street at around 1 P.M. on Thursday.

Magen David Adom emergency services and police confirmed that there were fatalities in the blast, and that a large number of people were injured. Ambulances rushed to the scene and within a few minutes had completed the evacuation of the injured to the nearby Ichilov hospital.

The blast occurred aboard bus No. 4, at the corner of Allenby and Rothschild Streets, when the suicide bomber apparently boarded the bus and, several seconds later, detonated his device.

An eyewitness, identified only as Sarit, told Army Radio, "We heard an explosion, very big. We saw a large cloud of smoke and immediately lots of police came. People came out to help with first aid. We're trying to give them water. We saw the front of the bus and it apparently caught on fire."



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bummer 8 less ocupiers

19.09.2002 12:24

this is terrable 8 dead occupiers how will the world continue to spin with-out them


Tut tut

19.09.2002 12:50

Anger at the occupation is understanderable, anger at those that contribute to the occupation is understanderable, however it is a bit beyond the pale to make light of the deaths of 8 people (probably more than that if the mission operatives are included).
Violence is unacceptable, but also given the array of military and political weapons used against the Palestnians, inevitable.
Lastly, who knows the actual motives of the bombers?
If it is revenge, then that is a sad consequence of the cycle of violence aimed at an occupied people, if it is to destablise the prospects of political dialogue, then perhaps this is unnecessary as [I believe] their is no real will on the part of the occuping forces for such dialogue.
No doubt much will be made of this latest incident because it was israelis that suffered and not invisable Palestinians.

mail e-mail:

you forgot . . .

19.09.2002 12:58

one ten-year-old palestinian shot to death by israeli offensive forces today.


tangibility of human suffering....

19.09.2002 13:30

I wish that everyone would just stop this whole: 'my suffering is greater than yours mentality'. One premature death, no matter the religion, race, nationality, etc. is one too many. For Israelis to say that the killing of innocent Palestinians means nothing relative to the deaths of Israelis is racist. But, so too is the anti-zionist perspective... "8 less occupiers" (absolute shmuck!). Suffering and death unleashed upon innocents is wrong in any circumstances.

In my opinion, this whole situation goes to show that violence benefits no one.... The occupation (by nature violent) does nothing to help the Palestinians and is only marginally effective in protecting the Israeli population. Likewise, the violence undertaken by suicide/homicide bombers has done nothing to benefit the Palestian cause... It only furthers the degredation of any credibility that the cause may actually have.

shlomo avi


19.09.2002 19:50

According the UN Charter Israeli settlers are a legitimate target as they should not be there.

If France invaded Britain and started building settlements for French peoples on British territory (in contravention to the IV Geneva convention) we are permitted under international law to use any means necessary to remove them, and it would be their own fault if they died because they should not be there.

However, as John Donne said "any mans death diminishes me".
And I prefer non-violence.