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Evil is As Evil Does

karlof1 | 19.09.2002 09:09

Liberating self-respect through truth that leads to personal freedom is fundamental to defeating the historical evil and current tyranny that rules us.

Who is more evil: the killer who pulls the trigger, or the man paying him to do so? If you chose the latter as most do, then every US president going back to Grant morally rank right there with Stalin, Hitler and Lenin, and collectively there is no comparison: US presidents have caused far more death and suffering worldwide than the latter three tyrants combined. (And when the rest of the colonial powers are included, there is no contest.)

That most people in the west don't know this is a result of an enforced "cultural confussion," as Lawrence Goodwyn ("The Populist Moment") calls it. To become free of the cultural confussion bestowed on us by our doctrinal systems takes a lot of effort and is almost masochistic in the sense that the truthes lash the psyche almost to the point of despair. But the truth can set you free; and when it does, you finally arrive at a point where you've gained a respect for yourself that can never be taken away, and a political vision and commitment that will never waver. You'll have no problem stating in a matter-of-fact way that Bush is a murderer and far more evil than Saddam could ever be simply because that is the truth of the matter.

Those that haven't reached your level of self-respect will call you all sorts of names, but they will be unable to win an argument based on the facts, which is what Bush and his fellow criminals are now doing.

Finally, no university or other institution can teach you the truthes you need to set you free because they are all a part of the doctrinal system, although a few teachers are scattered about who can point you in the right direction. This realization is daunting to most. But actualy, millions of people have set themselves free and now fight the tyranny and evil around them. If you are not yet free, join one who already is and learn from her or him. And if you have found your freedom, seek out those searching for you. Only an army of free people will have a chance at defeating the many years of perpetuated evil and current tyranny.



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19.09.2002 22:26

seek out those who ar seeking you? where?