call for actions against repression
transmitter | 18.09.2002 16:33
Another call for action in October in addition to media democracy day (18th), Dover Demo (19th), noborder europe (13th). This one is against repression and comes from France, where Ahmed, arrested at the border camp in Strasbourg, is still held in prison.
Here's another call for a day of action in October, this one is on the 8th. It's widely spread in France, immediate motivation is the repression against Ahmed, arrested at the bordercamp in Strasbourg. You're
invited to spread it and to inform the organisers at about the actions you'll lead this day. Thanx in advance.
Call against repression
Stop Repression !
The political repression coming from the french government is striking hard,
when it's not with violence, on the social movements and the people who are
questioning fundamental aspects of our society : relations between North &
South, borders, zero tolerance, productivism, Fortress-Europe, exclusion of
the poorests, commercial relationships...This targeted repression means to
put an end to the protest and the movements which are working for a fairest
and egalitarian society. The repression and the criminalisation have various
negative effects for us and positives ones for the leaders of the political,
economical and social system :
- They stigmatize us as dangerous peoples
- They tend to exagerate militancy acts in order to put some people in jail
(intervention of the GIPN -french special police force- for the Pamplemousse
squat eviction in Dijon or in Strasbourg during a common occupation on
August 23rd)
- They are financially ruinous for the movements and individuals because of
the justice costs and fines
- They're "breaking" individuals with the custodies, the violences, the
- They're limiting the possibilities of action for the militants because of
this nebulous threat of jail and fines above them
- They're distracting the movements of their initial goals, which are
poltical or trade-unionist action, because they're now focused on
The repression is also striking daily on the youth, the people coming from
immigration, the poorest classes, following the scandalous concept of
"popular classes, dangerous classes".
The Strasbourg's example :
During the international No Border camp which stood from July 19th to 28th,
dozens of people get arrested. 6 of them will face a trial between February
22nd and 28th. One guy, Ahmed, has been sentenced -wrongly- to 8 months of
jail (including 5 on parole) for outrage and violence on a police officer.
The public prosecutor's room made an appeal; the trial will take place in
Colmar on October 8th at 8.30 AM. 17 people, protesting against the Ahmed's
isolation in jail and claiming his right to have visits occupied an annex of
the Justice Minister. These 17 people have been accused wrongly of
"violation of property" and "sequestration", the magistrates' court declared
itself incompetent because this "sequestration" accusation comes under the
Assize court. The public prosecutor's room made an appeal of this decision.
3 people, who were outside of the building, have been arrested and will face
a trial for "outrage". Many people among the "17" and the "3" have been
beaten by the police.
Supporting the "17", a support show was set up in St Etienne. At the end of
the show, 5 people have been arrested and judged in immediate court
appearance. The sentences are : 4 months of jail for one person, 4 months
including 2 on parole for 2 others, 2 months on parole and 600 euros of fine
for one other, and 600 euros of fine for the last one. These 5 people are
accused of outrage, violence with gestures and threats on police officers.
The arrestations were leaded in a very violent way.
It is essential to show to the State that we refuse these terror politics
which are as strong as the radicality of the movements concerned about
questioning our society and who are threatening the leaders of the
political, economical & social system.
- The criminalisation of the movements and the militants which tend to show
them as dangerous people for the society
- The systematic repression to strangle the problems enlightened by the
political or trade-unionist movements. The common sense would be to solve
the problems, not to attack the ones who are denoucing them.
- The repression as the only way to control the inequalities and to solve
the disfunctions of our society
- The criminalisation of the occupation in Strasbourg in order to create a
new case threatening the various upcoming occupations organised by
trade-unions or the "illegals" (sans-papiers) movement, for example.
We demand :
- The Ahmed's release, the "17" and "3" from Strasbourg release, the "5"
from St Etienne release, and the one of all the militants prosecuted by the
- The BAC (Anti-Criminality Brigades), which are the worst police sections
disintegration. They are often responsible of violence on militants and on a
daily basis on inhabitants of the suburbs. Beating up people seems to be a
normal way of action for the BAC's members, it must disappear.
- The abrogation of the LSQ (Laws on Daily Security) which are criminalising
the poorest and the youth (about fraud in public transports, gatherings in
the buildings entrances, rave-parties), are threatening the private life of
everyone (computer systems, searchs,...)etc... This carry-all law, voted by
the "Plural Left" thanks to the emotion caused by the September 11th is an
unbearable threat to the individual's freedom. This law must be suspended.
- The abrogation of the "double sentence". This law gives a second sentence
to the foreign people : the eviction of the french territory. We refuse this
xenophobe law.
Financial support :
You can support Ahmed, the "17", the "3" and the "5". Taking note that the
number of trials and justice costs are very important. You can send your
support gifts to :
Il-legal team c/o CAE, 21ter, rue Voltaire / 75011 PARIS/ FRANCE
We are calling to a national day of action against repression on October 8th
in order to let know to the government that we refuse his terror politics.
We won't let them terrorize us !
Collectif "Tant qu'il y aura des frontières", collectif "Halte à la
répression - Strasbourg"
invited to spread it and to inform the organisers at

Call against repression
Stop Repression !
The political repression coming from the french government is striking hard,
when it's not with violence, on the social movements and the people who are
questioning fundamental aspects of our society : relations between North &
South, borders, zero tolerance, productivism, Fortress-Europe, exclusion of
the poorests, commercial relationships...This targeted repression means to
put an end to the protest and the movements which are working for a fairest
and egalitarian society. The repression and the criminalisation have various
negative effects for us and positives ones for the leaders of the political,
economical and social system :
- They stigmatize us as dangerous peoples
- They tend to exagerate militancy acts in order to put some people in jail
(intervention of the GIPN -french special police force- for the Pamplemousse
squat eviction in Dijon or in Strasbourg during a common occupation on
August 23rd)
- They are financially ruinous for the movements and individuals because of
the justice costs and fines
- They're "breaking" individuals with the custodies, the violences, the
- They're limiting the possibilities of action for the militants because of
this nebulous threat of jail and fines above them
- They're distracting the movements of their initial goals, which are
poltical or trade-unionist action, because they're now focused on
The repression is also striking daily on the youth, the people coming from
immigration, the poorest classes, following the scandalous concept of
"popular classes, dangerous classes".
The Strasbourg's example :
During the international No Border camp which stood from July 19th to 28th,
dozens of people get arrested. 6 of them will face a trial between February
22nd and 28th. One guy, Ahmed, has been sentenced -wrongly- to 8 months of
jail (including 5 on parole) for outrage and violence on a police officer.
The public prosecutor's room made an appeal; the trial will take place in
Colmar on October 8th at 8.30 AM. 17 people, protesting against the Ahmed's
isolation in jail and claiming his right to have visits occupied an annex of
the Justice Minister. These 17 people have been accused wrongly of
"violation of property" and "sequestration", the magistrates' court declared
itself incompetent because this "sequestration" accusation comes under the
Assize court. The public prosecutor's room made an appeal of this decision.
3 people, who were outside of the building, have been arrested and will face
a trial for "outrage". Many people among the "17" and the "3" have been
beaten by the police.
Supporting the "17", a support show was set up in St Etienne. At the end of
the show, 5 people have been arrested and judged in immediate court
appearance. The sentences are : 4 months of jail for one person, 4 months
including 2 on parole for 2 others, 2 months on parole and 600 euros of fine
for one other, and 600 euros of fine for the last one. These 5 people are
accused of outrage, violence with gestures and threats on police officers.
The arrestations were leaded in a very violent way.
It is essential to show to the State that we refuse these terror politics
which are as strong as the radicality of the movements concerned about
questioning our society and who are threatening the leaders of the
political, economical & social system.
- The criminalisation of the movements and the militants which tend to show
them as dangerous people for the society
- The systematic repression to strangle the problems enlightened by the
political or trade-unionist movements. The common sense would be to solve
the problems, not to attack the ones who are denoucing them.
- The repression as the only way to control the inequalities and to solve
the disfunctions of our society
- The criminalisation of the occupation in Strasbourg in order to create a
new case threatening the various upcoming occupations organised by
trade-unions or the "illegals" (sans-papiers) movement, for example.
We demand :
- The Ahmed's release, the "17" and "3" from Strasbourg release, the "5"
from St Etienne release, and the one of all the militants prosecuted by the
- The BAC (Anti-Criminality Brigades), which are the worst police sections
disintegration. They are often responsible of violence on militants and on a
daily basis on inhabitants of the suburbs. Beating up people seems to be a
normal way of action for the BAC's members, it must disappear.
- The abrogation of the LSQ (Laws on Daily Security) which are criminalising
the poorest and the youth (about fraud in public transports, gatherings in
the buildings entrances, rave-parties), are threatening the private life of
everyone (computer systems, searchs,...)etc... This carry-all law, voted by
the "Plural Left" thanks to the emotion caused by the September 11th is an
unbearable threat to the individual's freedom. This law must be suspended.
- The abrogation of the "double sentence". This law gives a second sentence
to the foreign people : the eviction of the french territory. We refuse this
xenophobe law.
Financial support :
You can support Ahmed, the "17", the "3" and the "5". Taking note that the
number of trials and justice costs are very important. You can send your
support gifts to :
Il-legal team c/o CAE, 21ter, rue Voltaire / 75011 PARIS/ FRANCE
We are calling to a national day of action against repression on October 8th
in order to let know to the government that we refuse his terror politics.
We won't let them terrorize us !
Collectif "Tant qu'il y aura des frontières", collectif "Halte à la
répression - Strasbourg"