Bush plays Caligula while Blair strews his path with rose petals
scott | 18.09.2002 07:13
THE First World War started when Germany invaded Belgium. The Second World War started when Germany invaded Poland. Small nations were vulnerable because they were small. If, by some miracle, Belgium in 1914 and Poland in 1939 had possessed atomic bombs, it is probable that Germany would have invaded elsewhere.
Small nations with puny defensive capacities are more vulnerable than small nations with greater defensive capacities. To sustain a defensive capacity with modern weaponry is now beyond the means of small nations unless special circumstances prevail such as oil or a big power ally.
The United Nations held out the promise of global collective protection under international law. It wasn’t able to realise this aspiration because of the Cold War. With the end of the Cold War, the world expected the United Nations to achieve this noble goal.
That dream, too, was thwarted. The one remaining military superpower put itself above international law; refused to join the International Criminal Court that was to be responsible for indicting alleged war criminals, unless its citizens were exempted from the court’s provisions. It refused to sign international protocols against chemical and biological warfare. It repudiated the Kyoto Agreement on global pollution, with its president bluntly asserting that US economic interests come first.
John Bolton, high-ranking boss man in the State Department, speaks of US power as being unchallengeable and that it should be deployed to reshape the world, presumably in accordance with US interests. Charles Krauthammer, the intellectual guru of the American Right, talks about the "uniquely benign imperium" of the United States. (Benign! Tell that to the thousands of civilians killed in Afghanistan.)
"Imperium", to save you looking it up, as I had to do, means supreme power as derived from the supreme powers exercised by Roman God/Emperors. And so Bush plays Caligula on the world stage with Blair strewing his path with rose petals while growling at those who won’t Hail the Emperor and abase themselves before Him, as he does.
And this is the new world order? Why, it’s as old as the Tiber. Another attempt at world domination wherein international law is made redundant and the United Nations reduced to a rubber stamp for whatever Washington wants to do.
Of course, it won’t stop with Iraq. There are Iran and North Korea and a host of others ready for the broth pot. China? The coterie of right-wing Republicans around Bush talk openly of not accepting that China’s nuclear arsenal gives it a deterrence such as existed with the Soviets, mutually assured destruction, otherwise known as MAD. They have also declared that they will take action to prevent China from ever getting that far. How they propose to do that is yet unclear; but those that the gods would destroy they first make mad.
Listen instead to Abraham Lincoln: "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." That’s an assertion of a people’s right to determine their own destiny through the ballot box, where that is available, or by revolution, where it is not.
Peace in the world has always been dependent on respect for the right of self-determination for all nations. Without that, wars are inevitable. It is inconceivable that Abraham Lincoln could even contemplate intervention in the internal affairs of another country to effect a "regime change".
The principle applies even when you bitterly oppose a regime. The United States detested the Soviet regime, calling it an evil empire, but it never tried to invade that empire to effect a regime change. The Soviet Union was militarily too formidable.
The Bush administration is now claiming the right to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries because it has the might - not the right - to do so. This is evil and obscene, and the British Prime Minister is right in the thick of it.
Flatten Iraq, for it was flattened before and has not recovered. Then what? How does Israel handle a million new zealots to the terrorist cause? What if US friendly regimes in the region are toppled in the aftermath? Do we fight them as well? What if Britain is pushed to the top of the league, alongside the US, as a terrorist target? Is that the "blood price" we have to pay for the special relationship?
Hide the following 19 comments
Many good points
18.09.2002 12:58
D R Esder
19.09.2002 07:59
Indymedia's tolerance of homophobia has NOT gone unnoticed & will not be without consequence.
For the last time Indymedia keep your pathetic homophobia to yourself.
e-mail: sad1917@hotmail.com
19.09.2002 08:15
Remove that homophobic picture. Indymedia are rapidly getting a reputation of being a bunch of bigots. True progressives are against ALL discrimination.
This is not the first time that Indymedia (or should that be 'The Sun'..no not even 'The Sun' would be this homophobic) has promoted this kind of hate filled crap!
e-mail: sad1917@hotmail.com
19.09.2002 08:50
Remove (again) this disgustingly discriminatory picture!
You straight lefties are as hate filled as the people you pretend to oppose!
e-mail: sad1917@hotmail.com
Bring it down
19.09.2002 10:50
That fact that these things get posted doesn't mean that the Indymedia Collective is a homophobic group of people, or are a bunch of fascists. The only people who should have to answer for the postings are the senders. However, IMC do need a more efficient way to deal with such garbage, personal attacks and untruths. Back in August I was grassed up (for something I hadn't done!) on the pages of Indymedia. The process of hiding is inadequate in some cases and all too slow when the good reputation of Indymedia is at stake.
Other than that Victor, we need to work together to rid the world of homophobia - and IMC are not the enemy, just a bit slow!
Guy Taylor
e-mail: office@resist.org.uk
Homepage: http://resist.org.uk
19.09.2002 10:54
Brett Lock
e-mail: brett@nabumedia.com
Homepage: http://www.outrage.org.uk
Remove the picture - again
19.09.2002 11:07
19.09.2002 16:09
to see it has been put back again. If Indymedia don't remove it
permanently and take steps to prevent it from being re-posted,
I will remove all links to Indymedia from my political webpages
(I have already put warning notices on the links).
Sue Blackwell
e-mail: s.a.blackwell@bham.ac.uk
Homepage: http://web.bham.ac.uk/sue_blackwell/politics
Please remove this picture
19.09.2002 20:05
P. Baker
I agree
19.09.2002 21:30
I agree with Guy. There isn't enough enough editing of indymedia and this is undermining the project's aim and turning many activists away. Like it or not, IMC UK is not a popular medium largely due to its distinct lack of news and poor imposition of its own editorial guidelines.
Yet, it's up to all of us to contribute instead of slagging it off. If there are posts you don't like, report them to IMC - see contact page which is linked on the column on the left. Better still, if you have a bit of time to spare, participate in IMC and help turn it around.
20.09.2002 11:33
So the 'oh so progressive' middle class drop outs at Indymedia still have not removed this homophobic picture..what more prove do people need of Indymedia's 100% tolerance & encouragement of homophobia?
As a starting point can i recommend that any of you with webpages remove any link to or promotion of Indymedia (with appropiate comment about why), secondly please inform all anti-homophobic friends/organisations of the shit that Indymedia are pulling here & lets drive these bigots out of the antiwar movement!
e-mail: sad1917@hotmail.com
shut ur face cry baby!
20.09.2002 11:36
my pic
Typical idiot Het
20.09.2002 13:41
So 'My Pic' finally squeaks...like most homophobes he resorts to threats..oh you are really scaring me from cyberspace!
Tell me Hetboy have you been a socialist for long? Are you some middle class anarchist? Perhaps you are one of the Indymedia bigots...
Indymedia: by the provocation of this picture you have shown yourself to as complicit in this hate as the mindless dribble of the pictures poster.
No to War!
No to Homophobia!
No to the bigots of Indymedia!
e-mail: sad1917@hotmail.com
Earth to "my pic"
20.09.2002 15:25
You've translated Blair's submissiveness to Bush as a homosexual act - so to you submissive behaviour is equal to homosexual behaviour? And this isn't homophobic?
e-mail: eurotrashrrl@cybergrrl.com
Straight from the Schoolyard
20.09.2002 22:20
Could you make yourself sound any more juvenile if you tried? I would accuse you of sounding like a teenager, but that would do an injustice to most teenagers.
pull ur heads out of ur asses
21.09.2002 03:19
my wrong - gays dont like dick suckers
21.09.2002 03:35
Blair's is not being submissive to me it looks more like a wild dog attacking a scrap of meat it seems he knows what he wants and is going for it CHOMP! YOU ALL SOUND LIKE U JUST WANT TO COMPLAIN FOR THE SAKE OF COMPLAINING
my pic
What are indymedia playing at?
23.09.2002 09:41
I agree with the other posts...this picture still hasnt been removed and its been what? a week maybe more since it was put on..
..this 'my pic' idiot..grow up scumbag...your homophobia obviously vies with your sexism inside your bigoted little 'mind'
Remove this picture!
e-mail: keepitfrosty@hotmail.com
23.09.2002 09:59
(with apologies to Cartman and his creators)