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Flubya screws up his lines again in public speech.

GullyWhumper | 18.09.2002 06:22

Dubya can't get his lines straight. Makes another of his famous and frequent verbal gaffs in a public speech in Tennessee.

Here's how it was reported at on this thread (be sure to check out the comments):

{Quote from}
I just heard this on the 5:00 p.m. radio news break; it isn't an exact transcript, but it's pretty close. It's Shrubya reacting to Iraq's proposal to allow U.N. inspections.

"There's old an saying in old saying in Texas, I'm sure they say it Tennessee, too.
It says, 'Fool me once....[ugly three second pause as cocaine-corroded synapses frantically misfire]...
shame on, ah... anyway, can't get fooled again.'"

As my innocent young son observed when he heard Shrub's eloquent pronouncement: "What a retard!"

I wonder how many more times that tortured clip will be allowed to run, and how the transcript in tomorrow's paper will read.
{End Quote}

Here's a link to an audio clip:

Here's a link to an MSNBC video clip.

See also the comments on at:



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yes, its weird, init !

18.09.2002 12:38

sometimes he can put together a coherent speech, (even if as unpalatable as eisenhower and mcarthy singing a duet...) and other times he just fades off into that there ol' sunset. i cant work it out.

D R Esder

one time he spoke VERY clearly

18.09.2002 13:24

was when just at the time of his inauguration, he said "this whole thing would be easier if it were a dictatorship... so long as I'm the dictator [snort]"

D R Esder