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Berlin: Deportation stopped by aircraft passenger

no one is illegal | 17.09.2002 20:26

Hungarian airline MALEV, a member of the deportation.class, was hit by the aviation campaign which opposes all deportations. On September 2nd, the deportation of a detainee was stopped by an aircraft passenger.

Cologne. An aircraft passenger stopped the violent deportation of a young man at the airport Berlin-Tegel on September 2nd. The detainee was meant to be deported, accompanied by the German border police (BGS), on a scheduled flight of hungarian aviation company MALEV from Berlin via Budapest, flight no MALEV 671. The passenger who became aware of the plan, refused stubbornly to take his seat on the aircraft and remained standing up in the corridor. After an extended and agitated communication, the flight captain decided to take neither passenger nor detainee. Threatening violence, the German border police forced the passenger to leave the aircraft and threatened to claim compensation for damages because of the failed deportation.
"Our call to civil courage against deportation in the deportation.class is clearly met with widespread responses", says Jan Hoffman from "kein mensch ist illegal". "Our actions in airports at home and abroad, in travel agencies and in the internet has made the public aware of the aviation companies day-to-day policy of deportation. This courageous act encourages us to continue our deportation.class campaign against the Lufthansa and other aviation companies."

no one is illegal
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very courageous action

18.09.2002 12:34

fair to say its your civic duty to help whenever you see someone in distress, whether thats being run over in the street or being harrassed by legalised criminals as here. I hope I have the courage to do likewise if i see anything similar

D R Esder