BNP to protect the cuntryside alliance
camy parker bowels | 17.09.2002 08:00
i'd like to thank those caring BNP narzis for they kind offer to protect the Cuntryside alliance gentlefolk as we march through London on the 22nd of September
We'd like to express our deepest thanks and heartfelt appreciation to those fine examples of pure blue blooded british foot soldiers, the BNP, who've kindly offered to be at our service during the Cuntryside alliance protest march through London on the 22nd September. Thank you for standing by us, the creme dela creme of pure blue blooded british society/landed cuntryfolk/gentry and representatives of the best of great british tradition and heritage, i think together the cuntryside alliance with the support of the BNP can show you commies, anarchists, jews, blacks and poor, a thing or two about how to conduct oneself on a protest.
camy parker bowels