Outdossier Blair
dh | 16.09.2002 21:58
A dossier in advance of Tony's so eagerly awaited. Sure to be as convincing as the one on bin Laden. This is a valid document to use against war and the atrocious presidencies of Bush and Blair, and most other world governments. Please send to your MP, local press, anybody who should know
The majority oppose more war. It's time to start giving out the real truth.
The majority oppose more war. It's time to start giving out the real truth.

A Dossier by This Is The Real Truth Network
In 10 days time, Tony Blair will publish a dossier on Iraq. Here is ours.
Russians Link 911 To US Financial Crisis To Iraq War
Thus, the U.S. is now at a transition point. She has come to the climax of her military-power adventures for grabbing power over the planet. I think this peak will be crossed in 1 1/2 to 2 years, after which the USA will retract from its positions as a result of economic problems. I think the attack on Iraq will occur. I think Iran will be drawn into the confrontation, and it should not be excluded, that Israel will participate.... After that, U.S. policy will disintegrate under the influence of the economic and social-political collapse inside the U.S.. One has the feeling, that the financial oligarchy in power on this planet are not interested in maintaining the U.S. population at its present living standard...."
Mikhael Khazin drew a direct connection between the war threat and the unprecedented "structural crisis of the U.S. economy", for which the Administration has no solution. The only scenario for staving off a catastrophic financial-economic collapse in the U.S., would be a drastic reduction in the domestic oil prices inside the U.S., perhaps together with a sharp increase of oil prices for other countries.

To these weapons of mass destruction he now has added a nuclear “capability” – fissionable material supplied by North Korea. That country is part of the “axis of evil” that has become part of the lexicon of President Bush’s determination to go to war in the coming weeks.
Bush has been told by his CIA director, George Tenet, that the material may originally have come from China. Already Beijing has supplied Iraq with a state-of-the-art fibre optic system that will boost its air defences.
But now there is one difference. China has played a key role this past decade in supporting Iraq through its surrogate – North Korea.
So far the present Bush Administration has decided to keep Beijing out of its “axis of evil” rhetoric. But for how long? China was slow to condemn the September 11 attacks. It has been quick to protest against any attack now on Iraq.
No one knows how Beijing will respond. But there is a clue. In a briefing paper to President Bush, George Tenet, CIA director stated: “By 2015 China will have deployed tens to several tens of missiles with nuclear warheads targeted against us.
In the run-up to the last Gulf War, China sold Iraq large quantities of lithium-t-carbide, a key component in the manufacture of a nuclear bomb. The material subsequently disappeared before the UN inspectors entered the country after the war ended.
At the same time the Chinese nuclear scientists who had been in Iraq during the war returned to Beijing. But Iraqi defectors say they have returned to Baghdad.
Details of how to do this have been provided by some of the Chinese and North Korean nuclear scientists working at the country’s six nuclear facilities.
After the Gulf War President Bush’s father said that “America has bombed Iraq back to the stone age in terms of its nuclear capability”.
His son has known the truth is different. At both the Tarmiya and al-Jizira nuclear facilities, frantic work has been going on for the past three years to use “flow forming” machines – again from North Korea – to try and produce the components needed to create enriched uranium. At the al-Furat complex south of Baghdad, other nuclear scientists are building centrifuges to create another way to obtain weapons-grade uranium by gas-centrifuge separation

MINDFIELD The CIA and Its Secret Experiments with MKULTRA & Germ Warfare.
America’s Great State Secret
· Sensational never-seen-before documents from inside the White House, CIA and other agencies.
· Reveals the documentary evidence that links US Vice-President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to the cover-up of the death of top CIA scientist, Frank Olson.
· Explains how the CIA financed a ruthless and systematic assault of the human psyche – using a British-born psychiatrist to spearhead the assault.
· Names other world renowned physicians who were involved in the most sinister research programme ever created by any United States government – and its secret partner – the British government.
· Reveals how a woman was programmed to become a CIA assassin.
· Describes how a CIA chemist was murdered by his own colleagues after he had turned to the one man he thought he could trust – a London psychiatrist engaged in similar work.
· Reveals how “expendables” – the CIA generic name for those selected for killing – were secretly murdered after they had been experimented on in Europe.
· Describes how the CIA used prostitutes and mental patients in other experiments.
· Explains how the CIA deliberately pioneered the drug culture whose effects are still with us.
· Reveals how the CIA agent selected to monitor the experiments eventually died at the hands of a physician steeped in the methods perfected by the CIA.
· Identifies how the CIA experiments are still carried on in secret establishments in Israel and China.
· Uncovers CIA terminal experiments on Vietcong prisoners in Vietnam.
· Publishes the CIA Manual of Assassination – a shocking document describing how to commit state-approved murder.
All this and more is supported by a wealth of never before published evidence; personal interviews with those doctors involved in the work that mocks their oath to do no harm to their patients.
It is also the story of a brave man, William Buckley, the longest serving agent in the CIA, until his own terrible death at the hands of a doctor trained in the techniques the CIA pioneered. Buckley was a close personal friend of the author.
It is a shattering account of how the dark side of science collaborated with sheer lunacy to create a chilling tour de force of terror. Based upon impeccable research, it shows how our elected governments lied to the people for over fifty years – and continues to obscure the truth. It is a story of murder, inhuman experiments and torture.

US Supplies, Calibrates, Endorses Chem Weapons In Iraq
According to information obtained by the AGWVA, there is irrefutable evidence to show that the Unites States government provided and encouraged Iraq's use of chemical weapons. The United States Department of Commerce and The American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) provided at least 80 shipments of biological agents that were not attenuated (or weakened) and were capable of reproduction. These shipments included such virulent agents as Anthrax, West Nile Virus and Clostridium botulinum (S.R.103-900, May 25, 1994, pg. 264).
The AGWVA also found it very disturbing to learn that on December 19, 1983, the Middle Eastern envoy who carried a handwritten note from President Reagan to Saddam Hussein, to "resume our diplomatic relations with Iraq" was none other than our present Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. (while he was President of Searle Pharmaceutical at the time)

A bomb has not been completed, but the USA is eager to test it
The Pentagon is going to test a new bomb in Iraq. This is a radiological bomb, the so-called E-bomb. The new weapon will allow disable electronic systems and power supply systems. The E-bomb can be used to strike chemical and biological objects, avoiding human victims. Needless to mention anything about the Americans “art” of striking certain objects.
The radiological bomb was developed at a secret base in the southwest of England. The bomb creates high-frequency radio waves, which work like an electromagnetic impulse of an A-bomb blast. This wave is capable of penetrating underground bunkers, where Saddam is allegedly hiding his chemical and biological weapons. The radio impulse will easily penetrate ventilation and cable systems. The bomb puts such systems out of operation, and it will not be possible to efficiently use weapons that are stored in these bunkers.

Editorial note - the link below provides a huge amount of information on scalar electronics. I have been in email correspondence with the author who does seem genuine but as always it is up to you to decide if this is useful or it is disinformation. You should also type HAARP into google for more information on the US installation in Alaska, and you can also read the book HAARP - Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy. My report on 9-11 also has more on this.
Scalar Wars The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics
The implications of successful engineering of the longitudinal waves are enormous, and will change the world as we know it, one way or another. Among other things, these discoveries mean that:
1. The solutions to the energy crisis and the "oil problem" are in hand. These oil wars are unnecessary. There is endless energy available freely from the domain of time.
2. Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operating in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and mind-boggling.
3. The cure of diseases such as cancer and AIDS, in fact nearly any disease, has become possible within a few years of sufficient funding. Everyone can be made healthy and stay healthy.
4. Mind control on a mass scale has now become possible, and the machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible to mentally enslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials.

In Iraqi War Scenario, Oil Is Key Issue
A U.S.-led ouster of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein could open a bonanza for American oil companies long banished from Iraq, scuttling oil deals between Baghdad and Russia, France and other countries, and reshuffling world petroleum markets, according to industry officials and leaders of the Iraqi opposition.
Although senior Bush administration officials say they have not begun to focus on the issues involving oil and Iraq, American and foreign oil companies have already begun maneuvering for a stake in the country's huge proven reserves of 112 billion barrels of crude oil, the largest in the world outside Saudi Arabia.

The Best Enemies Money Can Buy
From Hitler To Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden - Insider Connections and the Bush Familyís Partnership with Killers of Americans
After becoming President in January 1989, Prescott Bushís son, George Herbert Walker Bush - father of our current President - authorized a series of programs that not only armed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein but also provided him with technology that assisted in his development of chemical weapons like Sarin gas, and biological weapons, which he still possesses. Apologists for Bush (the elder) say that, after the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s left the region unstable, he was just trying to establish a new balance of power. Not so. Bush directives and policies, including relationships with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), and the Banca Nacional del Lavoro (BNL) were directly and deliberately responsible for creating the army the U.S. fought in 1991.

Depleted Uranium
This research started in January 2001 when first reports of the UNEP Balkans DU survey included strange anomalies - too little evidence and too much radiation (from dirty DU).
These investigations question one of the best kept military secrets of the last decade. The facts about DU weapons are well known to military experts and arms manufacturers in the US, UK and at least 30 other countries.
But how much do politicians know about them? What have aid agencies been told? And why have the media stayed silent about new weapons in the Afghan war?
The conclusions have immediate implications for the health, safety and welfare of civilians, troops and aid workers in Afghanistan.
They question the role of Governments, UN agencies and the validity of official research studies concerning Depleted Uranium (DU) to date.
They raise serious questions about the global proliferation of DU in military and civilian applications and its suspected widespread use in Afghanistan.
They have fundamental implications for the classification of DU munitions as weapons of indiscriminate effect.

Extreme Birth Deformities
"There is, as yet, no universally accepted data that depleted uranium shells, in isolation, are the direct and only cause of extreme birth deformities in Iraq. They may be a significant contributor, but are, in the current research considered to be one part of a complex chain of contributory factors that include everything from petro-chemical contamination from oil fires and attacks on oil installations, to chemical fallout from attacks on industrial plants and Saddam Hussein's chemical and biological warfare facilities.
It is presently impossible to link DU directly to birth defects. However, common sense suggests that a link exists when examining the geographical clusters of birth deformities against the known high density areas of DU strikes, particularly in the south of the country. The bottom line is that an increasing body of independent evidence is adding great weight to the argument against the use of DU. And to this day, not a single military or governmental spokeperson has ever offered to settle the debate once and for all.
It is very simple to prove one way or the other. Those who claim DU dust is safe must be obliged, in public, to breath some in."
Grant Wakefield, email to This Is The Real Truth Network, June 19th, 2002

O'Reilly's Shameful Double Standard
I would like you to consider the one nation that has been condemned by the UN Security Council (including the US) not 16 times like Iraq, but 84 times. Its current leader even had a UN Security Council resolution condemning his role in killing civilians (UN SC Res 101; 24 Nov 1953). This nation remains in total violation of 67 Resolutions since 1967 for war crimes. These include acts of aggression, annexation of foreign land, deportation of civilians, illegal colonization of foreign land, killing of civilians (17,000 civilians killed in its invasion of Lebanon in 1982 according to the AP), destruction of civilian property and repeated occupation of foreign lands. It also includes the brutal massacre of over 1,000 civilians in Beirut, overseen by this nation's current leader (UN SC Res 521; 19 Sep 1982). In the year 2002 alone, this rogue nation has had 4 UN SC Resolutions condemning it, and it remains in violation of these as well (UN SC Res 1397, 1402, 1403, 1405; 12 Mar, 30 Mar, 4 Apr, 19 Apr 2002).
Understand that these are not UN General Assembly Resolutions, which are non-binding. They are Security Council Resolutions, which are legally binding and which the US government has approved.
No, this nation that has violated more international laws than any current country and has never once been punished militarily or faced sanctions, is not Iraq. Its America's ally, Israel.

Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President
A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001.
The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'

Zbigneiw Brezezinski - The Grand Chessboard
This work presents Brzezinski's provocative geostrategic vision for American preeminence in the 21st century. Central to his analysis is the exercise of power on the Eurasian Landmass, which is home to the greatest part of the globe's population, natural resources, and economic activity. He argues that the task facing the USA is to manage the conflicts and relationships in Europe, Asia and the Middle East so that no rival "superpower" arises to threaten their interests or well-being. At the heart of this text is Brzenzski's analysis of the four critical regions of Eurasia and of the stakes for America in each Arena - Europe, Russia, Central Asia and East Asia.
John Pilger - The New Rulers of the World
In "The New Rulers of the World" the award-winning journalist John Pilger selects from his recent "Guardian" and "New Statesman" essays on power, its secrets and illusions. The title is from his television film about the mythology of globalization; in which he revealed how General Suharto's bloody seizure of power in Indonesia in the 1960s was part of a Western design that was the beginning of globalization in Asia. In this book, John Pilger discloses more of Indonesia's secret history, as well as describing the price paid by the people of Iraq for the West's decade-long embargo. The author also contemplates the September 11th terrorist attacks on America and the causes.
Thom Hartmann - Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
This is a great book and the reason I highlight it here is that the above dossier can be disturbing and depressing. This is a very positive book and provides a fantastic framework and suggestions for getting us all out the mess we find ourselves in.
The world is reaching crisis point, as population growth escalates out of control, and species and cultures are being destroyed. With humans across the globe encroaching further and further upon Earth's resources, the realization that the supply is finite has dawned and we now face the urgent dilemma of knowing how to create a sustainable future for ourselves. In this title, Thom Hartmann puts forward his lasting solution to our survival. Teaching us a new way of seeing, Hartmann introduces us to lessons of our ancient ancestors - those which allowed sustainable living for many thousands of years but which we've forgotten. It is a call for consciousness combining spirituality and ecology that offers real hope for the future.
The Truth About 9-11? Uncomfortable Questions for Blair, Bush and The Media
There are a number of thorny issues when writing a report such as this
1 People don't like to be preached at. How do you try and communicate information to people when you think it will help them, without sounding preachy?
2 How do you overcome the problem that this War on Terror is not only covered in secrecy but also littered with disinformation and propaganda on all sides?
3 How do overcome the problem that those people who you are trying to expose will shout "conspiracy theory" and call you a lunatic in order to dissuade people from actually looking at the facts
4 How do you provide people with as unbiased account as possible while trying to cut through all the crap and highlighting the important issues
5 How do you present a hugely complex area and information to people who do not have the time to study such complexity - how do you cut to the chase to demonstrate to people there is a problem and it is our problem
We dont know if we have been successful. With as little commentary as possible here are some thought provoking articles. Listed are the headlines, a key quotation and the full reference from where the article came from for those who want to investigate more.
We feel it is too early to be able to name the individuals who hijacked the aircraft, or which financiers financed the attacks. But the books will provide you with a framework to be able to analyse media reports more critically, and the web articles will reveal some surprising revelations that the mainstream media are not able to pursue.
