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Left Boycotts Countryside Demo

vngelis | 16.09.2002 07:52

From post-industrial to post-agricultural society. The path to a parasitical hell.

From post-industrial to post-agrticultural. The path to a parastitical hell.

Under the guise that agricultural production in the UK is the preserve of the fox hunters, the Labour government owned lock stock and barrel by the City financiers who brought it to power, is attempting to erase agriculture in the same passion as they have in erasing manufacturing from the UK. Not content with the demise of millions of manufacturing jobs under the Thatcher era, Blair is set to decimate every manufacturing capability and erase hundreds of years of history with one stroke.

The purpose is clear. For the sake of EU expansion and the arrival of millions of small farmers from Eastern Europe the Common Agricultural Policy has to go in Western Europe and any agricultural subsidies have to go to the low income farmers of the East. Nation states are beginning to lose their independence in terms of food production and they will be dependent on the production capacities of other countries. Just as Britain has no coal industry, it now aims to have no food industry.

The laws governing capitalist economies imply that the pressure on profits of the large supermarket chains alongside their concentration (soon to be 3 large chains dominating the market, Tesco, Sainsburys and WalMart) imply that lower and lower prices from producers are sought, something which makes it economically unfeasable to happen as thousands of small farmers are driven to the wall. From 1995 to today farming income has dropped by 75%. The loss of food production means there will be no escape from the concrete hell assigned to most people and that when we have one supermarket chain left, prices will skyrocket or people wont have money to buy anything, as is currently happening in the land with the largest production of beef, Argentina.

The issues governing the coming march on Sunday of course are concealed by the relentless amount of government propaganda which under the guise of a progressive measure (the ban on foxhunting) has ensured that the left remain committed to their globalist agenda, by their non-participation. After all what would Lord Sainsbury, the Science Minister think?



Display the following 2 comments

  1. hunting — sharp
  2. CSA are killing the countryside — Devon lad