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BBC announce early warnings by text

monk | 15.09.2002 00:40

Things are getting scary

BBC news interactive are running a piece on the government implementing new methods of air raid warnings, saying the old style sirens will not be taken heed of, instead using modern methods of mass warning the public of attack by text messaging, digital tv and internet, they are setting this into action as we speak, now, am i the only one a little nervous of this? do they know something the general public don't?. The scary thing to me is that if it were propaganda to highten tension preparing the UK public for war with Iraq, it would be on national news, but it's not, it's hidden away, a small article on digital interactive (bbci - news - scitech 15sept)



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Don't Panic!

15.09.2002 08:24

Propaganda doesn't just appear on the front page! The story, which I couldn't find, may be "buried" in the science page, but that'll freak out the geeks who read that page won't it? Posting the story on IMC may well fool readers of a more sensitive/gullible disposition, though I'm sure that wasn't the intention.

Looking at the BBC's science page today I did see a prominent link to a video clip on "Preparing for a possible chemical attack", a headline which suits our war mongering government very well.

You ask "do they know something the general public don't". Well, to anyone that pays attention to BBC output it is abundantly clear that, when it comes to war, all they know is to follow the government agenda. Such "facts" are dutifully, uncritically and relentlessly broadcast. That's why Mike Moore's appearance on Question Time was such a delight, because he raised very pertinent points - like why don't UN resolutions apply to Israel - which BBC journos never, ever, ask when interviewing politicians.

My god, I've been awake for just 2 hours and I've heard them report three times the coverage of Saddam in the News of the World - he eats babies, watches torture vids, etc, - so they'll pick any source if it suits their agenda.

It's bullshit from here on in.

On a lighter note, it's nice to see the Conservative Party are calling in the experts to develop their defence policy .......

Auntie Beeb (no relation)

Don't Panic II

15.09.2002 20:40

The only way Iraq can currently get Scuds to Israel is by firing them without a warhead so as to make them light enough to get there. In other words, he is only capable of dropping chunks of metal on Israel (as witnessed in Gulf War I). He certainly doesn't possess anything even remotely similar to Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles.


James Venables

I too was intrigued by this article!

16.09.2002 13:44

I also read this article and (realising the unliklehood of Iraqi missiles hitting British shores oh har de har har), even the mention of early warnings sends shivers up the spine. Especially when it is the long awaited and very dissapointing Labour Government making such announcemounts.

I would also like to add that I read this site to be better informed on world affairs (minus the propoganda), and not to read snidy comments posted in an 'I am considerably more intelligent than thou' attitude. I am starting to get irritated - please stop!

Curiouser and Curiouser