Pigwatch Communiqué
Pigwatch | 14.09.2002 12:05
This is a message for all of you lucky bunnies coming down to the anti-war demo on the 28 September.
This is first demonstration against the war in Iraq and is therefore very important for the police in a number of ways. They know that the war on Iraq is unpopular and there will be a lot of new faces out for this one.
In this situation the police have two aims, the first is to attempt to discourage people from attending these demonstrations. They will achieve this by being very heavy handed and forcing people into positions they don’t want to be in. As a result of this they will be able to identify the more militant members of the crowd from the more passive elements. That is their second aim.
For example, once people get into a road the cops don’t want you to be in, they will attempt to move the crowd back onto a pavement, the more militant peeps will fight back and resist being herded, others will do as the police wish. This is where the cops recognise potential "troublemakers". They now apply the dictum of "Divide and Rule" they will attempt to isolate the "troublemakers" from the passive crowd. In this position we will all be weaker and less likely to achieve our aims.
One of the ways the police will be recording elements of the crowd is by use of the Forward Intelligence Team (FIT). The job of the FIT officers is to take pictures of people in the protest so the police can identify these people easily in the future and quickly neutralise their activities. These pictures will also be used as evidence against individuals for things they haven’t necessarily done.
Pigwatch suggests that you try and stay out of the way of police camera's, or wear a face mask to avoid being recognised. This is basic common sense. Their is no reason why the police should have your picture, don’t let them get it.
If you would like to take a more active role against the police's policy of surveillance, bring a camera along with you and identify "troublemakers" of your own in the police force! Send pictures of the cops into
Pigwatch asks people coming to this protest to try and keep these ideas in mind:
1. Do not let cops take pictures of you.
2. Do not talk to the cops - how ever friendly they may seem and irrelevant the conversation may be. The police are trained to be very friendly and talk to protestors. This is a form of psychological intimidation as well as intelligence gathering. There is nothing to gain by talking to pigs, you won’t learn anything.
3.Do not give the police your leaflets - this is intelligence gathering, and police officers have been photographed selecting propaganda and storing it for future use. Giving officers your propaganda or letting them take it off stands etc not only alerts them of future protests but also allows them to categorise your organisation.
4. Do not let the cops infiltrate the crowd, this is a way to control the crowds movements and overhear ideas being passed around, which will be reported to senior officers so they can take appropriate action.
5. Keep moving, don’t dawdle, do not let the cops form lines around you, fill gaps in the crowd
6. Don’t be intimidated by the police.
7. Plain clothes officers, provocateurs and agents do exist. Be wary of people getting to close, people claiming to be journalists and taking pictures of you and people with illogical ideas.
8. Protect each other - if you see people being harassed by the cops help them out.
9. Links arms as often as possible and stick together.
10. Take pictures of the cops
Remember - as individuals we are weak but as one we are strong.
Have fun and play safe.
www.pigwatch.co.uk - “keeping two beady eyes and a snout on the metropolitan police force”
info@pigwatch.co.uk - Address for information and enquiries.
pics@pigwatch.co.uk - Address for picture and video submissions.
[please spread this document to wherever you feel it could be usefull]
In this situation the police have two aims, the first is to attempt to discourage people from attending these demonstrations. They will achieve this by being very heavy handed and forcing people into positions they don’t want to be in. As a result of this they will be able to identify the more militant members of the crowd from the more passive elements. That is their second aim.
For example, once people get into a road the cops don’t want you to be in, they will attempt to move the crowd back onto a pavement, the more militant peeps will fight back and resist being herded, others will do as the police wish. This is where the cops recognise potential "troublemakers". They now apply the dictum of "Divide and Rule" they will attempt to isolate the "troublemakers" from the passive crowd. In this position we will all be weaker and less likely to achieve our aims.
One of the ways the police will be recording elements of the crowd is by use of the Forward Intelligence Team (FIT). The job of the FIT officers is to take pictures of people in the protest so the police can identify these people easily in the future and quickly neutralise their activities. These pictures will also be used as evidence against individuals for things they haven’t necessarily done.
Pigwatch suggests that you try and stay out of the way of police camera's, or wear a face mask to avoid being recognised. This is basic common sense. Their is no reason why the police should have your picture, don’t let them get it.
If you would like to take a more active role against the police's policy of surveillance, bring a camera along with you and identify "troublemakers" of your own in the police force! Send pictures of the cops into

Pigwatch asks people coming to this protest to try and keep these ideas in mind:
1. Do not let cops take pictures of you.
2. Do not talk to the cops - how ever friendly they may seem and irrelevant the conversation may be. The police are trained to be very friendly and talk to protestors. This is a form of psychological intimidation as well as intelligence gathering. There is nothing to gain by talking to pigs, you won’t learn anything.
3.Do not give the police your leaflets - this is intelligence gathering, and police officers have been photographed selecting propaganda and storing it for future use. Giving officers your propaganda or letting them take it off stands etc not only alerts them of future protests but also allows them to categorise your organisation.
4. Do not let the cops infiltrate the crowd, this is a way to control the crowds movements and overhear ideas being passed around, which will be reported to senior officers so they can take appropriate action.
5. Keep moving, don’t dawdle, do not let the cops form lines around you, fill gaps in the crowd
6. Don’t be intimidated by the police.
7. Plain clothes officers, provocateurs and agents do exist. Be wary of people getting to close, people claiming to be journalists and taking pictures of you and people with illogical ideas.
8. Protect each other - if you see people being harassed by the cops help them out.
9. Links arms as often as possible and stick together.
10. Take pictures of the cops
Remember - as individuals we are weak but as one we are strong.
Have fun and play safe.
www.pigwatch.co.uk - “keeping two beady eyes and a snout on the metropolitan police force”

[please spread this document to wherever you feel it could be usefull]