Israel-arming Companies - Target List
Just Do It! | 13.09.2002 04:34
Below is the internet addresss of Lieden PR, a US/Israeli company responsible for keeping the image of Israel clean - that it is a democratic but victimised state, a weak state, still sufering from the Holocaust, suffering from Arab land-squatters and definately not oppressing anybody
This is just the web address of Lieden PR, it includes on the page a list of arms companies responsible for arming the fourth largest army in the world and murdering and occupying the lives and identities of millions of Palestinians. Israel controls the waters, the roads, infrastructure, and government of over 75% of Palestinian territory, and has killed, along with its settler programme, in effect a civil army - settlers are armed, deliberately housed in locations where they will encounter hostility from the local population and can act as a buffer, policing locals and engaging in attacks. Hebron - where one of the most militant Settlements is built on top of the city itself and where settlers have killed over 30 Palestinian residents since the beginning of the second Intifada (on average over one person every month (September 2000) is a clear example. The corporations responsible for arming states are easier to target than states themselves and their profits challenged and activities illuminated, directly.
Only Direct Action Can Stop War
And, also on the war front ....
Hill and Knowlton - the PR company responsible for the babies-thrown-out-if-incubators story where a Kuwaiti nurse's statement about 306 new born babies being wrenched out of their incubators by Iraqi troops sold the US-Iraq war to millons around the world. The story was pure spin. The 'nurse' turned out to the Kuwaiti Ambassador's daughter and the number of incubators the hospital had could not have been more than 80. Melbourne has 80 for a population of 3 million. Kuwait as a whole has a population, or had then in 1991 a population of 1.5 million. Hill & Knowlton got U$ 11.6 million dollars for their effort.
Only Direct Action Can Stop War

And, also on the war front ....
Hill and Knowlton - the PR company responsible for the babies-thrown-out-if-incubators story where a Kuwaiti nurse's statement about 306 new born babies being wrenched out of their incubators by Iraqi troops sold the US-Iraq war to millons around the world. The story was pure spin. The 'nurse' turned out to the Kuwaiti Ambassador's daughter and the number of incubators the hospital had could not have been more than 80. Melbourne has 80 for a population of 3 million. Kuwait as a whole has a population, or had then in 1991 a population of 1.5 million. Hill & Knowlton got U$ 11.6 million dollars for their effort.
Just Do It!
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