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The Panama Deception: Putting 9/11 in a New Light [documentary video]

Empowerment Project | 13.09.2002 01:52

America’s invasion of Panama in 1989 is a perfect example of U.S. fascism. Over four thousand innocent civilians were brutally massacred to secure U.S. control over the Panama Canal and the Central American drug trade. Furthermore, Panama is now being used as a staging ground for all U.S. military interventions in Central and South America. Panama is the geostrategic key to military control over the Americas.

The Panama Deception: Putting 9/11 in a New Light [documentary video]
The Panama Deception: Putting 9/11 in a New Light [documentary video]

From the introductory comments:

"Journalists like to think of themselves of guardians of the truth – the fifth estate which operates outside of the self-perpetuating interests of business or politics. But what is becoming increasingly clear is that journalists are instead often pawns of the government or the establishment and they are spoon-fed a reality that only reinforces the agenda of the powers that be."

"You are about to see a film that reveals to what extent the American government controls what we think and what we believe is happening in the world. The Panama Deception documents what really happened when America troops invaded Panama in 1989."

"Now the official version was that the invasion was necessary to protect American lives and to capture Manuel Noriega – Panama’s strongman and drug lord. That’s the story that was reported on every major newscast in the U.S. and that is the story that captured headlines in all of the newspapers. But as the Panama Deception reveals, the Bush administration had a much more devious and sinister plan in mind. And it was willing to massacre 4000 Panamanian citizens in its ruthless pursuit of a political agenda."

"Nobody in America ever found out about the complete death toll in Panama because the government controlled all of the information that was coming out the country at the time. The Panama Deception is a shocking expose of how American governments control the game and make up the rules as they go along. And it puts the World Trade terrorist attacks in a strange new light once you see the carnage that American troops inflicted on the poor and innocent people of Panama."

America’s invasion of Panama in 1989 is a perfect example of U.S. fascism. Over four thousand innocent civilians were brutally massacred to secure U.S. control over the Panama Canal and the Central American drug trade. Furthermore, Panama is now being used as a staging ground for all U.S. military interventions in Central and South America. Panama is the geostrategic key to military control over the Americas.

Still don’t believe this is fascism? Well, take this into consideration. In the first days of the invasion Apache helicopter gunships, tanks, F-16s, Stealth bombers, and U.S. Marines rained terror and death down on the poor neighborhoods in 27 simultaneous “theatres of combat” – fields of mass murder. Young men, women, children, and the elderly were burned alive in their homes, in their cars and in the streets. People were run over by tanks, obliterated by shells, and executed in cold blood by American soldiers. Others were placed in concentration camps after their homes were torched by U.S. troops. Bodies were dumped in the ocean, burned on the beaches and buried in mass graves. The Army went around arresting union leaders, reporters, Nationalist party members, members of the government, and members of left-wing groups; all of whom were imprisoned without due process; some of whom still remain in jail today, never having seen a lawyer or a courtroom.

The operation also provided a chance for secret weapons testing. Some civilians were reportedly pulverized by laser guns and others bled to death from all orifices after being hit by poison darts. It was also the first time that Apache helicopters and F-117A Stealth fighters were used in combat. Panama was the testing ground for Desert Storm, which took place one-year later.

To justify this invasion, the U.S. covert operation teams resorted to dirty tricks to provoke a conflict. When this failed an incident was staged in which an American citizen was conveniently attacked in front of news cameras by a band of unidentified thugs. They were never identified nor caught! Additionally, the Black Operations teams went around partaking in acts of terror against U.S. army bases that were immediately blamed on Panamanian government agents. This exact same tactic of fake terrorism was proposed in the Operation Northwoods documents to justify an invasion of Cuba!

Nothing has changed! Their tactics are old and stale, yet they still manage to fool the American population with the mass media. Wake up America, the only terrorists in the world belong to corporate and military America. 9/11 conveniently permits fascism to raise its head once again.


How can the world accept such barbarism without demanding justice? It is time to bring George Bush Sr. and his administration, along with its military command and corporate sponsors before an international court of justice.

It is the world’s responsibility to prevent George Bush Jr. from committing more crimes against humanity in Iraq and elsewhere. It is also imperative that the world continues to press for answers as to the possibility of government foreknowledge and complicity in the September 11th attacks.

Watch this National Film Board of Canada documentary:

Part 1: download Real Media file (9.2 megs) or stream it here (34kbps).

Part 2: download Real Media file (5.9 megs) or stream it here (35kbps).

Part 3: download Real Media file (9.2 megs) or stream it here (34kbps).

Empowerment Project


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Negative response querying accuarcy of US Panama invasion video

10.01.2004 23:59

I received this reply after posting the introductory excerpts to the Panama invasion video to Dr. Weevil, Michael Hendry in the USA.
Maybe you would like to respond to him with further relevant information.
Ekky Irion


----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Hendry
To: Ekky Irion
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: This is a message for Dr.Weevil

Definition of a fool: Someone who thinks it is possible that G. W. Bush helped plan and carry out the destruction of the World Trade Center, and that the lack of evidence for such a thing just shows that an enormous and ruthless conspiracy is concealing it, but also thinks that it is absolutely impossible that Saddam Hussein helped plan and carry out 9/11, though outsiders have hardly begun to search what's left of the Iraqi archives after the fleeing Ba'athists did a very thorough job of burning and looting them.

The documentary blurb you quote is full of obvious lies, up to and including the magical pulverizing laser beams and other Sci-Fi weapons. Didn't that give you a hint? It is simply left-wing propaganda, made up by liars for fools. It obviously found one.

So go on dreaming, fool, and don't bother writing to me again. Your own arguments have very little connection to reality, and you (and 'Lenin') have not even begun to answer mine. The fact is that Panama and Grenada now have multi-party elections and lively and varied media sectors, are not occupied or controlled by the U.S., have complete control over their canals (Panama) and airfields (both), and have not felt any obligation to send troops to Iraq, though Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and even Nicaragua have done so. They usually don't even vote with the U.S. in the U.N., though it would cost them nothing to do so. So far from controlling Central and South America, the U.S. hasn't even managed to remove Castro from power in 45 years of trying, or to keep a pro-Castro dictatorial thug from seizing control of the number one oil-producing nation in Latin America, against the wishes of the large majority of its people.

I could go on, but there's really no point in arguing with someone who will believe any vile slander directed at the U.S. as long as he finds it printed on the web somewhere.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Weevil

Ekky Irion
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