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A Litany of Lies, part 3

Kevin Alfred Strom | 09.09.2002 23:07

Welcome to American Dissident Voices. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.

Today's program is the third in our series on Jewish falsehoods entitled
A Litany of Lies. But before I get to the main section of my program
today, I want to give you a report on the Taxpayers Against Terrorism
protest in Washington on August 24th, 2002. My wife and I attended the
march, and let me tell you something: It was inspiring. It was inspiring
to see a column of racially conscious White people marching from Union
Station to the Capitol, a line so long that it spanned several large
city blocks, a line so long that it was difficult to see the end if you
were marching near the front as we were, a line so long that the chants
from the rear literally could not be heard at the head of the line. It
was inspiring to stand amid the neo-classical monuments to Euro-American
greatness -- the Capitol, the Washington Monument, the magnificent
sculptures -- and raise our banners high to demand freedom and
self-determination for our people and for all peoples oppressed by
Jewish power.

The number of our marchers was at least 500, based on my own count and
those of others who were there. That number is conservative: Chief
Terrance W. Gainer of the U.S. Capitol Police said there were as many as

What is certain is that National Alliance members and supporters far
outnumbered the opposition, a ragtag collection of about 150 Jewish,
communist, and anarchist fanatics who had vowed that we "would not
pass," but only succeeded in throwing two rocks, one at the police and
one that landed at my feet. The filthy and "diverse" counterprotestors,
wearing masks, flaunting their sexual perversions, displaying and
shouting communist slogans and the foulest obscenities imaginable, made
quite a contrast to the decent and disciplined marchers on our side -- a
difference that I am sure was not lost on the spectators there or on
those who read the alternative media, where the march was presented in a
fairly balanced fashion.

The Jewish-controlled media, of course, twisted the facts to suit their
agenda. With very few exceptions, they failed to show the frenzied rage,
hatred, and threats of violence from the anti-White side. With very few
exceptions, they did not report in their articles on the protest that
earlier that morning a band of anti-White thugs viciously attacked a
group of Alliance members and supporters at a hotel in Baltimore,
assaulting the patriots with hockey sticks, pipes, knives, boards with
nails, steel pipes, skate boards, baseball bats, and tire irons. The
results of the pro-Jewish thugs' criminal attacks were these: the White
people defended themselves, all 40 attackers were arrested (many of them
hiding in the hotel after being repulsed), the march went on
successfully as scheduled, and numerous anti-White thugs now find
themselves justly charged with serious felonies.

The Jewish media concentrated their photos and coverage of our march
almost exclusively on the few protestors who chose Third Reich garb and
symbols. Watching the Jewish lie-machines, one could never see the rally
the way it really was: A sea of intelligent, attractive White faces from
all age groups and social classes, united in demanding an end to Jewish
control of our destiny; a field of the bright and beautiful Life Rune
flags of the National Alliance interspersed with American flags, flying
high and proud; and, above all, the smiles, the handshakes, the
embraces, the laughter, the words of love and support, and the
camaraderie of the men and women who have pledged their lives, their
fortunes, and their sacred honor to the only Cause that really matters.

To every reader of the alternative media and every spectator who was
there, however, the twisted news reports were obvious lies -- lies which
will become ever more difficult to maintain as increasing numbers of the
more intelligent and independent awaken to the reality of Jewish
criminality, Jewish oppression of our people, and Jewish lies.


The greatest and most dangerous lie that the Jewish establishment
injects into our minds is the lie of human racial equality. This
"equality" lie is dangerous because it leads, ultimately, to racial
mixture and racial mixture leads to the extinction of our people (and
indeed of any people who practice it). The idea of racial equality has
been made by the Jewish media into a kind of religion, a dogma which is
only questioned by the "evil" and the "immoral," and in many countries
it is actually a crime to question it. The Jewish-sponsored "hate crime"
laws are a step toward such thought crime laws here in America.

It is tragic that, to many White people today, the idea of racial
equality has been drummed into their heads almost from birth to the
point where it is accepted as an axiom, an assumed part of the nature of
reality. Racial equality is thought of as being so obvious that only the
most ignorant uncivilized yahoos would ever question it. White people
who believe in this lie of racial equality don't realize that they have
been conditioned to believe in it unquestioningly, religiously,
specifically so that they will not reason about it -- because the lie of
racial equality cannot stand the light of day, and a few minutes'
reflection will suffice to show how utterly absurd a lie it is, just as
absurd as the other Jewish lies I've exposed in earlier programs in this

Racial equality is a fantastic delusion, belief in which is equivalent
to belief in leprechauns or "orgone accumulators." There is not a whit
of evidence for it. It is essentially a religion. Not only are races and
individuals manifestly not equal, but equality of any kind is quite rare
in the real world when we get above the molecular level. Race is
omnipresent. Equality is non-existent.

The "equality" faith can take several forms, though its votaries,
realizing that exact definitions are anathema to what they "know in
their hearts," usually gloss over the differences:

Variation 1. The belief that all human beings, and all races, are
actually "equal," and that only the naughty environment and wicked
"racism" make it seem not to be so. If only we could make everyone's
environment precisely equal, and enslave or kill all evil "racists" and
other noticers of facts, everyone's blessed "equality" would finally
shine through. (One would think that the mammalian brain could do better
than this -- but apparently not.)

Variation 2. A slightly less nutty variant is the belief that, while it
is admitted that races and individuals are not equal, there is some
"moral good" in attempting to make them so, and in pretending that they
are in fact so, and in punishing those who refuse to pretend.

Variation 3. If type one is the stupidest variation on the "equality"
faith, then this is the craziest: the belief that, although we see
evidence of individual and racial inequality all around us every day, in
some unseen, "higher," or "spiritual" sense we are all "equal." This
seems to posit some undiscoverable, unmeasurable, and possibly magical
"something" which exists in some other dimension or "plane" of
existence, and which is believed, oddly enough, to inhabit all humans,
even the most degraded or defective, yet is possessed not at all by
other animals. Though no one has ever seen this magical "something," the
believers "know in their hearts" or "just feel" that it "must be true."

The equality religion is truly insane. And its insanity infects other
religions and particularly infects those who falsely believe that they
have liberated themselves from religion.

The really interesting question is: how long of a run will this
particular faith have in the West? The real test will come probably
decades hence, when the consequences of multiracialism will cause the
Jewish billionaire media elite to lose much of its current power to
indoctrinate and persecute. Personally, I don't think the "equality"
nuttiness has enough staying power to survive even a generation of hard
reality absent the daily indoctrination of the emotion-box called

One of the most moronic assertions made by "equality" believers is that
the only difference between the races is skin color. How utterly absurd.
Imagine Whoopi Goldberg painted white. Would she look like a White
woman? Hardly. Imagine Apollo painted Black. Would he look like a Negro?
Ridiculous. Skin color has very little to do with it.

Silhouettes of the major races, in which skin color cannot be
distinguished, are easily identifiable.

Negroes and Bushmen and Australian Aborigines are different racially,
but their skin colors are essentially the same.

The lightest Japanese and some Europeans have similar skin colors, but
are quite different racially. The American Indians and modern Egyptians
have similar skin colors, but belong to totally different races. Many
Hindus and Latinos are indistinguishable as far as skin color is
concerned, but they certainly don't belong to the same race.

Forensic anthropologists are able to make racial identifications based
on only a few bone fragments.

Skin color has little to do with it.

Not too many years ago, the "equality" votaries were claiming that not
only were the races genetically different, but they were different
enough so that interracial crossings invariably produced what is called
"hybrid vigor." "Hybrid vigor" is a concept, useful to plant breeders,
who noticed that the first generation of crosses between plant
subspecies often had longer lives and greater stamina than the parent
plants. Despite the fact that this effect has never been noted in
humans, the concept was hijacked and used to tell the boobs, in effect:
"See, race-mixing is good for you! Racially-mixed offspring will be
smarter and stronger and longer-lived than racially pure children!
'Hybrid vigor' means that we should mix the races because of the genetic
difference between the races!"

But now the Jewish media claim that the "hybrids" weren't hybrids at all
since "race does not exist" and, in their own words, "the genetic
differences between individuals are greater than those between 'races.'"
They claim that race is purely a human mental construct, an idea with no
physical reality at all. If race does not exist, as they now claim,
where in Hell did the "hybrid vigor" come from? Of course, both the
vigor claim and the "there is no such thing as race" claim are blatant
lies, so why should they be consistent as long as the dupes have short

The fact that their successive positions are absolutely contradictory
does not even embarrass them. Perhaps, like religious zealots, they do
not even notice the paradox and, even if they did, would dismiss it
since reason and logic and even truth are irrelevant when one is
fighting for "moral good," as many of the "equality" believers sincerely
though stupidly believe themselves to be doing. But the Jewish authors
of the lie know it is a lie. They are not stupid enough to believe in
the equality religion that they created for us, unless, as Revilo Oliver
pointed out, they have a mentality in which "truth" is defined as
"whatever is good for the Jewish people." Their race is "chosen." Their
race is "holy." Their race needs exclusive living space. Stop being a
dupe. Stop believing Jewish lies. Our race needs exclusive living space,
too. Race is omnipresent. Equality is non-existent.

Actually, the words race and subspecies are synonymous. Without the
branching of species into races, and the eventual branching of the races
into separate species, life as we know it could never have developed on
this planet. It is ridiculous to assert that this process has not
happened to humans, or that it has somehow magically ceased to happen.

Some with an ideological axe to grind, or a stain in their own
background, will make much of the fact that the boundaries of the races
are not hard-edged. This is true, but irrelevant.

The boundaries between pre-man and man were also not hard-edged when we
were diverging from our pre-human ancestors. That racial division led to
a _very_ significant speciation indeed.

And I am sure that few would assert, because the Earth's atmosphere
possesses no hard-edged boundary with the emptiness of interplanetary
space, that the atmosphere does not exist or that it is identical to a

Race is omnipresent. Equality is non-existent. Every species, plant and
animal, that exists or has ever existed on this planet has developed
through racial variation, and therefore it is abundantly evident that
races exist. Every case of speciation necessarily begins with _very
small_ variations, some barely noticeable, which eventually become more
numerous and/or pronounced with the passage of many generations, until a
new race is produced. Over time, racial differences increase and a new
species may be born. Without such racial variation, speciation and
therefore the development of life itself could never have happened.

This certainly applies to humans who are no more exempt from these
natural laws of race-formation than we are from the natural laws which
guarantee that a fall from 10,000 feet onto hard rock will occur at a
certain velocity and will certainly be fatal. These laws of
race-formation and racial inequality would be true even if humans did
not exist and no one had ever bothered to ponder where the subspecies
boundaries lie (a necessarily arbitrary point on what is really a
continuum) or even think of the concepts or the words "race" and
"subspecies." Race is omnipresent. Equality is non-existent.

Since the existence of races, and their inequality, predate not only the
existence of the human mind but also predate the evolution of animal
life on this planet, the Jewish assertion that they are purely human
mental constructs is ridiculous. Race is omnipresent. Equality is

Without the existence of measurable differences between races in bone
structure, many murder investigations would grind to a halt. Listen to
the words of a forensic anthropologist:

"Physical Anthropology is the study of man as animal, and is mainly
concerned with human variation and human evolution. Forensic
Anthropology is that branch of Physical Anthropology which, for forensic
purposes, deals with the identification of more or less skeletonized
remains known to be, or suspected of being, human. The identification
process undertakes to provide opinions regarding race, sex, age,
stature, and such other characteristics of each individual.

"But it is quite recent that Forensic Anthropology has developed as an
area of specialization. It was not until just after World War II that
there was more than an occasional demand for the services of the expert
in the field of skeletal identification. With the massive programs for
the repatriation of U.S. dead from World War II and the
Korean War, anthropologists were employed full time in the
identification of human remains.

"In recent years, human exchanges among nations have become more and
more brisk in Japan. Under this situation, some foreigners are involved
in murder cases or accidents. Therefore, race identification is a most
important subject. In my lectures, the racial characteristics of the
caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid and the differentiation between
Japanese, Chinese and Koreans observed on the skeleton are presented."

Lest you think I am quoting the words of some horrible "White racist,"
may I point out to you that those are the words of Masastugu Hashimoto,
Ph. D, a lecturer on racial identification through skeletal and dental
remains at Tokyo Dental College.

And Dr. George Gill, a professor of anthropology at the University of
Wyoming and a forensic anthropologist at the Wyoming State Crime
Laboratory states:

"First, I have found that forensic anthropologists attain a high degree
of accuracy in determining geographic racial affinities (white, black,
American Indian, etc.) by utilizing both new and traditional methods of
bone analysis. Many well-conducted studies were reported in the late
1980s and 1990s that test methods objectively for percentage of correct
placement. Numerous individual methods involving midfacial measurements,
femur traits, and so on are over 80 percent accurate alone, and in
combination produce very high levels of accuracy."

What about the Jewish assertion that there is more variation within
races than there is between races, and therefore there's no such thing
as race? That's a very good example of a Jewish lie, since it seems
plausible on the surface, yet in reality it is a hypocritical trick.

It's also true that that there is more variation among men in almost
every physical characteristic than there is average variation between
men and women. So therefore sex is a human mental construct and there's
no such thing as sex.

It's also true that the average difference in height between corn plants
and sequoias is less than the difference between the shortest and
tallest sequoias, so therefore it's wicked to say that corn plants and
sequoias are different in height.

And it's the same logic that says that the difference in intelligence
between the smartest White person and the dumbest White person is far
more than the average difference in intelligence between Blacks and
Whites. So therefore there is no difference, the races are equal, and
race does not exist! Can you see how you have been tricked? Stop
believing the Jewish lies that are killing you. Race is omnipresent.
Equality is non-existent.

Each race has unique characteristics that ought not to be lost in a
general chaos of crossbreeding which is apparently what the Jews want
for all non-Jews.

The European race produces geniuses at higher rates than even some races
which have slightly higher average IQs. It produces highly superior
intellects at roughly ten times the rate, and morons at a tenth of the
rate, of the lowest races. It has an excellent historical record of
creativity and civilization-building. Even the other races would lose
immeasurably should it be crossbred or outbred out of existence.

There's no sin against the environment or against Life worse than that
of eradicating this unique and beautiful creation of Nature, which is
exactly what our current "equality" mania and its promoters are doing.

There's also an humanitarian argument against multiracialism. What we're
doing now with mass immigration and forced association laws is quite
similar to forcing grizzlies, polar bears, and black bears to live
together in an enclosed area. A lot of the bears are going to kill or
eat each other. Some of them are going to mate with the other types and
create hybrids which will encourage more mixing. The hybrids will
inherit conflicting instincts and inclinations, and the even the
remaining original bears will suffer stresses from the extremely
unnatural situation they are in. (At least the poor bears probably can't
be propagandized into thinking that their predicament is somehow
"morally good.")

The end result, if all the populations of these bears were so treated
(essentially how all formerly White nations are being treated these
days), would be loss of the unique characteristics of each bear type --
a tragic extinction.

It would be an obscene cruelty to do this to bears -- and it is an
intolerable crime to do it to our children.

Actually, considering that the founding race of Western Civilization has
now touched the face of the Moon -- an act possibly comparable to the
first emergence of proto-amphibians from the sea -- the question of
whether the speciation of the human races shall be terminated or allowed
to continue may well determine the future of Life in the universe.

So what are we left with, when dealing with these toxic Jewish lies,
lies specifically crafted to kill us?

The Jews' cries of oppression are usually false: they are powerful and
united and have survived as a dictinct people for millennia.

The Jews' claims of holiness are founded on fraud. Not only are they not
especially righteous, but their entire existence is predicated on
exploitation of their host peoples, whom they cozen with lies. Their
claims to unmixed descent from "holy" tribes is also highly suspect.
(See my broadcast The Oldest Story available in the Free Speech section
of the web site.)

And their lies about race are expressly designed to result in the
genocide of our race because Jews perceive that that would be of benefit
to them. Thus they are themselves guilty of the murderous intent and
acts which they falsely attribute to others.

Stop believing Jewish lies. From this moment forward, start really
living. Start thinking independently. Turn off your television. And join
with the men and women of the National Alliance in making the future
safe for White children.

This is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to remember ORION: Our Race Is
Our Nation.

Kevin Alfred Strom