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Demonstration FOR MIGRANTS' RIGHTS in Salzburg

antiwef | 09.09.2002 12:50

Saturday, 14th September 2002
3 p.m. (15.00) Bahnhof (Station) Salzburg - Austria


The system tries to divide the workers by racist laws

Migrants have been living in Europe for over 40 years and have contributed with their work and their taxes to the growing economic wealth and social welfare of the European countries. But basic democratic rights are still refused to them and they have therefore no means to resist against extreme exploitation and discrimination. Refugees who been living in Austria for many years don't get working permits. On the other hand new laws are implemented, to supply cheap labour to companies by seasonal workers deprived of any rights.

Who profits by the unequal treatment of people with and without EU-Passports?

Racist movements abuse Migrants for their election campaigns and try to blame migrants for unemployment. But the true reasons for the rising numbers of unemployed are the privatization and rationalization that serve the interests of the imperialistic multinational companies, the transfer of the production to countries with low wages and the bankruptcy of many small businesses that cannot stand the competitive pressure of the multinationals. By the unequal treatment of workers with and without EU-passports the capitalist system tries to divide and weaken the working class.

To fight against these attacks we have to unite!

The imperialistic states try to impose their economic program to all countries. In opposite of the claims, that the "New World Order" would bring democracy and prosperity to everybody it has brought war, hunger and poverty to great parts of the World's population. War, persecution and the loss of life-subsistence force more and more people to leave their countries and migrate to the centers of wealth. But while frontiers are open for the capitalists, they are closed for the people. Police and military chase refugees at the EU-borders, who are criminalized and called "illegal". The EU plans to build concentration camps for refugees and the implementation of processes that allow them to deport asylum seekers within 48 hours.





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The marshal plan made...poverty?

11.09.2002 00:10

The Marshal plan (american money that rebuilt EUROPE after WWII) made "poverty" everywhere? Oh my god, starving germans and french!...Wait a minute. The russians brutalized their satellites and we made ours wealthy and now WE are the imperialist after 200 years of europe fucking up the planet????

Hmm. Dresden number two coming up. Look out.. Fire in the hole! Just kidding. I'm an imperialist pig bent on world domination; but it' just not working. Europe demands we pay for our forces to defend europe (fat wealthy and starving western europe) and we pay for 25 percent of all un logistics for the peacekeepers. (For 4 percent of the world's poplulation this is a real sticking point on euro laziness) We gave a billion for africa because england, portugal and spain gutted the world with colonialism...

You know, for imperialists every place we visit is better off than when we arrived. I think we are doing this wrong. I think the Russians had the right idea that europeans should be shot on sight or they will just "think up some new insane political movement" every 5 minutes. I think the Russians left europe to america as a punishment.

Well hell, we all know how to correct that don't we? Pull our of nato, disrupt the european economy, make things hot in the mideast so it erupts in europe's streets and then.........just walk away and let europe burn.

Spaseeba russia. We so misjudged your brilliance. Come back to america and we will give you a marshal plan to make you as "starving" as western europe. We're sorry. Please, please....come back! We miss the cold war. For god's sake we are arguing with people who call themselves a superpower and the dutch have fake guns! We're sorry...(sniff)
The world is yours--JUST INVADE EUROPE AND GET THESE ASSHOLES AWAY FROM US! Sincerely, the american public.

Imperialist and stuck the hell in europe at american expense since 1945! Yup, we fought for these bastards and protected them from russia for 50 years--AND RUSSIA WAS RIGHT TO WANT TO BURN EUROPE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Wow. Starving europeans, what a concept.
