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These people are the REAL Nazis!

martin wingfield | 09.09.2002 00:45


ADOLF HITLER and his brownshirts would have been proud of them . . .
People like Labour MP Ian Gibson and Labour councillor Eamonn Burgess inciting of a mob to march through the streets of Norwich to demonstrate outside a shop displaying political leaflets that they didn't agree with and wanted removed.

Union bosses Colin Gledhill and Peter Jones of NATFHE for their efforts in trying to get part-time student Carol Hughes expelled from college for her political beliefs. In 2002 Colin Gledhill denouced Carol as having "a viewpoint inflammatory to our multi-cultural society". In 1933 people like Gledill would have also been denouncing students for "a viewpoint inflammatory to our Third Reich."

Mick Rix of ASLEF would certainly be at home in pre-war Germany. His bully boy tactics of denying membership of the union to people with inconvenient views would have drawn thunderous applause and a hail of stiff right arms at any Nazi rally. That would also apply to Cliff Williams, Diane Kelly and Wendy Nicholls of UNISON and their efforts to interfere in May's local council elections.

Intimidating people how to vote was all the rage back in the days of the Fatherland.

Hitler made sure that his opponents never got anywhere near the media to offer voters an alternative message. He would have been nodding approvingly as TUC bosses battled to pull the plug on that Granada TV debate involving the three BNP councillors.

Back in Norwich, shopkeeper Malcolm Turner, who has faced a picket of his shop most weekends since March, summed up the behaviour of these REAL Nazis.

"I am amazed that in the new millennium that there are still people who have no grasp of what the word democracy means and feel they can bully or frighten people into doing anything they do not agree with."

The legal department of the British National Party is busy protecting the rights of our members. The BNP will not be intimidated by these Nazis and will used every avenue available within our legal system to defend individual freedom and democracy in Britain today.

martin wingfield
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09.09.2002 07:07

>>The legal department of the British National Party is busy protecting the rights of our members. The BNP will not be intimidated by these Nazis and will used every avenue available within our legal system to defend individual freedom and democracy in Britain today.>>

Yeah, as long as they are white and British, eh? You
wouldn't know individual freedom or democracy if it hit
you in the face with a rotting kipper, you racist tit.


Matt S

Oh the irony

09.09.2002 07:17

"The BNP will not be intimidated by these nazis"

I can't think of a way to break this to you gently in an non-inflamatory way, so I won't bother: The BNP ARE Nazis!!!

Get over it and join a party that actually SUPPORTS democracy if it's that precious to you.

David C

More rants i forgot to put in the last commen

09.09.2002 07:20

Further to which, whilst the freedom to express your views is a basic democratic right, so is the freedom to express your views on other people's views.

Which allows me to say: You're a bunch of nazis.

You don't like that opinion, that's your problem.

David C


09.09.2002 08:25

Thankyou, Martin Wingnut. That was the funniest thing I've read in ages! Cheered me right up, that did. Honestly, mate, you should have your own comedy show on TV.

And here was me thinking the BNP had gone all serious and slick spin-doctoring with that educated twat at the helm.



09.09.2002 08:49

Martin wingfield, I am not convinced by any of your arguements.
On the first count you don't seem to have got all your facts right ... people hate you of their own free will and don't need any sad labour apparrachicks coordinating them.
On all the other counts you adopt the classic reactionary tactic (also much used in advertising and by multinationals etc) of appropriation; of image - not all (hardly any really) white faces are happy to smile with you; of outrage - being denied your rights are you? I think not, else for real you would be sleeping with the fish, for after all you are well outnumbered, thank the forces of democracy that protect you from this fate; of language, trying to claim that your political struggles are in any way similar to those who struggled against hitler would be funny if it were not so outragous.
One more thing FUCK OFF AND DIE NAZI ...

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